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Already he had mastered the elements of the photographic art. He came over here with nothing but a few hundred dollars. And only a few years after his arrival he started the first five cent theatre in America. It made such a hit that before long Mr. Fish' beck owned and controlled two more of these little amusement places.
Then the big interests became jealous of him. Since they controlled the patent rights on all cameras, etc., they refused to let him use any of this equipment. They wanted to force Harry to the wall. But the same personality that enabled a little boy to cross thirty-five hundred miles of ocean alone, to organize and run success' fully the first popular priced theatre in the new world — this same personality enabled Harry Fishbeck to come through victorious. For he sat right down and BUILT his own camera. A man who could hold his own against the strongest interests in America can do anything. So don't wonder at the position he holds in the photographic world to-day. What he went through to get where he is nobody will ever know. Because he will never tell.
The hard experiences, rough edges and raw life which .'ell to Mr. Fishbeck's lot before success came out to meet him have given him a remarkable personality, and it is to this characteristic that he owes his prominent place in the moving picture world. He is so soft-spoken, genial and tolerant. He is so full of charity and understanding for those who work under him. And it wasn't easy for him to achieve tolerance and sympathy. Think of this lonely little boy, only fourteen years old; handicapped by a lack of knowledge of the English language; ignorant of our ways and customs; think of this boy — barely a youth — pitting his few hundred dollars against the hundreds of thousands of his competitors.
This man's example alone is enough to shame any of us who fear to try our for' tunes here in our own country. If Harry Fishbeck could discard his German background and fit himself with an entirely new personality to meet the exigencies of life in the United States, shouldn't we too be able to drop our Main Street characteristics and endow ourselves with those necessary qualities which cannot fail to lead us to the same success Harry has achieved.
Harry's Assistant, Irving Dutcher, won his place in a strange way. Irving, as a young boy in High School had always been known for the unusual charm of his personality. People never forgot him, somehow. He stayed in the minds of his school chums long years after school days were over.
Irving adopted the profession of a photographer . But after a few years the game seemed dead to him. He wanted a change. More action. He didn't know just how to go about advancing himself. So for a solid year, instead of bemoaning his fate he studied all of the moving picture trade pa'pers to learn what he could about the camera angles of this great industry. He directed his personality intelligently so that if a chance ever came he would be ready.
One of Irving's school chums was now an important man at the Fox Studio. There came a day when there was a vacancy in their Camera Department. A big position, top, The head camera man had fallen down on his job. And there was no one in the ' entire department who could fill his place. Irving's friend remembered what a cracking good photographer Irving was and how he had been studying the picture industry for months. So he picked up his telephone
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