Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 11 <CThe new J 927 size ]ac\ie Coogan in "The Bugle Call". Every month hereafter there will be in this magazine something from the pen, the very gifted pen, of ^Wagner He is most entertaining, the best informed and the most famous writer in Hollywood. EVERY MONTH in SCREENLAND Beauty will shine from your 6yesi It is the magic of her lustrous eyes that makes her so lovely! It is the fringe of lashes — dark, luxuriant lashes— that lends to her eyes strange enchantment. Give your eyes that magnetic appeal in this simple way: Just darken the lashes with WlNX, the waterproof liquid. Instantly, your lashes appear longer and more alluring, your eyes more fascinating. WlNX is harmless and will not rub or smear. At drug or department stores. Black or brown, 75c. U.S. or Canada. Beauty hint: always, after powdering, shape your brows with Wl NXETTE (solid-form eyelash beautifier). Black or brown. Send i2c.for a generous sample of WlNX. Another 12c. brings a sample of PERT, the Rouge that stays on until you remove it. ROSS CO., 241-F West 18th St., New York / PERT! Do you know it? It is the moist %puge-> that gives such charming natural rosiness. Waterproof, and lasts all day. 1NX How To Develop The Bust There IS a Way! ■•HIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN learned the secret. Her story is interesting. It will solve your problem, no matter what your age or the cause of your flat figure. "It is almost two years since I first used The Rational. I am happy to say that the results are permanent, for my development is just the same and my figure is even better than ever. 1 do appreciate so much what the Rational has done for me. I have proven that any woman can have a beautiful bust if she will only use the K[ational. Friends envy my perfect figure." How Dorothy Stahl brought her figure back until it is even more perfectly developed than ever, is what every undeveloped girl or woman will want to know. If you wish to learn how she produced the beautiful development shown in her photograph, write us at once. All tin's charm of perfect womanhood can be yours — all the beauty and captivating grace that is your birthright — all the artful, delicate allurement that makes you first a woman — God's Masterpiece — Man's Idol. You can be made perfect in your witching beauty. This method is within the reach of every woman. It can be used in the secrecy of your own room. If not delighted with results in 30 days, your money is cheerfully refunded. There is no other method as safe, effective, harmless and sure. Send your name and address today, enclosing 4c stamps, if you wish this information sent under sealed postage. We will send surprising photographic proof showing as much as five inches enlargement by this method, all sent under plain wrapper. THE OLIVE COMPANY, Dept. 30, CLARINDA, IOWA, U.S.A.