Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCR E EN L A N D 81 Miss Anderson's statement: When I arrived at the Kaufman & Fabry Studio, my hair was straight as you may see in. the picture above. I had very little faith in any of the so-called hairwavers and expected I would have to visit my hairdresser before keeping my other posing appointments in the afternoon. To my delight, as you will see from the center photograph, it was not necessary. My hair was perfectly waved. I have proved to my own satisfaction, that Maison Mareellers will save time, money and the bother of waiting to have one's hair marcelled. They can be worn any time which means that you may be doing useful work while the hair is being waved. (Signed) MISS EVELYN ANDERSON. NOTICE TO READERS A Chicago representative of this magazine and representatives of over 100 other publishers witnessed a successful and satisfactory demonstration of these wavers. KAUFMANN & FABRY CO. Commercial Photographers Maison de Beaute, Chicago, Illinois. I, Edward J. Cook, hereby certify that these are actual photographs taken by me while Miss Evelyn Anderson's hair was marcelled with Maison Mareellers. The one at the left shows Miss Anderson's hair as she entered my studio. That at the right shows the Maison Mareellers in place. The center photograph shows Miss Anderson's hair as it appeared 30 minutes later. (Signed) EDWARD .1. COOK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of March. 102G. EMMA W. STOT.ZENBACH. Notary Public. Now You Can Marcel Your Hair Yourself at Home in 30 Minutes The Maison Mareellers give most beautiful results — equal to the expert work of finest beauty parlors — in 30 minutes at your convenience, for two or three cents instead of dollars. Be sure you read every line of this wonderful offer. Marcelling your hair with the Maison Mareellers is both simple and fascinating. First you moisten the hair witli water. Then the hair strands are brought through a specially designed loop and caught in place with a metal pin. The hair is thus held in "waves" from 15 to 30 minutes until dry, when you take the mareellers out — and there is the most beautiful marcel you ever saw! With our Marcel Fashion Chart to guide you, it is a simple matter to get any type or style of marcel you want with the Maison Mareellers1 — side part, center part, horseshoe wave. Ina Claire or shingle "bob." pompadour, etc. Detailed drawings show how to apply the Mareellers for each style. The Style Chart also contains suggestions for selecting the kind of marcel most becoming to your type of beauty. out of the beauty parlor! No going around with a week-old marcel; no straight and straggly locks to detract from the beauty that is rightfully yours. Just a few minutes with your Maison Mareellers once or twice a week — that's all you need. Soon your hair will be trained to hold the kind of marcel you like and you'll have a lovely, natural wave all the time! Now Is When You Need It Most The summer social season is on. With the many games, beach parties, sports and outings that most girls attend at this time of the year, the need for looking one's best is greater than at any other time. And "looking one's best" these days means keeping your hair marcelled in a beautiful becoming way. No other feature is half so important to looks as your hair. Nothing can do more to enhance your loveliness than a beautiful marcel; nothing can detract more from your looks than straight, straggly, unkempt hair. Every girl owes it to herself to make the most of 'woman's crowning glory." The diagrams will give you some idea how the Maison Mareellers work. Although they produce the most astonishing results, still their application is the simplest thing in the world. With each outfit is included a Style Chart showing the newest and most fashionable types of marcels. All you need do is select from the chart the style of marcel you like best, follow the simple directions for that particular kind of marcel and soon you have all the Mareellers in place. Then you can finish dressing or read while the hair dries. In 20 to 30 minutes you take out the Mareellers and — there is the most beautiful marcel you ever had in your life! Yes, it hardly seems possible to marcel your hair so naturally and beautifully with so little fuss and bother — but mirrors don't lie! Y'our trusted mirror tells you that there is the kind of marcel you've always wanted — that wonderful, wavy marcel which makes the most of your natural beauty. And your mirror will go on, day after day. week after week, telling you this same glad news ! No Hot Irons Ever Touch Your Hair _T before hundreds of thousands of these Maison Mareellers will be beautifying women all over the country. As a special introductory inducement we have been offering Maison Mareellers at a surprisingly low price. To safeguard purchasers who order immediately we guarantee to honor all orders received from this advertisement at $2.98 for the entire outfit. This includes a new and authentic marcel fashion chart and a complete set of Maison Mareellers. By taking advantage of this special offer right away you will be getting, for the cost of two or three marcels, everything you need to keep your hair beautifully marcelled the whole year round. And your hair will not only look better all the time, but be kept in a much healthier condition due to the elimination of the harmful artificial heat. SEND NO MONEY— Just Mail the Coupon Even at this special price, you don't have to pay for this marcelling outfit in advance, nor do you need risk a single penny. All you do is to sign and mail the coupon. In a few days, when the postman brings your outfit, just deposit $2.98 with him (plus a few cents postage). And when you put in your first marcel, you'll say it was the best purchase you ever made in your life, for your hair waving troubles are ended. Every time you use this outfit, you'll get better and better results and you'll never have to spend jour good time and money for marcels again. After you have tried this marvelous new marcelling outfit for five days, if you are not delighted with results — if it doesn't give you the most beautiful marcel you ever had and improve your hair in every way — simply return the outfit to us and your money will be refunded quickly and cheerfully. But don't put it off. Be among the first to take advantage of this special introductory otter. Fill in and mail the coupon today! MAISON DE BEAUTE 124 W. Illinois St. Chicago, Illinois This Way Here is news — good news — glorious news! You now may have, in the privacy of your boudoir, such a marcel as only the finest beauty parlors could give you heretofore— the newest, smartest, most fashionable marcel direct from Paris. And at practically no expense! Look at the photographs above. They are actual photographs of a marcel produced by an amazing new invention. This is only one of the many different styles of marcels you can easily have with this new waving device. For it will give you any kind of marcel you want, regardless of how you wear your hair — shingle bob, Ina Claire, horseshoe wave pompadour, center or side part. And this, too, whether your hair is easy or hard to wave, whether it is soft and fluffy or coarse and straight, whether it is long or "bobbed." Think what a saving this will mean to you in dollars and cents! Instead of $1 or $1.50 every time you want a marcel, now you can have one for two or three cents! But the saving of money isn't nearly so important as the added loveliness it means. With a set of Maison Mareellers you can always look as if you just stepped Never in the entire history of hair and beauty culture has there been anything like this amazing new invention. It does away with the old-fashioned curlers and so-called "wavers." It does away with the dangerous curling irons that sear the hair and dry the scalp. It does away with all the muss and bother of the oldfashioned water waving combs. If you have had a "permanent" wave and are now experiencing the usual trouble keeping your hair in shape; if your hair is unusually hard to wave; if you seem to have more trouble with your hair than any of the other girls you know, then you'll appreciate the Maison Mareellers all the more. For. regardless of the kind of hair you have, they will positively give you the most beautiful marcel you can imagine. We guarantee this without any reservations and let you be the sole judge. Get Your Set of Maison Mareellers for Only $2.98 As this is the most revolutionary' invention of the kind ever produced, we believe it will be but a short time Maison tie Beaute, 124 W. Illinois St., Dept. 120, Chicago, Illinois I Gentlemen : I Please send me your newly invented Marcelling OutI fit. including Marcel Style Chart and set of Maison I Mareellers. I agree to deposit $2.98 (plus postage) with the postman when he makes delivery. If the mareellers do not put a well defined wave in my hair I will return the outfit within five days and I you are to refund the purchase price without argoi' ment or delay. Same : i I Note: If you expect to be out when the postman | comes, enclose $3.10 with your order and the Marcelling Outfit will be sent postpaid. Address