Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREE NLA N D 8J oubt if Yon Must / ~ but here 's my guarantee ! rirtn Avenue ' \ New Hair For You in 30 Days or I Pay All Costs / A RE you skeptical about hair ■^"treatments? Do you laugh at claims to banish dandruff — stop falling hair — grow new, healthy hair? Are you really beginning to doubt that anything in the world can save you from baldness? All right ! Doubt if you will. I don't blame you ! But will you do this for me? Will you give me a chance to remove your doubts ? Will you let me prove my scientific treatment can grow new hair without risking a cent of your money ? I don't care how fast your hair is falling out! I don't care how many expensive treatments you have tried unsuccessfully. I don't care how, skeptical you are right now! Here's my contract in black and white. I positively GUARANTEE to banish dandruff — stop falling hair — grow new hair in 30 days ■ — or I will pay all costs myself! And what's more, you alone are the judge! My Secret! I've proved that in most EVIDENCE ! Hair Coming Back ''Having used your Thermocap Treatment for 30 days, I find a new growth of hair coming back on bald spot. It is growing in very fine. The Thermocap is a treatment that every one who is losing his hair should buy." — G. H. C. Portland, Me. Dandruff Leaves Entirely "I want to tell you how wonderful your treatment is. The first week my dandruff left entirely, and by the third week a new growth of hair could be seen all over my head." — Mrs. H. S., Port Angeles, Wash. eases of loss of hair the hair roots are not dead — but merely dormant, temporarily asleep. Ordinary methods fail because they treat only the surface skin, not the roots. You can't make hair grow by massaging the scalp with an ordinary tonic any more than you can make a tree grow by rubbing the bark with growing fluid. You must get to the very roots themselves. You must stimulate action and life by stimulating the dormant roots that contain the life. And that's what my system does. It wakes up the cells that have been sleeping and inactive. It gives them the nourishment they need and stimulates hair growth. My system gets right down into the roots, right down to the cause of the trouble and goes about correcting approaching baldness in a scientific, sure way. The fine thing about it, too, is that this treatment can be taken without the slightest discomfort or inconvenience in any home in which there is electricity. Already my method has given new hair to hundreds of others. Men and women who were fast losing their hair have been astonished at the rapidity with which this new scientific system has restored it to new life and health. And I am so downright positive that it will do the same for you that I am entirely willing to let you try my system for 30 days at my risk. Then if you are not more than delighted with the new growth of hair produced, just tell me so. Tell me my system has not done what I said it would. And the 30-day trial won't cost you a cent. Mail Coupon for Free Booklet • There are a feu eases of loss of hair that nothing in the world can help. But since I've grown hair for so many hundreds of others, isn't my method worth finding out about — isn't it worth trying for 30 days without risking a penny ? Don't be a Doubting Thomas! No matter how thin your hair is now — no matter how many other methods you have tried without results, just send for the 32-page book telling about this new, scientific way of growing hair. You'll find in it, besides a complete explanation of my method, scores of reports from others which will be an indication of what this treatment may mean to you. Just fill in and mail the coupon below — NOW 1 ADied Merke Institutes, Inc., Dept. 676, 512 Fifth Ave., New York City. ALLIED MERKE INSTITUTES, Inc. Dept. 676, 512 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. Please send me in plain wrapper without cost or obligation a copy of your book, "The New. Way to Grow Hair," describing the Merke System. Name .. Address City State..