Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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86 SCREENLAND DOES GRAY HAIR With aJ/ounqFacc c\ MAKE ONE BEAUTIFUL! SOME say Yes — others say No. Answer it for yourself. Gray hair makes anyone look ten to twenty years older. If a young face with gray hair is beautiful, just picture how beautiful this same person would be with a young face and hair of a natural color. Gray hair is faded hair that has lost the beauty of its natural color. It means that the pigments have gone from the hair. When the cheeks of our lady fair become pallid we expect her to use a touch of rouge. When her hair becomes gray, we expect her to restore the charm of her youthful appearance. AVoman was meant to be beautiful. It is .her duty to use every means to create and preserve this attractiveness. YOU CAN DO IT Are those gray streaks appearing in your hair? Whether it has just started or has completely faded you may now cease to worry. Wm. J. Brandt's EAU DE HENNA will surely restore it. And you can do it yourself in the privacy of your home. You can also make your hair ever so soft and pretty. Yes, you can bring back all its natural color and at the same time improve the very texture of the hair itself. Just a few moments at the mirror. No mess — no pack. We give you complete outfit and full instructions. The rest is simple. AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Wo absolutely guarantee satisfaction or we refund your money at once. EAU DE HENNA is not affected by bathing, curling, or anything. It will not rub off. Its use does not interfere with permanent waving. The price is so moderate that it is almost ridiculous — $2.50 cash with order or $2.77 mailed C. 0. D. It comes in Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown. Light Brown, Drab. Blond and Auburn. Be sure and mention the shade when you order. Remember we guarantee to satisfy, you take no chance, , so why hesitate to restore that youthful appearance. You owe it to yourself to order today. HAIR SPECIALTY COMPANY, Dept. 565E, 112 East 23rd St., New York DARKENS and BEAUTIFIES EYELASHES and BROWS INSTANTLY, makes them appear naturally dark, long and luxuriant. Adds wonderful charm, beauty and expression to aDy face. Perfectly harmless. Used by millions of lovely women. Solid form or water-proof liquid. BLACK or BROWN, 75c at yout dealer's or direct postpaid. MAYBELUNE CO.. CHICAGO Liquid Form before after A LOVELY COMPLEXION ALMOST OVER-NIGHT Why look old? Why let skin blemishes destroy your happiness? PARIS BELLE Bleach Cremea wonderful French discovery can make you a permanent beauty. Just apply a little on your skin at night and in the morning you will be a mazed with the delightful transformation. AI most over-night it whitens your skin and gives it a youthful appearance. Wrinkles 3nd all signs of approaching age quickly fade away . Pimples, blackheads/'muddy" complexion, freckles, blotches, and roughness disappear. Send $1.00 for a jar postpaid. Results guaranteed or your money will be cheerfully refunded. QUALITY LABORATORIES, 296 Broadway, Dept. R N.Y.C. NOW— YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME IN SOLID FORM-NO BOTTLE— NO WASTE — HANDY FOR POCKET OR PURSE Special $1 Offer Women — Men — Make yourself alluring — charming! A wee dab of Le Perfumette and your favorite perfume lingers — entrances for days. Neat ?ompakt. Cannot break or spill. Outlasts $10 worth of liquid perfume. Special Introductory Offer. Choice of Kose, Jasmine, Violet, Lilac. Send No Money. Mention idor desired. Pay postman on delivery only SI. Money back promptly if not satisfied. U Perfumette Co., Dept. I7A— 34 W. 28th St., N. Y. JUZffMI/lCffC 'COMPACT for supper, where Mrs. Mix's army of servants waited on us at little tables. I found myself seated with Hope Loring, Mrs. Mix and Faith Maclean. "But please," I admonished, "don't call me Charity. I simply won't be!" Mrs. MacLean told me how she was now a motor-boat widow, as Doug insisted on going down to Los Angeles harbour every day to run that motor-boat of his. "And he won't let anybody else touch it," she explained. "He insists on running it himself. I must say he looks very handsome in his blue cap and uniform." Hope Loring told us how she had been the promoting cause of Faith marrying Doug — how she had even been present at the proposal. "But I was certainly punished!" exclaimed Hope. "Faith stayed all night with me that night, and I didn't get a wink of sleep, because she insisted on talking about Doug all night long." After supper, we went into the down stairs living room where Tom Mix was already present in his best bib and tucker to greet the men guests, who were arriving fast. Tom's eye was badly hurt not so long ago, you know, when some shot got into it, but it doesn't really look as bad as one would expect. "That's lucky," we said. "Oh, God's arm always seems to be around my shoulder," answered Tom, not flippantly, but with genuine feeling in his voice. Johnny Hines was among the men present, and he proposed to teach everybody the Black Bottom. Estelle Taylor, who had come rather late with Jack Dempsey, was one of the pupils. Johnny also whirled Mrs. Mix in the dance, but as Vicky wore a demurely long skirt, we told her that quite clearly she should be dancing the minuet. Even Tom Mix came in later and tried to learn the dance. Upstairs a fortune teller held forth, and a long line of actresses, including Claire CT Pauline Star\e the menace of "Captain Salvation". Windsor, Kathleen Key. and others, sat patiently in front of the door awaiting their turns. "This is the second time I've been told I'm going to be married within a month!" exclaimed Vilma Banky. "And the month's almost up!" "Brothers" — Continued from page 37 After successfully passing the test the young girl was chosen to play Giannina, the violin maker's daughter, at the then high salary of five dollars a day. When success came, the name of Gladys Smith was changed to that of Mary Pickford. Mary was the daughter of a worker on a Canadian river boat who had perished in an accident. While playing tag with other children on the streets of Toronto. Canada, she was discovered by an advance agent for a theatrical company. Her vivacity and beauty appealed to her discoverer who has now passed forever out of the picture. However, it was through him that Gladys Smith at five years of age began her career on the stage, and as a consequence, has remained ever since, the economic mainstay of her family. The Smith family has long since been lifted from poverty to opulence, and the poor Toronto widow is wealthy in her own right. It has often been said that Mrs. Smith dominates her daughter. Such is not the case. I was present once when Mrs. Smith entered Mary's reception room and said, "Daughter, I'm offered a hundred thousand dollars for the house at the Beach." And Mary said quickly, "Mother dear, don't be silly — there is no need of you selling it — besides, it will be a pleasant place for you this summer." Mrs. Smith turned away dejectedly and said slowly, 'But I only paid sixty-five thousand for it." • A slight profit of thirty-five thousand dollars had apparently made no impression upon the cinema queen. Mary Pickford married Owen Moore, her leading man, while they were still with Biograph. When the finale of that romance came, Miss Pickford established her residence in Nevada to facilitate the obtaining of a divorce. One must live in Nevada for six months before a decree can be obtained, unless, of course papers can be served on the opposing party within the limits of the state. Then a divorce can be had immediately. While still in New York, Owen Moore was said to have been offered one hundred and fifty thousand dollars "just to travel through Nevada." It is said he agreed providing the check would be made payable to a certain charitable organization he would name. At any rate, he passed through Nevada later, and papers were served on him. Mary Pickford was given a quick divorce and married Fairbanks.