Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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37 111 Givelbu Magnetic Power 24 HoursOr No Cost/ I'LL give you the magnetic power to attract people to you instantly, wherever you go— I'll give you the magnetic power to be popular anywhere, in any society — I'll give you the magnetic power to influence the minds of men and women, to make them do what you want them to — I'll give you the magnetic power to become a dynamic, forceful, fascinating personality — I'll give you the magnetic power to dominate situations — I'll give you the magnetic power to win quick and conspicuous success in your business or profession — And I'll give you the secret of these magnetic powers in just twenty-four hours — or I don't want a cent of your money. That's my unconditional guarantee! I don't care how colorless your personality is — how lacking you are in the qualities of leadership — how timid and self-conscious you may be. Unless my secrets of instantaneous personal magnetism give you new magnetic powers within twenty-four hours — you don't pay a cent! Results Are Instantaneous I'll show you how to sway the minds of others — how to always appear at your best — how to dominate all situations through the sheer force of your personality. You can't expect life to bring you success when your entire attitude invites failure! You can't expect to rise to glorious heights of achievement when you are shackled by fear and worry and self-consciousness ! The moment you read my secrets of personal magnetism you can apply them. Instantly the fetters that have held you down are struck off. You are FREE. You will laugh at obstacles that once seemed unsurmountable — you will toss aside timidity and awkwardness — you will feel your powers doubled, trebled! My methods of personal magnetism should enable you to achieve your fondest ambitions. They will give you individuality, show you how to acquire a vibrant, charming voice, a fascinating manner. With the power of personal magnetism at your command, you will be enabled to go through life supremely happy — reaping the glowing rewards which a magnetic personality — and only a magnetic personality can give you. Personal magnetism is not limited to a fortunate few — it is Nature's gift to every man and woman! You need only release the full sweep of your magnetic potentialities to become the dynamic, forceful, fascinating person you were intended to be. The Facts Are Free My secrets of personal magnetism have been put into a beautiful extra large size volume under the title of "Instantaneous Personal Magnetism." The scope of "Instantaneous Personal Magnetism" is as broad as life itself. "Fires of Magnetism," "Sex Influences," "The Magnetic Voice," "Physical Magnetism," "The Magnetic Eye," "Oriental Secrets," "Rapid Magnetic Advancement," "The Magnetic Mind" and "Magnetic Healing," are only a few of the subjects covered in this amazing book_ A magnificent book — entirely different from anything of the kind ever published — that tells you just how to cultivate the magnetic influence of your nature. Originally published to sell for $5 — this remarkable volume, bound in handsome dark burgundy with the title gold embossed, is now being offered, for a short time only, at the special introductory price of only $3. Send no money with the coupon — pay no C. O. D. You get the book first. Remember, if this book does not do all I claim, for it — simply return it within 5 days, and it costs you nothing! Otherwise keep it as your own and remit only $3 in full payment. You are the sole judge. You do not pay unless you are absolutely delighted. And then only $3. You simply can't delay! Clip and mail the coupon NOW,, Ralston University Press, Dept. 184-K, Meriden, Conn. Ralston University Press, Dept. 184-K, Meriden, Conn. All right — I'll be the judge: You may send me the volume "Instantaneous Personal Magnetism" for 5 days' FREE EJAMINATION in my home. Within the 5 days, I will either remit the special low price of only $3. or return the book without cost or obligation. Name Address City State..