Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND til Give You Amazing Powers of CONCENTRATION — or No Cost My method has quickly shown thousands how to develop startling powers of concentration. If I can't do the same for you — if I can't multiply your thinking and earning capacity many times over, then I don't want a cent. DAVID V. BUSH The Man Who Astounded America Send for the Proof— 5 Days FREE! T.HROUGH my new method of developing concentration I have given health, happiness and business success to thousands of men and women the world over. Few men know what real concentration is. And yet, without concentration, no man or woman can achieve even one-tenth of the success they are entitled to. Since earliest times, concentration lias been man's most wonderful power. This power, which is closely allied to the power of reason, was primitive man's best defense against the lower animals. It was what differentiated m an fro m the lower animals. Man's ability to concentrate has contributed more to present day civilization than any other single factor. And today this power is what distinguishes great men from ordinary men — successful men from failures. What Makes Men Successful ? This Book Teaches You How to banish stray thoughts How to pick a definite goal How to develop powers of observation How to overcome changeability How to develop imagination How to discipline the mind How to visualize How to develop persistency How to gain health through concentration How to make your brain build your muscle How to be hopeful, optimistic How the mind affects the body How to focus the mind How to develop a love for your work And many other subjects Great men become great, riot because their brain power is so much stronger than the brain power of ordinary men. Science has exploded that theory. Experiments have proved that brain capacity varies but little — that most men use only a small portion of the brain power that is actually theirs. Success comes only to those men and women who have learned to concentrate every ounce of brain powrer on a single objective. Concentration in the lesser sense means focussing the mind on a single problem. All other problems are forgotten for the time being. The mind becomes completely absorbed, in a single train of thought. All else is excluded. Concentration in the larger sense means focussing one's efforts on a single ambition. All minor ambitions — all petty distractions are subordinated to this main ambition. Mind, body and soul are bent towards the winning of a single goal. With proper concentration, this goal is bound to be attained. Here is a striking example of the power of concentration. Take a magnifying glass and focus the nays of the sun on a piece of paper. If the magnifying glass is not focussed properly there is no result. After hours of waiting you will find that the paper has hardly been affected. But once you get the proper focus, the paper will catch fire instantly. _ That is exactly what concentration is. It is the focussing of the mind on a single problem. Once the proper focus is obtained, the mind attacks the problem and solves it easily. This intensified action of the brain is like a hot flame. It attacks and consumes all it comes in contact with. Such is the fire of genius — an intense and prolonged concentration that accomplishes the seemingly impossible. What Concentration Does for Men and Women Once you have mastered this power of concentration, which I now disclose to you in my book "Concentration Made Easy," you have success within your grasp. No ambition is too "exalted. No aim too high. You can quickly and easily accomplish things which heretofore seemed impossible. Whatever your work is, you will learn to love it — become absorbed in it. You will be fitted for greater work. You will astound your friends with your rapid strides towards success. You will astound your employers with your powerful concentration — your ready and easy grasp of all kinds of problems. One man writes, "I had almost discarded my efforts even though I saw others obtain wonderful results through psychology. Then I read CONDENTRATION MADE EASY and after that I had no more difficulty. I realized then that for so many years I had made no effort to concentrate — that 1 seemingly had lost the ability to do so. But it is very easy now." Examine It FREE Mail the coupon. This book will be sent at once. Read it five days. Practice concentration yourself. If you find it the most inspiring, the most valuable means to obtain health, wealth and happiness, send us only $3.50 — which you will realize pays only the cost of printing, "advertising and distributing the 260-page "book. Otherwise return the book within five days and you will not owe a penny. But begin to enjoy the benefit of concentration at once. Mail the coupon today. DAVID V. BUSH, Dept. C-606, 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. I David V. Bush. Publisher. Dept. C-606, | 225 N. Michigan Blvd.. Chicago. III. 1 I Please send me a copy of "Concentration Made ■ Easy" for approval. I asree to remit $3.50 or | remail the book in five days. .\ddress oratory. While performing all sorts of menial tasks he found time to study film and film-making for the next three years. He: was eventually given a chance to learn to be a film cutter. A cutter is unknown and underpaid. His salary is very small in comparison with other salaries paid in film land. He is neverthc less, one of the most important spokes in the cinema wheel. The cutter must have a sense of story continuity. He must be able to weld the film story into proper sequences after it leaves the director's hands. And it may be added here that many a director has been helped by an unknown film cutter. For often as many as a dozen pictures will be taken of the same situation. The cutter must choose the best from the point of view of action, drama, and facial expression of the players. It follows that the cutting room is the greatest training school imaginable for a future director. So far as I know, Lewis Milestone is the only director who took advantage of it. Milestone left the cutting room to become a scenario writer for Universal. He was later engaged by Wrarner Brothers to write one script. If it proved successful he was to be given a chance to direct. While writing the story he was told to "go out on the lot" and do some retakes on ' How Baxter Butted In". The director of the picture was ill. All the actors had been called for the scenes. Not knowing the story, he realized that he was placed in a dangerous position sq far as his future "was concerned. If his retakes were not up to the standard set by the director, his chances of becoming a director would be given a severe set-back. Undaunted, he talked the story over with the asistant director and went on the set. Matt Moore was featured in the picture. He was displeased when he learned that an unknown scenario writer was doing the retakes instead of the original director. Milestone saw Moores" expression. He told Matt that he could not help the situation and that it was also distasteful to him. M:itt was quick to see that Milestone was in the more difficult position. Impressed by the manner in which the young Russian Jew went about his work, Moore being under contract with Warner Brothers at the time, requested them to allow Milestone to direct his next picture. The Warners agreed. Milestone was given orders to look for a story in which to star Matt Moore. After a long search he discovered "The Cave Man" a story bought with the rest of the Vitagraph property. r City State ltemittances from Foreign Countries and U. S. possessions must accompany all orders. (•{Maria Corda nvw playing in "Private Life of Helen of Troy".