Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 91 IsYout Natural Gift for Public Speaking Hidden By Stage Fright? WOULD you like to be able to sweep a giant audience off its feet — to win the applause of thousands? And yet are you held back from attempting to speak in public because you dread stage fright — because you are nervous, timid, and bashful? Nearly everyone has the undeveloped knack of convincing speech. It is that power which you have often felt rise up within you and demand expression, but which is never heard because you lack confidence in your ability — because you are actually afraid of your own voice. Have you ever listened to an argument and become so keenly interested that you wanted to voice your own opinion? Yet for some reason have you remained silent? Does a clear, forceful, definite idea which you could easily write down on paper escape you the instant you start to express it before others? Do you hesitate to advance your own ideas because you are uncertain of what words to use? If you answer "yes" to these questions your answer indicates embarrassment, lack of logical thought, and a lack of confidence in your vocabulary. These are all but natural weaknesses which can be quickly and surely overcome. The fact that you have something to say but find difficulty in expressing your thoughts indicates that you have a natural speaking personality which you are hiding under these minor Weaknesses. By overcoming these your natural speaking personality will be What This Course Teaches You How to talk before your club or lodge How to address board meetings How to propose and respond to toasts How to make a political speech How to tell entertaining stories How to make after-dinner speeches How to converse interestingly How to write better letters How to sell more goods How to train your memory How to enlarge your vocabulary How to overcome stage flight How to develop self-confidence How to acquire a winning personality How to strengthen your will-power and ambition How to become a clear, accurate thinker How to develop your power of concentration How to be the master of any situation Send for This Amazing Booklet This new method of training is fully described in a very interesting and informative booklet which is now being sent to everyone mailing the coupon below. This booklet is called, "How To Work Wonders With Words." In it you are told how this new easy method will enable you to conquer stage fright, self -consciousness, timidity, bashfulness and fear — those things that keep you silent while men of lesser ability get what they want by the sheer power of convincing speech. Not only men who have made millions but thousands of others have sent for this booklet and are unstinting in their praise of it. You are told how you can bring out and develop your priceless "hidden knack" — the natural gift within you. You can obtain your copy absolutely free by sending the coupon. brought out and you will be able to use it, as thousands of others have, to attain advancement in salary and position, popularity, standing, power, and leadership. There is no magic, no trick, no mystery about becoming a powerful and convincing speaker — a brilliant, easy fluent conversationalist. You, too, can conquer timidity, stage fright, self-consciousness and bashfulness, winning advancement in salary, popularity, social standing and success. Now, through an amazing new training you can quickly shape yourself into an outstanding, influential speaker able to dominate one man or five thousand. This new method of training was developed by one of America's eminent specialists in Effective Speech. Through this wonderful training he has raised thousands from mediocre, narrow ruts to positions of greater prestige and wider influence, simply by showing them how to bring out and develop their own individual, undeveloped abilities. In 15 Minutes a Dav North American Institute in 10 iviinuies a u<iy 36fl| Michigan Ave Dept 632.A Cnicago, ,„ The advantage of this new method is that it is so delightfully simple and easy I ,, , , . i » ;i j • n North American Institute, that you cannot fail to progress rapidly, r 3601 Michigan Ave., Dept. C32-A Right from the start you will find that it , c'Wcas°. »• • x, „ • ■ -, I Please send me FREE and without obligation my IS becoming easier and easier to express , copy of your inspiring booklet, "How to Work vonrself to others Thousands have nrovprl I Wonders with Words." and lull information reyouiseii to ounis. inousanas na\e pio^ea i garding V0U1. ia Effective speaking. that by spending only lo minutes a day m the privacy of their own homes they can . Name acquire the ability to speak so easily and ! Address quickly that they are amazed at the great I • gtate improvement in themselves. (_ "" """ NOW FREE / flbh 7o , Hbru/ers fVort/s