Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 95 Marceline Day, her mother and sister Alice on location. She was winsome and merry as she answered, and perhaps very tender with sympathy, too. He could hardly believe his ears, but what she said, was: "You already have it. Don't worry, Mr. Bellman said you had just shown the first spark of spunk in a year. And now you may take me somewhere for dinner." That night as he drove home after bidding Janet goodnight. Lane's heart sang with a new feeling of courage and delight. "I love her," he repeated with a fierce joy to himself. "Damn my soul, how I do love her!" Everyone who has seen "Comets" knows the rest of the story. The breath-taking crashes in mid-air were not faked. The plane that fell in flames was manoeuvered by a young airman whose dauntless feats took him time and again into the very shadows of Death's wings. When he at last was safe back to earth he found himself crushed in the arms of the sobbing heroine. The love scene that ensued was as touching and perfect as the screen ever has revealed. Did you know that in the final scene — the wedding — an ordained minister officiated, that the license was a real one, and that Director Bellman, although he was off to one side behind the cameras, was the best man? That happens to be the case. For, from the moment Robert Kane had first set eyes on Janet King, the studio jinx had fled howling with disappointed rage. And Robert and Janet are firmly convinced that the public knows what is good when it demands love for a climax. She Was Good Once (Continued from page 32) never heard the story of 'Hearts That interesting objects Strike'? Where have you been? I thought everyone knew the story of how Jeannette came to get by with that." In the strife and hurry of a motion pic Jeannette was very angry. And now comes the unexpected, the uncalculated happening which often breaks and sometimes make actresses. As she ture studio there is often time for a lengthy sailed off the set, head high in the air, one narration if it describes the life that goes of the flying panels of her dress caught on beneath the electric suns. Here is the securely on a hook protruding from a scafstory. An elaborate set with lights, lights every folding which held a baby spot. And in far less time than it takes to tell it or where and streams running down small tar before anyone could draw a breath, the baby paper troughs, paper mache rocks, and can spot, the scaffolding and Jeannette crashed vass hills surrounded William Picknay, the in a heap upon the defenseless head of one Ed Martin, assistant director, who was unfortunate enough to be standing in the director. The director was obviously unhappy and his mood of frustration was evidenced by danger zone. A shriek of dismay was heard his groping hands and the unpleased expression on his face. Once he spoke to his star apparently repeating an oft-repeated sentence. from Jeannette as she stared at the blood dripping from Martin's wounded forehead. Kind hearted little Jeannette forgot all about her wrath and the hatefulness of "Now, Jeannette not like that. You are directors. She could only think that here was a boy, quite a nice boy too, who was lying unconscious because of her. She slipped to her knees and without a single Jeannette seemed disposed to argue the artificial gesture, she clasped, comforted, point but before she could more than open caressed and consoled the injured young supposed to care about this man. This is not a dance. Don't think about your gestures. Grab hold of him." her mouth, Picknay roared. man. So unconscious was she of the others "Supposing you do turn your face away around her and so striken with guilt that from the camera for a second. I suppose she hardly noticed the sudden illumination the motion picture industry would be able of the set and when she at last arose dis to survive." Of course he was exasperated traught to demand, "Can't someone do and tired but he had not given considera something for this boy?" she was astonished tion to the enormous egotism of a pretty to find the cameras clicking and directed girl. Jeannette Dian glared at him and upon her. rose from her seat beside the hero "Nobody can speak to me like that, director or no director. You can make your own closeups. I " She turned and started for her dressing room, even to pass the director and camera man Thus ended the scene. "Cut" yelled the director. The ingenious Mr. Picknay dressed his hero to resemble the assistant director and because the hero was an actor he was „ able to assume the character that the assistant Ketusing ,. , , ° director seemed to have. '''Hearts that Stri\e" was at last corn she made her way directly across the lines pieted. Jeannette Dian never returned to of cables, the paper mache rocks, the cut the set, but her fame as an actress grew to out boxes, the powerful lamps and other a stalwart flame. m -5 Aching Swollen Burning Feet It is almost unbelievable how quickly all throbbing, burning, tenderness and swelling leaves the feet when Dr. Scholl's Foot Balm is applied. The pores welcome its cooling, soothing, reviving influence. The tissues quickly absorb its grateful healing properties. You will never forget the delightful ease and comfort it gives you. At drug and shoe stores — 3 5 cents per jar. mScholl's Foot Balm wirl|zlilrllirliai.eiB3l»)SWir:IBz:lijz«ii-|iii Short -Story Writing A practical forty-lesson course in the writing and marketingof the ShortStory, taught by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, famous critic and teacher; EditorofThe Writer's Monthly. 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