Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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96 SCREENLAND VALENTINO AS I KNEW HI M by S. George Ullman with an introduction by O. O. Mc 1 nty re Macy-Masius: Publlihert New York $2.00 per copy, postage prepaid. Write Book Dept., Desk 5. SCREENLAND MAGAZINE 49 West 45th Street New York City How to Get Rid of Siomach Trouble, Constipation, Headache, Indigestion and scores of kindred ailments. Don't let ill health keep you from enjoying life! Already thousands of men and women all over tlie country have regained new health, strength, energy, vitality and high efficiency through the help of Dr. Bush, the worldfamous authority on right living. His remarkable, scientific method goes direct to the root of the trouble and removes its cause. Wrong eating — wrong selection of food — wrong combinations which throw the meal out of balance — are responsible for nine-tenths of all sickness. Such ailments as stomach acidity, torpid liver, constipation, headache, indigestion, stomach ulcer, rheumatism, are all due to wrong eating. And these ailments are merely the forerunners of more dangerous diseases and the final breakdown of the whole system. Only 25c "What To Eat." a vitally important book on this absorbing subject, has just been published by Dr. Bush, who has spent years in the study of foods. This remarkable book fully explains the principles of correct eating. It tells how to combine and balance foods so that they contain the exact proportion of the elements which your body needs to keep it healthy and strong. Besides, a family of five can save $250 a year in the purchase of food stuffs. "What To Eat" will add golden years to your life. It. will make you vigorous, vital, overflowing with health — yet its cost is only 25c! Send for it TODAY! It will prove a revelation to you. Enclose 25 cents (stamps or coin). Address David V. Bush, Publisher, Dept. W-606, 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. LATE ST STYLE WRI ST WATCH direct fronz^^^LUit^erlaild DAVID V. BUSH G( Ben Lyon and Tola D'Avril rivaling each other at hand ball. Mack Sennett Girls — Continued from page 41 FULL JEWELED , PLATJ NO' D 4 movement ^^^SUHS***^ crWhite Gold Finish This folly guaranteed dainty Ladies' Watch cannot be manufactured iu America for less than $12.00. Beautifully engraved case and dial. Send No Money. Pav en delivery S3. 99 plus postage. "Federal." u. s. Swiss Agents, SSI Broadway, New York City, Dept. L-34 Alma's name in the comedy is "Cherry". * * * THELMA PARR Thelma Parr was born in Grants Pass, Ore., October 19th, 1906. Her early childhood was spent in Portland. Her family moved to California in 1920. and Thelma was sent to school at Notre Dame in San Francisco and also to the Academy of the Immaculate Heart in Los Angeles. She received a classical education and is a talented pianist, as well as an artist of ability. Several of Miss Parr's sketches have been exhibited. Thelma Parr is a direct descendent on her mother's side of Thomas Paine, eminent political writer and freethinker of the American Revolutionary period. It was while Thelma Parr was doing extra work around Hollywood that she obtained a few days' work at the Mack Sennett Studio. Sennett. ever on the lookout for new beauty noticed Thelma in the studio "rushes" that night, and sent for her. The result of the interview was a contract to play leads in Mack Sennett comedies. ^ >l: £ marion Mcdonald Every little extra girl in Hollywood harbors the secret thought that she is a second Gloria Swanson. But here is one who even looks like the famous star. And a further coincidence is that she has just signed a Alack Sennett contract. The resemblance of Marion McDonald to Gloria Swanson has been remarked by everyone who has met this new Irish beauty just come to Hollywood. Her photographs keep the studio casting director wondering whether he is handling pictures of the new girl, or old ones of Gloria still in the Sennett files. Marion McDonald came to Hollywood from Boston, a graduate of the Mary Cliff Academy there. She played a bit in a Mack Sennett comedy that attracted the producer's attention, and a contract was awarded the new beauty. MADELINE HURLOCK "The Romance of a Sennett Bathing Beauty" is the title of a seven reel feature comedy drama that Mack Sennett will produce this year. It is to be the story of a little girl who begins her picture career at $7.50 a day in a bathing suit, and rise to fame and $15,000 a week. She will be a composite personality of all the girls who have passed on to fame and fortune via the Sennett bathing suit. No one is better qualified to tell the story of this girl than the man who has observed her at first hand. Mack Sennett's movie Cinderella promises to be a human, interesting and believable character. All the little human weaknesses of femininity will be depicted in the girl's rise; how she discards her Kansas lingo to adopt an English accent; how the Ford is turned in on a Buick, the Buick on a Lincoln and the Lincoln on a foreign car; how her domicile gradually changes from a single apartment to a fashionable flat, to a house in Hollywood, to an estate in Beverly Hills. And so on. Madeline Hurlock has been chosen by Sennett to play the girl in "The Romance of a Bathing Girl". When Miss Hurlock signed a new contract with the comedy producer a few months ago. he promised to feature her in this full-length comedy drama — the first to be made by Mack Sennett in five years. MARY MABERY Mack Sennett had an idea not long ago that youth and beauty might be found elsewhere than in the musical choruses and beauty contests. He sent one of his scouts to the Universities around California to see what he could see. He saw Mary Mabery at the University of California, Southern Branch, which is not very far from the Sennett comedy studio. Mary was studying to become an instructor of athletics in high schools and universities. She held nearly every athletic record at the college. Contrary to popular belief, her athletic prowess had in no way impaired the beauty of her figure. She qualified in every respect to wear a Mack Sennett bathing suit. It was not hard to persuade Mary herself to sign a contract to act in the movies. But her mother was not so easily brought around. Mrs. Mabery had spent most of her life on the English concert stage as ballardist, under the name of Clara Frances. She was finally prevailed upon, however, to let her daughter try pictures during the summer vacation. By the time the Fall school term opened, even Mamma, was sold on the idea of a movie career for Mary, and the U. of C. lost one of its prettiest and most intelligent students. There is at least one Sennett bathing beauty now who can really swim.