Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREEN LAND 9 Harold Lloyd at Home (Continued from page 31) terrier — Harold"s Christmas present from the office gang — when Gloria, all excited, took me by the hand. She pulled me hur' riedly along, and with a "Look, oh Look!" brought me up in front of what I since have learned has been rightly dubbed "The Thundering Herd." Yessir, there they were — a beautiful Great Dane, with ten of the cutest, hungriest little pups imaginable. I have to admit that I was just as fascinated as was the entire house of Lloyd. And Harold Lloyd knew every single, solitary spot of every one of them by heart! We were watching Prince. You know, he's the pet of the household, and gets away with almost anything. Whatever he does is perfectly okeh with Harold, and Prince believes that he should be the only member of the kennels to be petted and pampered. So when Harold took a little Thundering Herd up into his arms. Prince was jealous as could be. He sidled up to Harold and tried to have him put the puppy down. He caught him by the sleeve and shook his arm and whined. That little pup was getting attention which belonged to nobody else but him. If dogs do cry, then Prince was surely sobbing out his heart before the baby pup was out of Harold's arms and safely in his mama's nest. So we left the kennels and walked on over the brow of the hill, from where we could see the blue Pacific. Imagine us again, trudging along, with Prince carrying a tired, sleepyeyed baby Gloria on his steady shoulders. We reached the house — a mansion built on laughs. In a very cozy room, we had some tea and cakes, and joked and fooled before I left. I'm home now. The Harold Lloyds have no idea how beautiful their great estate has come to be as far as I'm concerned. I see it filled with peanuts, crackerjack and icecream cones. It's green and bright and clean and very, very beautiful, for standing in the door, you know, I see a boy and girl who never will forget to keep on playing. Q Who wouldn't want to lead a dog's life if this is a sample. May McAvoy and "Aspirin". How Can You Fail to take advantage of this Special Introductory Offer — and tell your friends about it: SCREENLAND MAGAZINE subscription for One Year (Regular $3.00) and a silver-plated Valet Auto-strop Safety Razor in case as pictured. Sold in stores for $5.00. ' We offer you both $8.00 worth for only |)6. 50 a saving of $1.50 What a gift for a friend! What a bargain for your self I SCREENLAND is the most art-full, sprightly and informative screen publication. Filled with lifelike up'to-date, authentic photos of ail your favorites — ■ Men, Women & Children of the SCREEN. Color text, two roto sections and many features provide delight in any family. USE THIS COUPON NOW! Publisher, SCREEXLAXD MAGAZINE, 49 West 45th Street, Xew York City. Enclosed herewith $6.50 for which you are to send me SCREEXLAND for one year and a silver plated Valet AutoStrop Razor in Case as pictured, and do so without further payment on my part. Xa m e Address