Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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100 SCREENLAND DAVID V. BUSH How to Work Wonders With Your Subconscious Mind Give me just 24 hours and I'll show you how to unlock the Hood-gates of that vast reservoir of mental power — your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. You will be amazed at the immediate effect on your business, social and everyday life. By DAVID V. BUSH The Man Who Astounded America AVAST reservoir of mental energy! A huge storehouse of brain power! That's the Subconscious Mind. You've got it Your friends have it. Everyone has it But not one in a thousand knows how to use it. I can show you exactly how to awaken your Subconscious Mind — how to harness it — how to make it work for you — how to make it solve problems — how to make it remember things — how to use its ' vast creative powers to boost your success and double your money-making ability. Here is a simple illustration of how the Subconscious Mind works: Suppose you go to bed at night desiring to awaken at 7 o'clock in the morning. As you go to sleep you keep saying to yourself, "I am going to wake up at 7 o'clock." You resolve to awake at that time. That is auto-suggestion — one of the recognized ways of using the Subconscious Mind. What happens? The answer is almost invariably the same. You awaken at exactly the time you resolve to awaken. This has been proved thousands of times by thousands of people. Your Subconscious Mind counts the hours — counts the minutes — watches over the time like a silent guardian. The Subconscious Mind is always there — waiting to serve you. It is your faithful slave. It can do great things as well as iittle things. You need only know how to command it. This Book Tells You How to keep cheerful How to overcome timidity How to end worry How to stop pain How to develop a perfect memory How to overcome mental laziness How to gain confidence that insures success How to overcome fear in tense moments How to end sickness by mental healing How to use auto-suggestion to get what you want How to make your mind work for you while you sleep How to develop a wonderful imagination How to banish stage fright How to solve knotty problems with the Subconscious Mind And many other vital topics Why I Can Help You Succeed In my extended lecture tours over the United States and Canada, I have met thousands of people — helped them in countless ways. I have lectured to millions . I have filled to overflowing the greatest auditoriums in the greatest cities. I have come in direct contact with all classes of men and women — rich and poor — young and old — proud and humble — thinkers, toilers, and workers of all kinds. Again and again I have seen men and women succeed because they learned to ase the vast powers of the Subconscious Mind. Again and again I have seen men and women do just the opposite — seen Jiem fail — seen them remain in unpleasant, poorly paid jobs, simply because they never learned to use the Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind can work wonders. It can keep you cheerful when others are downhearted. It can boost you to success when others are heading for failure. When others are worrying, you can be free from worry. When others fear, you •:an have complete self-confidence. When others hesitate, you can forge ahead. When others are doing low-paid, disagreeable work, you can get high pay for doing work you love. It all depends on you — whether you are willing to unlock the flood gates of your Subconscious Mind. What the Subconscious Mind Can Do For You In this soul-searching book, "How To Put the Subconscious Mind to Work," I show you exactly how to release this great force — how to control it — how to multiply its effect — how to make it work for you. I show you how to end worry — how to gain selfconfidence — how to develop a perfect memory — how to make your mind accomplish things while you sleep — how to solve difficult problems. Once you have mastered this power of releasing the Subconscious Mind, you have success within your grasp. You can command a better job. You can demand bigger pay. You can work shorter hours and accomplish more. No ambition is too high — no goal too distant. You can quickly and easily accomplish thing's which in the past have seemed impossible. You can astound your friends with your rapid strides towards wealth and high position. It's up to you. It all depends on whether you are willing to let me unlock the flood-gates of your Subconscious Mind. Examine It Free Mail the coupon. This book will be sent at once. Read it five days. Practice its remarkable teachings. If you find it inspiring — if you find it the most valuable means to obtain health, wealth and happiness, send us only $3.50, which you will realize pays only the cost of printing, advertising and distributing this 450 page book. Otherwise return the book and vou will not owe a pennv. Mail the coupon today. David V. Bush, Dept. Q-606, 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. ' David V. Bush, Dept. Q-606, 1 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. j | Please send me a copy of "How to Put i . the Subconscious Mind to Work," for apI proval. I agree to remit $3.50 or remail j I the book in five days. I Name Address ' City _ State ' I Remittance from foreign countries and U. S. | possessions must accompany all orders. C[ Lois Wilson and Edna Gertrude Hogan. Lois's next will be "The Gingham Girl". The Movies a Boon to Lovers (Continued from page 23) well, then, two chairs; and wait while the lights go down and the orchestra comes up — we're at the New Roxy now. Sweet music is heard — and none of your nightingales, either. Then gorgeous curtains part, exposing the screen. As you sit there, the darkness enfolds you, and you watch — there on the silversheet — a marvellous romance, it may be of the South Seas, it may be of Manhattan— but romantic, alluring. And then you — what do you do? No, you don't. You don't, either. You ought to be ashamed of yourself learning so fast. Drop her hand, now, I tell you. Pick up her hat and your program. You should try to look at the screen once in a while, anyway; that's what you're here for. To pick up a few pointers in tender technique. Look up there, at those wonderful lovers! That slender, sloeeyed girl, that handsome, dashing man. Yes, they're in a garden, all right, with a moon — but that's not all. Oh, no! A moon and a garden might have turned the trick in the old days, but now they need encouragement. They're going to get it, too. That girl is lighting the man's cigarette for him — thoughtful of her. Umm; she's gazing into his eyes — deep — deeper. Whoops — she's blown out the match! There's something for you to think about, you and your girl friend! What would you do if you were in -a garden with a lovely girl and she blew out the match? Light another? I should hope not. You'd accept the lady's engraved invitation to a long, lingering kiss. Greta Garbo's little gesture to John Gilbert in "Flesh and the Devil" set a new standard in love scenes. Girls everywhere began to debate if the game were worth the match. Some of them will have to give up smoking, that's all. Others are refusing flatly to give any dates to men who sport cigarette lighters. There's such a thing as being too modern. Once when a girl asked a man, "When do you love me the most?" he would answer, "When you smile, dear," or "When the sunlight plays upon your lovely hair." But now he says: "I love you most at the movies". And he's no gay deceiver. Look at the inspiration he has. And look at the beautiful examples she has. The screen helps the lovers who help themselves. Maybe you think the movies aren't a