Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND be tru e! Notice to Readers A Chicago representative of this paper and representatives of over one hundred other nationally known magazines and newspapers witnessed a demonstration of these wavers and found them to be successful and very satisfactory. 85 KAUFMAN 8C FABRY CO. Commercial Photographers CHICAGO Maison de Beaute, Chicago, Illinois. I, Edward J. Cook, hereby certify that these are actual photographs taken by me while Miss Evelyn Anderson's hair was marcelled with Maison MarceDers. The one at the left shows Miss Anderson's hair as she entered my studio. That at the right shows the Maison Marcellers in place. The center photograph shows Miss Anderson's hair as it appeared 30 minutes later. Signed: EDWARD J. COOK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of March, 1926. EMMA W. STOLZENBACH, Notary Public. Miss Anderson's statement: When I arrived at the Kaufman & Fabry Studio, my hair was straight as you may see in the picture at the left. I had very little faith in any of the so-called hair-wavers and expected I would have to visit my hairdresser before keeping my other posing appointments in the afternoon. To my delight, as you will see from the center photograph, it was not necessary7. My hair was perfectly waved. (Signed) MISS EVELYN ANDERSON. cellers are meant. Don't you know that the reason your hair has failed to take a marcel is that the professional operators have never waved it twice the same ? "With these Marcellers you can do what no one else would bother to do, set the wavers the same every time and in a brief while train your hair to wave exactly as you want it to, in the precise line most becoming to the shape of your face. Perhaps the first time you try it you won't get the line exactly as you want it. But, no matter how stubborn your hair, no matter how stiff and inadaptable, you can give it, not just a passable wave, but as lovely a wave as you have ever known. Think how quickly your hair, freed from the tyranny of hot irons, will regain its lovely lustrous beauty No matter how ruined your hair has been Read What They Say! Mrs. M. S , Camden, N. J. I am very well satisfied with your marcellers and is the truest advertisement I have ever sent for. Miss C. B. P , Flint, Mich. I cannot too highly recommend the Maison Marcellers to anyone desiring a perfect marcel effect. "I Think They're Just Wonderful" Miss E. D , Washington, D. C. I think they are wonderful. My hair was thin and straight and cost me so much money going to hairdressers to keep it waved, but since I have these wonderful wavers my hair looks much better. Mrs. E. W. C , White Salmon, Wash. I was certainly pleased. I marcelled my own and my sister-in-law's hair and would like to say I wouldn't resell it to you for $10. Mrs. M. N. B , Waukegan, III. The Marcellers arrived two days ago. And as inexperienced as I was I had a wave that same day. Yesterday my husband came home and as soon as he saw my hair he said, "Oh, you got a marcel today!" Miss M. Z , Duct Mesne. Pa. I give a good word about your wonderful Marcellers to all who ask me, "Oh, what pretty marcels. How do you curl your hair?" Of course I'm glad when asked. The marcels are beautiful. "I Wouldn't Take $20 For Them" Mrs. M. V. S , Elizabeth, N. J. Am delighted with the wavers. Would not sell my set for $20 if I thought I could not replace them. by previous waving methods, your Maison Marcellers will give it a chance to regain its own soft, silky lustre. Once you are freed from the tyranny of hot irons that burn, break and discolor the hair and dry the scalp, the hot blast of water-wave "setting" that makes the hair so dry and brittle, "Or other waving methods that take out all the life and lustre and make the hair harsh and kinky, your hair will begin to return to health and vigor. Within a few months you will hardly recognize it, so complete will be the transformation, so wonderful the new, lustrous beauty. Thousands of women know the joys of this safe, sane way of waving Women, the country over, the moment the Maison Marcellers were introduced, recognized the great boon which they conferred, and hastened to send for them. They knew what a wonderful relief it would be to be able to end the annoyance of beauty shop appointments, to end the expense of beauty shop marcels, to end the destructive action of dangerous waving methods. Now they wave their own hair — at home — whenever they wish— as often as they wish — without the slightest bit of harm to their hair! They go about all the time with perfectly groomed, beautifully marcelled hair. And they keep their hair in this exquisite condition by just a few minutes of care once a week or so. Send no money — Just mail the coupon Even at this special price, you need not risk a penny. Just sign and mail the coupon. In a few days, when the postman brings your outfit, just deposit $2.98 with, him (plus a few cents' postage). And when you put in your first marcel, you'll say it was the best purchase you ever made in your life, for your hair waving troubles are ended. Every time you use this outfit, you'll get better and better results and you'll never have to spend your good time and money for marcels again. After you have tried this marvelous new marcelling method for 5 days, if you are not delighted with results — and if it doesn't give you the most beautiful marcel you ever had and improve your hair in every way — simply return the outfit to us and your money will be refunded quickly and cheerfully. But don't put it off. Remember the offer may soon be withdrawn. Fill in and mail the coupon today! MAISON DE BEAUTE 124 West Illinois St., Chicago, 111. IMPORTANT: Should the price be raised within the next few days, we guarantee to honor all orders received from this advertisement at the price quoted in the coupon. Maison de Beaute, 124 West Illinois St., Dept. 129, Chicago, Illinois. Gentlemen: Please send me your newly invented marcelling outfit, including set of Maison Marcellers. generous bottle of curling liauid. Marcel Style Chart, and complete directions for waving, which I will follow. I agree to deposit $2.08 (plus postage) with the postman when he makes delivery. If the Marcellers do not put a perfectly defined wave in my hair I will return the outfit within 5 days and you are to refund the purchase price without argument or delay. Name Address City..._ State.. NOTE: If you expect to be out when the postman comes, enclose $3.10 with your order and the Marcelling Outfit will be sent postpaid.