Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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86 SCREENLAND SHOCKTPROOF STRAP WATCH DUSTPROOF MOISTURE PROOF CASE. 6 JEWEL SH0CKPR0OF MOVEMENT RADi DIAL LOOK, FREE! EASY CRIP SECOND HAND FOR TIMING PURPOSES. Absolutely free a genuine Stamford Strap Watch sent free of charge with every Morrison Fountain Ten. The pen with the 10 year guarantee — famous oversize black tipped red beauty. The finest Morrison Pen made — over two million now in use. Try before you buy. Send no money. We send you this regular $10 watch free of charge. Just to introduce the Den. Just think of it a full G jeweled watch with 20 year engraved thin model case. This watch will amaze you; looks exactly like $100 model. State if lady's or man's pen is wanted and if sou prefer we can send a ladies wrist watch instead. On delivery of package pay postman only $2.93 for pen — no more — then after 10 days' trial send us balance of $2.95 in full payment. Not a penny more — 100 per cent satisfaction or money back. Don't hesitate, ask for your free watch. It's free. We ask nothing — you pay nothing — now or later. Send this ad with your name. GLOBE SCIENTIFIC CO. P. O. Box 296 Pittsburgh, Pa. SENSATIONAL OFFER! [ Usual $5.00 Value PORTRAIT! ENLARGEMENTS Size 16x20 In. Made from any size or style photograph, tnap shot, group picture, etc., you send us. Only 98c ea. C JC l\i TT fk J|f Lock among your collection of »»■-»■» "II pictures or through the family fit PPD/ll/yi t album. Select a treasured picn' * flVVMIBi tureof baby, mother, dad, grandma, a dear friend, etc. Mail it to us, and iu a few days v,e will send you an artistic, lifelike, enlarged reproduction at the amazingly low price of only 98c each. SEND NO MONEY! When portrait arrives pay only 98c to the mailman, plus a few cents postage. If after examination of enlargement you are not thoroughly satisfied with this wonderful bargain, return it and your money will be refunded. We'll pay postage if you prefer to eend $1.00 with your order. Same pnee for full length, bust, group, pet animals, holiday snap shots, or for one or more persons alone out of group pictures. Send as many pictures as you like. We guarantee safe return of your original photos. Mail Photos NowJ UNITED PORTRAIT CO. 1652 Ogden Ave., Dept. 206,Chlcago, III. FREE! — to introduce these gorgeous Enlargements we will include au_ exquisitely hand painted. colored miniature reproduction of photo you send. This miniature alone is easily worth the price of enlargement ACT QUICK! 30 Days FREE Trial .1927 bicycles direct from factory on I approval. SaveSlOto S15. Many models. Tires, sundries at Factory Prices. Write today for catalog and marvelous offers. MEAD Cycle Co., Dept. C-243 CHICAGO when they made her do all sorts of callow, unnecessary bits of monkey business — such as pulling handsful of hair out of Alice White's head. Alice, by the way, gave a slashing good portrayal of a sensuous little, light-headed vamp. And Larry Kent — whoopee! He was my favorite of all. He played Milton's no account young brother and with what fire and nerve and dash! But I didn't get one bit alarmed when he was knocked senseless out in his little boat — alone in a frightful storm. Somehow, you know it isn't really frightful at all. But just some none-too-clever mechanical tricks. Summing it all up, there was a marvelous locale, all the acting talent in the world, a fairly agreeable story, and direction which at times was resourceful and even piquant. "What are you kicking about then?" you ask. I don't know. It had all the proper ingredients. But it just didn't jell. But we've all had that happen to our efforts at some time or another. So go to see the picture anyway. Just for the wild, ruthless spirit and full, fervent color which spurts out every now and then when some body isn't looking. EASY PICKINGS Take one disappearing corpse, two black robed figures and mix well with a couple of badly-frightened negro servants, a bluntheaded detective, a crooked lawyer and a beautiful lady — and you have EASY PICKINGS. Anna Q. Nilsson is the heroine and looks her slimmest in a pair of pants. Philo McCullough works his arch-villainy up to a momentous crescendo — but, darn the luck, he loses the girl and the fortune to honest, upstanding Kenneth Harlan. That's the kind of picture it is and you can take it or leave it. I took it — TWICE! I saw it first one afternoon in the projec tion room and all the way home I thought: "What a terrible picture ". But after I had my dinner I kept remembering its good points. I then reached the conclusion that it wasn't the picture but the fresh shrimp cocktail that I had had for my lunch that threw me off. So a few nights later I went up to the Hippodrome and saw it again — and liked it fine. And that just shows you what fresh fish aged in a can can do to anybody's morale. If you like Anna Q. — and who doesn't? — put this film down on your list — no not your black list — but the list of films well worth seeing. Coming Up (Continued from page 24) that she played only in imagination. Gwen Lee has served that apprenticeship! And now Gwen Lee has gotten a break. A couple of breaks, in fact. Here's how it happened. Aileen Pringle and Lew Cody were co-starred ali of a sudden. There was another part in the picture. A big part, too, and a grand acting role. The powers that be considered! There was Gwen Lee, who had served her day in school, who had been through extra work, bits, small parts and was ready for the big things. The grandest clothes you ever saw were made. And can Gwen Lee wear clothes! Then while she was working in "Adam and Evil" she was given the role of Norma Shearer's sister in "After Midnight". It's a perfect peach of a part. One of those smart crackling, life of the party gals, who gets a lot of sympathy anyhow. So there you are and Gwen Lee has a break and everybody's happy. "There's just nothing to write about me!" Gwen wailed when I told her that she was being interviewed. " got a bad start by being born in Omaha, Nebraska. Isn't that a difficult place to be born in when you want to do exotic parts? "Then I wasn't discovered by anybody. Nobody said I was a great find. I simply came out here like thousands of others and got extra work and didn't get work and got it again. No director ever rushed up to me at the opera or at a cafe and told me I was just the type he'd been looking for. And I've never been in the Follies and I haven't any famous relatives. So what a flop I turned out to be for an interview." So there's nothing to do but admit that in the matter of background Gwen Lee isn't there. But what's a background or two among friends? I'll dash off several if you want me to. But what's the use? Gwen Lee's got much, much more than a background. She is the most refreshing person I know, for she won't be dignified and she's a perfect clown and her frankness is startling, and you'll never catch her talking about something she doesn't understand just because she thinks she should! C[ Esther Ralston has been selected to play the feminine lead in "Beau Sabreur" a sequel to "Beau Geste"