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His Tail Between His Legs"
What most men would see if thejr could see themselves
OST men are being whipped every day in the battle of life. Many have already reached the stage where they have THEIR TAILS BETWEEN THEIR LEGS.
They are afraid of everything and everybody. They live in a constant fear of being deprived of the pitiful existence they are leading. Vaguely they hope for SOMETHING TO TURN UP that will make them unafraid, courageous, independent.
While they hope vainly, they drift along, with no definite purpose, no definite plan, nothing ahead of them but old age. The scourgings of life do not help such men. In fact, the more lashes they receive atihe hands of fate, the more COWED they "become.
What becomes of these men? They are the wage slaves. They are the "little-business" slaves, the millions of clerks, storekeepers, bookkeepers, laborers, assistants, secretaries, salesmen. They are the millions who work and sweat and— MAKE OTHERS RICH AND HAPPY I
The pity of it is, nothing can SHAKE THEM out of their complacency. Nothing can stir them out of the mental rut into which they have sunk.
Their wives, too, quickly lose ambition and become slaves — slaves to their kitchens, slaves to their children, slaves to their husbands — slaves to their homes. And with such examples before them, what hope is there for their children BUT TO GROW UP INTO SLAVERY.
Some men, however, after years of cringing, turn on life. They CHALLENGE the whipper. They discover, perhaps to their own surprise, that it isn't so difficult as they imagined, TO SET A HIGH GOAL— and reach it! Only a few try— it is true— but that makes it easier for those who DO try.
The rest quit. They show a yellow streak as broad as their backs. They are through — and in their hearts they know it. Not that they are beyond help, but that they have acknowledged defeat, laid down their arms, stopped using their heads, and have simply said to life, "Now do with me as you will."
What about YOU? Are you ready to admit that you are through? Are you content to sit back and wait for something to turn up? Have you shown a yellow streak in YOUR Battle of Life? Are you satisfied to keep your wife and children— and yourself—enslaved? ARE YOU AFRAID OF LIFE?
Success is a simple thing to acquire when you know its formula. The first ingredient is a grain of COURAGE. The second is a dash of AMBITION. The third is an ounce of MENTAL EFFORT. Mix the whole with your God-given faculties and no power on earth can keep you from your desires, be they what they may.
Most people actually use about ONE TENTH of their brain capacity. It is as if they were deliberately trying to remain twelve years old mentally. They do not profit by the experience they nave gained, nor by the experience of others.
You can develop these God-Given faculties by yourself — without outside help; or you can do as SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND other people have done — study Pelmanism.
Pelmanism is the science of applied psychology, which has swept the world with the force of a religion. It is a fact that more than 600,000 people have become Pelmanists — all over the civilized world— and Pelmanism has awakened powers in them they did not DREAM they possessed.
Famous people all over the world advocate Pelmanism, men and women such as these:
General Sir Robert BadenPowell, Founder of the Boy Scout Movement.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, Founder of the Juvenile Court, Denver.
Sir Harry Lauder, Comedian.
W. L. George, Author.
Gen. Sir Frederick Maurice, Director of Military Operations, Imperial General Staff,
Admiral Lord Beresford, G. C. B., G. C. V. O.
Baroness Orczy, Author.
Prince Charles of Sweden.
—and others, of equal prominence, too numerous to mention here.
A remarkable book called "Scientific Mind-Training," has been written about Pelmanism. IT CAN BE OBTAINED FREE. Yet thousands of people who read this announcement and who NEED this book will not send for it. "It's no use," they will say. "It will do me no good," they will tell themselves. "It's all tommyrot," others will say.
But if they use their HEADS they will realize that people cannot be HELPED by tommyrot and that there MUST be something in Pelmanism, when it has such a record behind it, and when it is endorsed by the kind of people listed above.
If you are made of the stuff that isn't content to remain a slave — if you have taken your last whipping from life, — if you have a spark ol INDEPENDENCE left in your soul, write for this free book. It tells you what Pelmanism is, WHAT IT HAS DONE FOR OTHERS, and what it can do for you.
The first principle of YOUR success is to do something radical in your life. You cannot make just an ordinary move, for you will soon again sink into the mire of discouragement. Let Pelmanism help you FIND YOURSELF. Mail the coupon below now— now while your resolve to DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SELF is strong.
Approved as a correspondence school under the laws of the State of New York.
71 West 45 th St
Dept. 167
New York City.
■ The Pelman Institute of America, : 71 West 45th St., Dept. 167 | New York City.
T. P. O'Connor, "Father of the
House of Commons." The. late Sir H. RiderHaggard,
Famous novelist.
Frank P. Walsh,
Former Chairman of National
War Labor Board. Jerome K. Jerome, Novelist.
I want you to show me what Pelmanism has actually done for
■ over 600,000 people. Please send me your free book, "Scientific | Mind Training." This places me under no obligation whatever.
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