Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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94 SCREENLAND \y 'r :1m few ' ■ ' v: 4 V <mU rSS^ • • * >* For Adventure Popularity.. AVIATION ! ARE you a red-blooded, . daring he-man? Do you crave adventure, popularity, admiration, and the applause of great crowds? Then why not get into the Aviation Industry—the greatest adventure since time began —the greatest thrill ever offered to man? Think what Aviation offers you. The praise and plaudits of the multitude. » And a chance to get in on the ground floor where rewards will he unlimited! Aviation is growing so swiftly that one can hardly keep track of all the astonishing new developments. Air-mail routes have just been extended to form a vast aerial network over the entire U. S. Many Commercial Airlines aud airplane factories are now being organized. Men like Henry Ford are investing millions in the future of commercial Aviation for they see its great possibilities. Become An Aviation Experts Get into this thrilling profession at once while the field is new and uncrowded. Now — by a unique newplan— you can Quickly secure the basic and preparatory training you need to get started in the Aviation Industry at home, in spare time. Experts will teach you the secrets and fundamentals of Practical Aviation — give you all the inside facts that are essential to your success. And, the study of Aviation by this remarkable method is almost as fascinating as the actual work itself. Send for FREE Book! Send coupon for our new, free book, just out— "Opportunities in the Airplane Industry." It is vitally interesting, reads like a romance and teDs you things about this astonishing profession you nevereven dreamed of. Write for your copy today. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATION 3601 S. Michigan Ave., Dept.882-B Chicago PICK YOUR JOB! Airplane Instructor Airplane Engineer Airplane Repairman Airplane Assembler Airplane Mechanician Airplane Inspector Airplane Builder Airplane Salesman Exhibition Manager Airplane Contractor Airplane Motor Expert Airplane Designer AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATION 3601 S. Michigan Ave., Dept.882-B,Chicago, III. Without any obligation, please send me yonr FREE Book portumties In the Airplane Industry." Also information your Course in Practical Aviation. •■Opabout Name Address Ct"«2/ -State. (f Vera Steadman in Paramount Christie Comedies. (Continued from page 93) White's Scandals; had played it on her responsive uke, had danced to it. She knew it by heart and liked it — so she picked that show. The "No Admittance" sign at the stage-door of the Apollo Theatre didn't mean Dorothy. She walked in and stooj in the wings watching a rehearsal. A young man came up to her and asked what she was doing there. "I want to see Mr. White," she replied loftily. The young man politely enquired what she wanted to see him about. "What's it to you?" retorted Dorothy. "Well, do you want to work in this show, or what?" he persisted. 'Yes, I do. I like the music," said Miss Sebastian. Further conversation revealed Dorothy's lack of stage experience and her determination to bluff it through if she met Mr. White. "But what will you do if he asks you to sing and dance?" asked the young man. "Oh, I'll just say I'm not feeling so well and will show him tomorrow!" laughed Dorothy. "Where are you from?" asked the young man. "Alabam!" crooned the intrepid young lady. He laughed. "I knew it!" he said. "All right, Alabam' — step right in line." Note to ambitious young ladies: don't try this with George White unless you're positively sure you look like Dorothy Sebastian, have Dorothy's Alabama accent, and Mr. White John Barrymore saw Dolores and demanded as in a good humor. She got the job; but her services for ~The Sea Bea^ Do,orcs you might not And Dorothy kept the job. rode to fame on this whale of a ctur£; and She was one of the bevy of Scandals beau today she has thc honor of b thc on, ties when she happened to meet Ahce Terry. living actor or actress in the WQr]d j/ Her piquance impressed Alice so much that ever stole a scene {mm John Barrymorc_ the film star boosted the chorus girl for the andi apparently, made him like it. Helcne part of the little sister in Sackcloth and is finding her forte ln h ht comed And Scarlet You know the rest if you are maybe you think Dad Costello isn't happy any student ot filmology at all. You ve now' seen Dorothy's pout in "The Demi-Bride" Josephine Dunn was the Kid of the and Dorothy s smile in Slide, Kelly, Slide ; Chorus in -Good Morning Dearie ' All and you re hoping to see more of her. c}lorus girls are supposed t0 be very young Speaking of George White — he's a little and most of them, are: but Josephine was boon to the picture business, that's what he the youngest chorus girl who ever strutted is. He trains "em — and we grab 'em. The her stuff. She wasn't quite fifteen when girls in his Scandals shows are famous for she decided to try her luck on the stage their beauty and dancing ability; and when and, unbeknownst to her folks, stepped into they are famous enough to do Mr. White's a job with the Charles Dillingham show, shows some real good, the movies cry for Josephine was the pride and pet of that them; and being tender-hearted girls they musical hit because she looked even younger just have to answer. Louise Brooks was one than she was, and was as naive and unof his most highly-prized attractions when spoiled as she looked. She continued in the the movies moaned and she hurried off to chorus and found herself among those comfort the poor things. The Costello present in "Kid Boots", the Eddie Cantor girls, too — why yes, didn't you know? comedy. It never occurred to her when Dolores, the tragedy queen, and Helene, she was dancing around the diminutive star, her sister, were once chorus cuties. It was that she would soon be working on the this way. They were planning to plunge same movie lot. Although she was a real into vaudeville as a sister act when their movie fan, serious thoughts of a film future dad advised them to go to see George had never even entered her fluffy blonde White, who might be able to give them head. It wasn't until she accompanied a some advice as to their future careers. Like girl friend to the Paramount studio for good girls they obeyed their daddy — but tests that movie work for herself became a after George saw them they had to give up possibility. While the girl-friend was betheir vaudeville ambitions because George fore the camera, somebody said to Jo: wanted them to start right in as a pair of "Why don't you try movies, yourself?" pretty Scandals. And it's a good thing The little blonde from Broadway laughed those Costello kids joined the chorus instead it off, until another studio standby suggested of embarking on a vaudeville adventure, the same thing. The Paramount Picture When their show was playing Chicago, a School for promising young aspirants to representative of Warner Brothers was in screen fame was just then being formed, the audience. He saw the girls and — and after more persuasion, Miss Dunn always on the look-out for new talent for joined. As it turned out, her blonde beauty his firm — went back-stage afterwards to talk registered, and she was a success from the to them. It wasn't until then that he found start. After "Fascinating Youth" she was out they were the daughters of Maurice given the leading role in "Love's Greatest Costello, the first movie idol, the combina Mistake"; and now she's in Hollywood tion Gilbert-Colman-Haines of his day. playing the only girl in the cast of the new Movie trouping was in their blood. What Wallace Beery picture, "Fireman Save My ho, for Hollywood! But somehow, once Child!" Josephine says, "I'm just the love there, fat parts didn't seem to come their interest in the fire-house," which shows she way. They were just beginning to wonder hasn't lost the sense of humor which made if, after all, dad had been right as usual, her a favorite on the stage and which — if and playing maids in the movies was really a clever director can capture it — will make better than dancing in the chorus — when her one of the best little bets in films.