Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREEN LAND 5 irdle reduces waist <md hips -two to four inches in Ten Days FASHIONABLE women everywhere are praising to the skies the marvelous new Perfolastic Girdle that reduces fleshy hip and waist almost as if by magic and quickly gives you the slim, youthful figure you desire. Perfolastic is entirely different from any other reducing girdle you have ever seen — lighter in weight, cooler, more comfortable, more slenderizing. Cool— Comfortable— Slenderizing Don't confuse Perfolastic with the old k style, heavy rubber garments that were 111 so uncomfortable. Perfolastic is a featherweight, ventilated girdle that ■ weighs just seven and a half ounces (garters included), and is full of tiny holes to let the skin breathe and the pores function as they should. It is so cool, so comfortable that you hardly know you have it on. Perfolastic does not bind or constrict the figure in any way. Bend, twist, turn, exercise as vigorously as you choose, you will find that Perfolastic "gives" with every movement of your body. Made of finest quality pure plantation rubber, it combines wonderful elasticity with extraordinary strength. Perfolastic is a product of the famous Goodrich Rubber Co. and is guaranteed by us not to rip, tear or stretch out of shape. How Perfolastic Reduces Long experience has shown that the safest, surest way to reduce is through massage, which breaks up the fat cells so that they can be absorbed and carried off by the circulation. Perfolastic reduces through massage — automatic massage. It fits with glovelike smoothness, closely encircling waist, hips and thighs. The instant you put it on you look slimmer, for it gently straightens out fleshy curves, gives you length of line, helps you stand erect. And, bet PERFOLASTIC, Inc. Dept I ter still, with every breath you draw, with every step you take, Perfolastic exerts a continuous, gentle massage that takes off flesh. In an amazingly short time bulky hips and waist become slim and shapely — your figure regains the slender, straight lines of youth— you look and feel years younger. Many women have found, to their astonishment and delight, waist and hips reduced two to four inches in TEN DAYS. No Dieting — No Exercises Think of what this means ! No more wearisome dieting, no more tiresome exercises, no more bitter self-denial in a vain attempt to get thin. For with Perfolastic you can now regain a slender, youthful figure without the slightest discomfortFree Booklet and Sample No matter how much overweight you are, no matter what other methods of reducing you have tried, no matter what other girdles you have worn — give Perfolastic a trial. Write today for interesting FREE BOOK tellingmore about this remarkable girdle and picturing the many delightful Perfolastic models, also sample of Perfolastic and full details about the special 5-day trial offer and Money Back Guarantee. No obligation. Don't delay. Mail coupon below NOW. Address Perfolastic, Inc., Dept. 35, 225 TV. 57th St., New York, N. Y. "I 35, 225 WEST 57th STREET NEW YORK CITY Perfolastic, Inc. Dept. 35, 225 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Without obligation on my part please send me FREE ' I BOOK describing and illustrating the new Perfolastic Re I I ducing Girdle, also sample of Perfolastic and special 5-day I | Trial Offer. j | Name _ ■ i Address ■ City ..State _J