Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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8 SCREENLAND Too Hard There's a much easier way to reduce Strenuous exercise and starvation diet may reduce fat. But the ways are hard and long and never-ending. And they must be properly directed. There is an easy, pleasant way which millions have adopted. It acts to correct the cause of too much fat. That way is Marmola Prescription Tablets, used for 19 years. You see the results in new vigor and slenderness wherever you look today. Marmola is based on many years of scientific research. It has proved itself to so many that people are now using a very large amount. One simply takes four tablets daily. No abnormal exercise or diet is required. Stop when results are completed. You should know this method. Watch how weight comes down, how vitality improves. Then tell others, as others will gladly tell you. Fat reduction need not be hard. Prove this, for your own sake. Do it now. Marmola prescription tablets are sold by all druggists at SI per box. If your druggist is out, he will get them at once from his jobber. XPrescription tablets e 'Pleasant Way toJteduce — — STL. vVu'i^'fP Tou can quickly aualify for big-paying positions in Motion Picture. Portrait, Commercial or News Photography, or start your own business. No experience needed. P A MCD A rorr I.eam at home or in UAlVilLlvA JT IN. E.H our great New Tork Studios. Earn while learning. Write today for Free Book, Job Chart and Free Camera offer. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 60 10 West 33rd St. New York t& to beautiful proportions — while you sleep! 1/qnrrKnosE apjuster is SAFE, painless, comfortable. Speedy, permanent results guar ( anteed. Doctors praise it. No Gold Medal metal to harm you. Small cost. Won 1923 Write for FREE BOOKLET BErost-AFitn ANITA CO.-i' Dept. H-69. Anita Bldg., Newark, N. J. Write the Words for a Song WE COMPOSE MUSIC Our Composer Wrote Many Song Hits MONARCH MUSIC COMPANY 236 West 55th Street Dept. 178 NEW YORK Film stars have arrived in New York with "suites" and imported motors, entourages and publicity. But Larry Kent sprang a new one when he alighted from the train in company with his mother. Mrs. Kent is proud of this promising juvenile, and no wonder; he's a nice, handsome boy. Pathe thinks so, too. That's why the company sent for him to play the lead in a new serial. * * * Claudette Colbert's screen tests were so highly satisfactory that Bob Kane signed her up for three pictures — just like that. In case it has slipped your mind — Claudette is the beautiful young actress from the "legit", who made such a hit on Broadway in "The Bar\er". Her debut in the flickers will be as Ben Lyon's leading lady in "Hell's Kitchen". By the way, watch out for another beauty from the speaking stage, Mary Duncan. This young woman appeared with Florence Reed in "The Shanghai Gesture" and darned near stole the show from the popular star. Mary went to California to begin a contract with Fox Films. * * * You'll see several new "colored" pictures soon. Hope Hampton and company went down to Bermuda where the star appeared in a two-reel natural-color film. Her leading man is Marco Vails, a handsome Latin type who used to be known as Marco Gonzalez. Later, Miss Hampton went to France, vvhere another two-reeler will be made, using the historic gardens of the Tuileries and the Luxembourg, which will provide beautiful backgrounds. When she returns, Hope will make a venture into musical comedy. :■: Percy Marmont seems to be the logical candidate for the big part of the father in "Sorrell and Son", which will be Herbert Brenon's initial production for United Artists. Neil Hamilton may play the son. Mr. Marmont and his family spent a month's vacation in their native England recently. Mr .and Mrs. Martin Johnson, those intrepid travelers, have come back after three years spent in eastern and central Africa, with no less than two hundred thousand feet of film taken in the jungles, said to be some of the best animal stuff ever "shot" with a camera. Don't tell a soul, but it looks as if Marilynn Miller may become Mrs. Ben Lyon one of these fine days, despite denials. Marilynn and Jack Pickford are soon to sail for Paris, says the report, where they will seek a divorce, according to rumor. And then — but wait and see. Speaking of Ben, and we were, weren't we? — he's hard at work punching the bag and dodging fast ones up at the Cosmopolitan Studios where "Heli'.'i Kitchen" is under way. Ben is sparring daily with a professional pugilist to get in shape for some of the rough stuff in this new filmplay. The screen boys love to fight, and no faking allowed. Hardly a husky male star who hasn't a trainer to travel right along with him. Screen acting seems to be largely a matter of punching and ducking at the right time, these days. * * * By the time you read this, the stalwart figure of George Walsh will probably have disappeared from Fifth Avenue and Broadway— worse luck. George has been true to the east for some time, but California is calling. Brother Raoul Walsh, they say, wants George to play in a forthcoming opus on the coast. #■ # ♦ A new and beautiful face, augmented by equally beautiful accessories, appeared at the door of George's dining room at the Algonquin the other day. "Who is she?" we asked. "Claire Windsor, Mary Pickford — ?" Neither — but Dorothy Hall, who made her screen bow recently in a George Walsh picture, and will continue to combine stage and screen work if all goes well. She's young, and blonde. Look out for her. * * £ Tony Moreno and Mrs. Moreno returned from Europe. Tony spent most of his time in a London studio, playing with Dorothy Gish in "Madame Pompadour". But Mrs. Moreno turned the trip into a pleasure jaunt and spent some time in Paris — yes, (Continued on page 99) (^Warner Oland needed curly hair for his part in "What Happened to Father" — Therefore his visit to the beauty parlor.