Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENI AND 93 bt quite Sick yet quite W&ll "By "Rosemary Morgan The personal story of a woman who never was really sick, yet always ailing, always too tired to enjoy life — and how she made herself into a virile, vital being of youth and health MY story is the old, old story that so many women have to tell. It is the tale of my downward progress from health to sickness, from happiness to sorrow. It is the road many women have trod and the road many more are destined to tread. It Rosemary is to these women I want to tell my story, that they may save themselves from untold suffering. "Not so many years ago I was a young, buoyant and carefree girl, aglow with glorious good health. Filled with life and energy, I was intensely interested in tennis, golf and all sports. I was on the go all day and ofttimes late into the night, yet always fresh as a daisy in the morning. I never gave a thought to my health — it took care of itself. "It was while I was still in splendid health that I met and married my husband. We were supremely happy. He was just as fond of sport as I and together we spent joyous hours on the tennis court and golf links and in the round of social activities. It seemed life could hold no more. I was the happiest girl alive. "Then came the crowning joy. Our dear little baby was born and my cup of happiness was filled to the overflowing. I was blessed with everything a girl could wish for. "But I found shortly that the care of baby took so much of my time that I was unable to resume my former active life. However, I consoled myself with the thought that as soon as Junior was a little older I would again take up my busy life. Morgan "Time went on and I failed to again get in touch with my activities and social duties. I sat around the house, reading, sewing or taking naps. As a result of this sedentary life I took on weight. I grew stout and flabby, my figure lost its girlishness and though still young in years I became old in body. All this happened so gradually I scarcely noticed it. Then I began to be troubled with headaches, backaches, indigestion, constipation, and a host of minor ills. I grew sluggish in mind and body and always had 'that tired feeling.' I was on the downward path to real sickness, serious illness. "My health began failing rapidly. I was always ailing, yet never sick enough to call a doctor. Always in a run-down condition, yet never actually forced to remain in bed. I was not quite sick — yet not quite well. I never went out, never danced any more and was satisfied to sit home and resign myself to a life of illness and sickliness. I made a few spasmodic efforts to do something about my condition. A visit to the doctor proved I had no organic trouble but the various pills and tonics I took proved of no benefit. "Then, one evening, I saw Annette Kellermann on the stage — a perfect specimen of health and beauty. I knew she was much olderthan I, for I remembered seeing her— a fullgrown woman — on the stage when I was a little girl. I wondered how she kept her marvellous figure and looks. Here I was — an old woman before my time and here was she, young as a girl of eighteen. The next day I saw an ad such as this in a magazine telling of Miss Kellermann's book, 'The Body Beautiful.' I wrote for this free book, and it truly led me to youth again. I took Miss Kellermann's instruction and in a few months was my own self again. "I again took an interest in life. I lost weight and soon had my youthful figure back. My eyes, once cloudy and dim, became bright and clear; my headaches, backaches and constipation disappeared. I became the healthy! happy girl I once had been. And how wonderful it is to be healthy and young! Oh, if only the thousands of women who are suffering the pain and discomfort I once suffered could only profit by my example, and get Miss Kellermann to help them out of their troubles, then this story has not been written in vain!" Annette Kellermann, in the book Rosemary Morgan tells about — "The Body Beautiful" — sent absolutely free on request to any woman, tells exactly how she transformed herself from a cripple and invalid into a woman world-famous for her health and beauty. Any woman by devoting only fifteen minutes a day to her methods can obtain a perfect figure, neither too stout nor too thin, mould each part of her body to graceful, youthful lines; can acquire a clear, healthy complexion, and can overcome weaknesses and physical troubles that many women suffer from. If you would like to have a copy of Annette Kellermann's new book, write for it. There is no charge or obligation. Miss Kellermann invites you to write a letter or mail the coupon below. Do it this minute — it may be the beginning of a new kind of health and happiness for you. Address, Annette Kellermann, Suite 249, 225 West 39th St., New York City. ANNETTE KELLERMANN, Suite 249, 225 West 39th St., New York City Dear Miss Kellermann: Please send me, entirely free of cost, your new book, "The Body Beautiful." I am particularly interested in □ Reducing Weight. □ Body Building. Name Address City. State . . . Kindly print name and address.