Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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98 SCREENLAND How To Develop The Bust T There IS a Way! HIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN learned the secret. Her story is interesting. It will solve your problem, no matter what your age or the cause of your flat figure. "It is almost two years since 1 first used The Rational. 1 am happy to say that the results are permanent, for my development is just the same and my figure is even better than ever. 1 do appreciate so much what the Rational has done for me. I have proven that any woman can have a beautiful bust if she will only use the Rational. Friends envy my perfect figure." How Dorothy Stahl brought her figure back until it is even more perfectly developed than ever, is what every undeveloped girl or woman will want to know. If you wish to learn how she produced the beautiful development shown in her photograph, write Us at once. All this charm of perfect womanhood can be yours — all the beauty and captivating grace that is your birthright — all the artful, delicate allurement that makes you first a woman — God's Masterpiece — Man's Idol. You can be made perfect in your witching beauty. This method is within the reach of every woman. It can be used in the secrecy of your own room. If not delighted with results in 30 days, your money is cheerfully refunded. There is no other method as safe, effective, harmless and sure Send your name and address today, enclosing 4c stamps, if you wish this information sent under scaled postage. We will send surprising photographic proof showing as much as five inches enlargement by this method, all sent under plain wrapper. THE OLIVE COMPANY, Dept. 30, CLARINDA, IOWA, U.S.A. Goitre Can Be Cured Dr. Rock, the eminent goitre specialist has treated goitre for nearly a quarter of a century and within the last year has made a remarkable discovery which has aroused intense interest. Every reader of this paper who suffers of goitre should write at once for his free book in 2 colors which tells of this new discovery and also how to treat goitre at home without danger or discomfort. Absolutely free — just write. Dr. Rock, Drawer 300, Box 737, Milwaukee, Wis. w Y/~Vr& OR DRUG HABIT jIJOR cNuoreiVorever or Full treatment sent on trial. Can be given secretly in privacy of home. Guaranteed to banish lorever all desire for whiskey, gin, wine, home brew, moonshine, opium, morphine, heroin, paregoric, and laudanum. Costs $2.00 if cures, nothing if fails. Save him from Poison. STANDARD LABORATORIES Sta. N-31 BALTIMORE. MP. TINY NAME CARDS THE LATEST THING. Handy card case and your name on 50 perfect little De Luxe name cards 50c. Size lYt x 2-Vi inches. Your address <TSs&$£*K. printed also, 15c extra. Send »§*S^S&§»»£| stamps, coin or mom order. Agents Wanted. THE DE LUXE COMPANY 236 West 55th St., Dept. 705, New York, N. Y. PIMPLES Blackheads, Redspots, Oily or Shiny Skin, Enlarged Pores, Eruptions and other blemishes cleared quickly. Results will amaze you. Don'tgiveop hope now. End your Skin Troubles. Thousandsof Stubborn Cases overcome after all other methods failed. Let me prove it. Send no money. Simply your name and address for "Free Book". See for yourself what I have done for others. Write. The Book is absolutely Free. DOROTHY RAY,646N.MichiganAve.,Suite 736.CHICAGO Write the Words for a Song WE COMPOSE MUSIC Our Composer Wrote Many Song Hits MONARCH MUSIC COMPANY 236 West 55th Street Dept. 178 NEW YORK Hosiery ^lingerie FREE / GIRLS: Write for details of our Club Plan of purchasing guaranteed High Grade Silk Hosiery and Lingerie at prices much lower than in stores. Form a Club of seven and set S10 worth of Hosiery aod Lingerie FREE! ECONOMY CLUB SALES CO., Dept. H, BROCKTON, MASS. Banish Pimples By Using Cuticura Soap to Cleanse Ointment to Heal Try bur new Shaving Stick. GOOD NEWS Beginning with this September number of Screenland you can effect a saving of 50c by subscribing for one year to Screenland. Twelve copies comprising a year's subscription can be bought from month to month of your newsdealer for 25c a copy $3.00 for the twelve. By paying $2.50 at one time you will get a copy once a month delivered, to your door by the postman. The magazine is mailed to subscribers so as to reach them on the 5th day of each month simultaneous with the appearance of the new number on the news-stands. A year's subscription to Screenland makes an ideal gift to a friend or relative. As each copy is received it is a constant reminder of the thoughtf ulness on part of the donor towards the recipient. If you are in a quandry as to what to give for a birthday or a Christmas gift do not overlook a year's subscription to Screenland as an ideal gift, one certain to be appreciated. Your news-dealer will accept your subscription for $2.50 and will forward it to us for you or you can mail it direct to the publishers of Screenland, 49 TV. 45th St., New York City. WEDDINGS Beautiful Raised LettersNo Costly Plates. Low Prices QUICK SERVICE. 50 Announcements$6.50-Invitations.etc. Send for Samples-The Metro Craftsmen, 100 W.40thSt.,N.Y. "The Breakfast Club is getting more and more popular as a place in which to hold parties, isn't it?" demanded Patsy. "I suppose it is so handy, in case they want to stay late, to be right there for breakfast." Kathleen Key was giving a party there, one lovely moonlight night, and we found the guests gathered under the big sycamore trees, having supper at long tables, or dancing on a platform where there was a colored jazz orchestra. It was a Hard Times party, with everybody dressed cither in calico or in funny overalls, except Kathleen Key, our hostess, who looked utterly charming in an old-fashioned dress of the period of 1880 or thereabouts, with long skirt, tight waist and big bustle. "The public never would recognize its idols, would it?" remarked Patsy, as we caught sight of Mildred Lloyd, Harold's wife, arrayed in striped overalls, and romping like a kid, while the beautiful Gertrude Olmsted was dressed in a calico gown and pinafore. Harold Lloyd himself sat sedately on the side-lines chatting with Jack Warner, who came dressed in a Nat Wills tramp make-up and looking very funny indeed. Ivan Lcbcdeff. who has just signed with Cecil B. De Mille, was there in evening clothes, looking very distinguished. Raymond Keane was amusing in overalls, and the Duncan sisters wore plain gingham dresses. Afterward they dolled up in a funny burlesque Florodora outfit, and gave a hilariously comic take-off on the famous sextette number. "I'd manage to have a couple of birthdays a year if I were Estclle, and had a nice husband like Jack Dempsey to give me parties, and a nice place like this big Party House to give them in," vouchsafed Patsy. Jack Dempsey was giving Estelle Taylor, his wife, a surprise party on her birthday, and everybody had been told to bring a rose-bush in lieu of any other sort of present, because Estelle is planting a special rosegarden. "That was cute of Jack, wasn't it?" remarked Patsy. "He didn't want people to spend a lot of money on presents, and he knew they would if he didn't specify something, and here a lot of the guests have brought rose-bushes and slips from their own gardens." The side-verandah, when we arrived, was full of stacks of rose-bushes. We met Lenore Ulric as we entered, and had a little chat with her. She will go back into pictures if she can find just the right story she said. . She looked very charming. Constance Talmadge came with Buster Collier, whom everybody thinks she will marry before long; and Norma Shearer dropped in alone, looking as exquisitely lovely as ever. "There are so many important people here that you simply can't see the party for the guests!" exclaimed Pat, as we found our way upstairs to remove our wraps. Upstairs we found Patsy Ruth Miller, Louise Fazenda, Rosetta and Vivian Duncan, Edna Murphy and a lot of other girls. And downstairs, when we descended with them we found Monte Blue, John Miljan, Marie Prevost, Mervyn Leroy, and a score of others. After supper we all went over to the Party House mentioned above, — a sort of Old English lodge situated on the big grounds of Jack's home, — where we found a huge room with a fireplace at one end, furnished with comfortable chairs and lounges and a big dance floor. Mervyn Leroy, to whom Edna Murphy is engaged, is a splendid dancer, even though he is a writer, and Patsy remarked that she