Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 99 is awfully glad, because Edna never should marry a man who could not dance, she is such a splendid stepper herself, and does so love it. Monte Blue and Louise Fasenda improvised a very funny spring song dance, buries' quing the classic, at which everybody roared. Jack Dempsey is in wonderful condition, and everybody is hoping that he will fight Tunney again, — and win! "David Kirkland seems to know just as well how to direct a party as he does a picture!" exclaimed Patsy. The Kirklands live in one of those houses built on what Bill Nye used to call an "upright lot," — viz., on the side of a Hollywood hill. There are three or four floors, with the rooms, most of them, on different levels, — all very charming and intriguing to the imagination. We met Grant Withers and his fiance, Alberta Vaughn, and Jerry Miley and Lois Wilson, May McAvoy, Henry Victor and others. Dorothy Devore was there, looking prettier than ever, and telling us of the fact that she was happy about returning to the screen. She was with her nice husband, Wylie Mather. George K. Arthur amused everybody by telling us how the only thing that was sustaining him in his picture career was the hope of some day wearing high heels in a picture and thus being able to look down on the heroine and call her "little woman!" Dorothy Devore gathered a group around her and invited us all to dinner, explaining that she and Wylie own four lovely dogs, and that if we didn't like her and Wylie we would be sure to like the dogs! We had a little chat with Barbara Bennett, daughter of the noted stage actor, Richard Bennett, who is back in Hollywood for another picture after having been away some time. The beautiful Olive Hausbrook was there, and we found her one of the most charming girls in filmdom. Somehow we had never met her before. Maurice Costello doesn't go out much to parties, I think, but when he does he is always the favorite beau of the evening, being very handsome, charming and magnetic. His hair has turned snow-white, and is most becoming. That cute Sally O'Neil was there, and Mel Brown and his wife, Edward Everett Horton, Lilyan Tashman and Eddie Lowe. After supper everybody danced in the big living room to the music of the colored orchestra. Mrs. Kirkland put Mr. Kirkland into circulation, with the result that we all had a nice dance with him. HOTEL AND TRAVEL HOTEL AND TRAVEL 'CC R^x Lease — he just signed a five year contract. You will see him in "Not" For Publication". tthelBreakers ATLANTIC CITY WjJE Where yo^^ec^ = .Comfortable Beds ^uiywd MealsSmiling Service Pleasant Surroundings Reasonable Rates JOEL H1LLMAN President &lamac Ifyotd Broadway and Seventy-First Street New York City The perfect selection when visiting the Metropolis ■8 600 Rooms each with bath, shower and servidor JS Renowned CONGO ROOM & Aerial Balcony, Coolest Place in Town ! "Because of location it is an deal summer hotel iJMany garages nearby — plenty of parking space ■8 TARIFF MODERATE Hat? ^Management Wire at Our Expense for Reservations-! r M'f/ -mr a CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTELS in Important Cities ALWAYS A ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH er-^Cl Fot $ 3.00 pet day Oeer ParW^^ii ' announcing the Duncan Chain. Florida