Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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10 S GREENLAND How Folks Qrow Thin Folks do grow thin, as you know. Excess fat is not nearly so common as it was. But so many do it by abnormal exercise and diet. The modern way is Marmola Prescription Tablets, based on many years of scientific research, here and abroad. They act to correct the cause. People have used them for 20 years, and reported the results to others. You see the results in every circle. Almost everyone has friends who can tell them. The use of Marmola requires no abnormal exercise or diet. One simply takes four tablets daily until the weight comes down to normal. The results are healthful, and many other benefits accrue. You should learn this fact, as millions have done before you. Watch the reduction, watch the gain in vitality. You will be amazed and delighted. Do this now, for your own sake. Excess weight is usually unnecessary. It is a blight. Learn how easily you can overcome it, and how the reduction lasts. Go try Marmola now. Marmola prescription tablets are sold by all druggists at $1 per box. If your druggists is out, he will get them at once from his jobber. prescription tablets VAe Pleasant Way to%duce UGLY HAIRS — Gone Forever! Hundreds of hairs removed ■with their roots in less than a minute! NU-ART, the new scientific preparation, is far in advance of temporary surface hair removers. Permanently destroys the growth by gently lifting out the roots until they cannot return. Safe. Rapid. Harmless. Thousands of women are using it. Formulated by a physician. Guaranteed. Only Si. 00. Ask your dealer or send coupon for free offer. nil-flRT si The Net Art of Datroyiug Embarraaing Hair. If }our dealer can't supply you, mail coupon TJELFIN, INC., Dept. 101 FREE South Orange, New Jersey OFFER Please send me without charge, as a special offer, a large jar of DELFIN Ma6sage Cream and a six months supply of Antiseptic Astringent: also the dollar package of MU-AKT for which I enclose $1.00. Name Addre6S tot it'anonelt City & State Louise Lorraine hunting for a director. ell, if Snookum's Mama didn't come to town! No, she didn't bring Snookums with her. He had his fling at the big city last month. She came all alone for a vacation. After all, being the mother of the screen's foremost babystar does become a bit fatiguing at times, and she felt she deserved a rest. The real reason she and Snookums didn't take their vacation together was because Snook's real mother wouldn't let him. You see, Ethelyne Clair plays his proud parent in pictures only. In real life Snookums is mothered by another lady, while Miss Clair is a very young, beautiful, and peppy actress. What's more, she isn't even his screen mama anymore. She's going .to be a full-fledged star in five-reel features, as a reward for being such a good girl in the short comedies. Universal is proud of Ethelyne, who's only eighteen, with big brown eyes, auburn hair, and a gorgeous figure for a one-piece bathing-suit. She looks like the Mabel Normand of the old Sennett days. Atlanta, Georgia, is her home-town, and she's only been away from it for two years. Mr and Mrs. Reginald Denny sailed for their native land — England — for a short vacation. It's Reg's first trip home since he has been a success in pictures. And what a reception they gave him over there! He and Mrs. Denny were both well-known on the British stage before coming to America to seek their fame and fortune. And did they find it? Ask Carl Laemmle; he knows. Colleen Moore and Company Present, Three Weeks in New York, or, How a Famous Film Star Spends her Vacation. The "and Company" includes none other than Colleen's husband-manager, the handsome, jovial John McCormick; and Colleen's actor-brother, Cleve Morrison. Cleve, by the way, wishes in the future to be known as Moore, like his celebrated sister. The three of them struck town in the hottest weather since oh, well, since the last hot spell; and one torrid evening it occurred to Cleve that the only way to keep cool was to buy a yacht. Inasmuch as he's a champion swimmer and diver, aquatic ideas come naturally to him. Colleen and John thought it over, and the first thing they knew, found themselves the proud possessors of a yacht, which, however, they persist in referring to as "the boat." The name of the craft is the "Co-Jo" — the Colleen-John, see? It's seventy feet long, and "she" requires a crew of five to manage her. Colleen was so excited over the acquisition that she insisted on doing all the shopping for it herself. In case you are no more familiar with the requirements of yachts than we are, we'll have you know that brand-new yachts have to be furnished just like houses; and so Mrs. John McCormick spent most of her vacation purchasing linen and mosquito netting and such prosaic things for the Co-Jo. The McCormicks, with brother Cleve and Richard Rowland, the general manager of First National Pictures, sailed away on "the boat" for a six-weeks cruise, planning to disembark at New Orleans and take the train home to California. It was, said Colleen, the first real rest she's had in nine years.