Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND REE lO DAYS TRIAL I^THE NEW fii r IMPROVED ICR] PENCIL POINTED PEN HheTerfed m-iting Instrument GREATEST VALVE EVER OFFERED $1000 REWARD to anybody who can prove that these testimonials were solicited by us. Inkograph has proven so satisfactory and has elicited considerable favorable comment am enclosing money order, please send me three more. T. J. Trow, Traveling Claim Agent, Joplin, Mo. The Inkograph fully justifies all claims you make. I own a Waterman but Inkograph is far preferable. Frank R. Sargent, Oakland, Calif. You have one of the best writing instruments I ever used regardless of price. I use the lowest grade stationery and there is never a blot or scratch because of its round smooth point. It is a wonderful invention. L. H. Orley, Albano, Va. Oh boy, I am tickled skinny to have the Inkograph, it's a darling. I can now make carbon copies in taking orders and send original in ink to factory instead of a penciled sheet. It surely flows over the paper as if it was grease instead of ink. No trouble at all and a thing I could not do before to trace straight lines very fine and clean. No smear, no muss of any kind. It's just great. E. A. Simms, Jersey City. N. J. My Inkograph is the smoothest writing instrument with which I have ever written. That is saying a lot. I am a teacher by profession. 1 have a $7.00 pen and another that cost more than the Inkograph, but Inkograph is better than either. It is the greatest improvement in writing instruments since the Babylonians recorded their thoughts on clay tablets with a triangular pointed reed. John R. Atwell, Chadwick, N. C. My Inkograph is the first and only writing utensil I ever owned that I can use with pleasure. To be without it for any time would upset my business day. It has always worked perfectly. I have never had any difficulty with it. Arthur L. Fox, Centervine, Mich. I am a bank teller, have used all kinds of fountain pens but can honestly say for my work I never found a pen so easy and tireless to write. You can pick it up any time in any position and write immediately and all numbers and words will be the same. Try and do it with any other pen. My buddies all agree that it is best for our work. O. R. Morley, Allentown, Pa. Delighted: It writes bully — you have invented a pen that is perfection. It is so much more rapid than my $9.00 fountain pen. I wish you abundant success. S. L. Carlton, Aurora, 111. I am very well pleased with my Inkograph. It is just what I have been looking for. I have had several ink pencils but nothing like the Inkograph; it writes like the point was greased and it makes no difference what kind of paper, it is fine for shipping tags. S. T. Jarrett, Harrisville, W. Va. The Inkograph is all that you claim it to be. Enclosed find order for two. Robert Heller, Craigsville, Pa. The Inkograph, I am .thoroughly convinced, is the best writing instrument I have ever used. It is sure, sane and clean and always ready to use. I am very well pleased with it. J. E. Rampton, Pensacola, Fla. NEVER before has any^manufacturer of a standard writ^ ing instrument which is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, offered you so great a value. Remember, the^ Inkograph answers the purpose of both pen and pencil combined. Its point is fehaped like a fine lead pencil point and^ writes with ink free and easy^without a miss, skip or blur.^ The steady uniform flow of ink actually improves handwriting. Won't blot, scratch, leak or soil hands. You who already possess a standard fountain pen will find the Inkograph a most valuable addition to your writing equipment, for it will do everything any fountain pen can do and many very important things which it is impossible to accomplish with any fountain pen, fat any price. Combines the Best Features of both pen and pencil, minus the weak points ofi both, plus improvements not found _5n either. The lead pencil smudges, the point breaks and its writing soon is obliterated. Most fountain pens skip, scratch, flood, clog, leak, blot, soil hands and clothing. The old stylographic ink. pencil dries up, balks, blots, _ writes heavy, flows unevenly and is never reliable. The Ink* ograph feeds as fast and uniform on the 20th. page as it did pa the first Cannot Leak AGENTS Sell Inkographs, make bigger profits, more sales, without investment. Quicker commissions, popular prices, no competition. Send for an Inkograph or write for special sales plan Booklet. ao your Not the tiniest drop of ink wilt spill, although one filling is sufficient to write thousands of words. Will write oa any quality of paper. Makes 3 to 4 Carbon Copies at one time with original ink. Bear down as hard as you like without fear offending, spreading, injuring or distorting its .14 Kt. solid gold point. Are you a salesman? — use Inkograph, m make put orders in ink and retain duplicate for_ your records. Do you wish. %o ^keep a copy of your private correspondence & ^ use aa Inkograph. Do you do office work which requires clear carbon copies? — use an Into graph. Dp you make out bills or sales slips?— use aa Inko graph and make permanent prighv al ia ink with, carbon copies. ,Vou can per. mit any one to Write with your I nko graph, for no^ style of writing can affect the Inko' graph point as it will a f ou n tain pen. Draws Lines to a Ruler Without smearing , emudging or blurring the paper. Writes with any color of ink. Requires No Blotter The ink dries as fast as you write, because the flow is fine, and uniform. Patent . Automatic Feed Prevents clogging. _ JJo complicated mechanism to clean or get out of order. A year's guarantee certificate with full directions accompanies each Inkograph and is your absolute! protection. An Instrument 'of Refinement In appearance, quality, workmanship d material it is the equal of writing, instruments which sell for a great deal more. It's beautifully highly polished finest quality of black, hard rubber, it's 14 Kt. solid gold point and feed, safety screw^cap, self-filling lever and clip make it an instrument of distinctive elegance and refinement. Each Inkograph is designed and finished to please the eye and fit the hand of all. You Who Are Dissatisfied With Your Fountain Pen Try the Inkograph — remember, all we ask you to do is try it, for if it does not prove thoroughly satisfactory and if it is not handier and does not write smoother and is not far superior to any fountain pen you ever owned, whether it cost $5, $6, $7 or $8, return the Inkograph to us and we'll refund your money — no questions asked. 143-147 CENTRE ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. That hard smooth round ball-like point, which glides with ease over the coarsest paper and makes possible writing in ink as rapidly as with the softest lead pencil. 11 Received my Inkograph. Am surprised to know how well I can write with it. The Inkograph is a wonderful little writer, it's my friend now for good penmanship. I am writing this letter with it; can you tell the difference between Inkograph and pen letters? I Can is my answer. C. R. Fuller, Patterson, Mo. I received my Inkograph with which I am writing this letter. I have purchased at least one dozen ink pencils. Yours seems to be the only one that gives perfect satisfaction. I believe you have solved the problem of the perfect writing instrument. Dr. Richard T„ McLaury, Dunkirk, Ind. The Inkograph is truly the best pen I ever had the pleasure to use barring no price or make of pen, after I take into consideration the high price E usually paid for a Parker, or a Waterman pen, I cannot see how such a low priced pen as the Inkograph can be put on the market and give such unusual service. Harvey L. Winston, Brentwood, Calif. ■ In making out local requisitions, it is necessary to make an original and two carbon copies on very heavy paper, and the Inkograph does this twice as well as the hardest indelible pencil, and is much neater and the original is much more legible. Wm. L. Fortney, Placerville, Ia. Your Inkograph is everything you state. It is just wonderful. So send me two more. Arthur Ollcott, Tucker, La. Gave pen thorough tryout. Enclosed find sample of work I have to perform. Have been using pencil. Never got entire satisfaction. Hard pencil makes original too pale and soft pencil makes poor copy. I am highly pleased. S. M. Cooper, Inquiry Division, P. O., South Bend, Ind. I found the Inkograph all you represent it to be and I was very well satisfied with it. I made a great mistake when I bought the Inkograph, as I did not take out Loss or Theft Insurance on the pen, for the pen is gone. I am writing this to ask that you send me another Inkograph by return mail, charges C.O.D. I can recommend the Inkograph very highly to anyone who needs a pen which will stand up under very hard usage. George B. Moore, Columbia, Fla. It sure has improved my hand writing — I never took home any medals for penmanship but I can almost read my own writing since I got this pen. M. F. Johnson, Medina, Wis. W I want to thank you for the return of my Inkograph pen, which you repaired for me. I feel rather lost without thia pen in my pocket. I prefer it to any pen I ever carried principally because of the ease with which one can write with it, not having to be careful whether you slide the pen to the North, East, South or West, it flows freely in all directions. Wm. B. Brown, New York, N. Y. Received my Inkograph and same is filling a long-felt want. Kindly send two more of the same style by parcel post collect as soon as possible. Theodore Priestley, Akron, Ohio. I bought one of your pens a year ago. You sure build the best pen on the market to my notion. Frank R . Ellsworth, Fargo, N. D. I wouldn't take $5.00 for the pen I am writing this letter with. I have a good fountain pen but don't write any more with it. I am proud of the Inkograph and that I can say this to you and mean every word of it. R. H. Wilson, Beckley, W. Va. SAME SIZE AS $7&*8.75 I FOUNTAIN PENS Stationery Stores, Drug Stores, Department Stores, etc., send for our catalog and trade prices. SEND 'NO MONEY that's . Your name and address are suffi■ cient. Pay postman $1.50, plus /postage on delivery. When remittance accompanies order, Inkograph / will be sent postage prepaid. If within /ten days the Inkograph does not prove satisfactory return it and we'll refund /your money without further correspondence. It is because we are sure the Ink* ograph will meet your requirements to ' perfection that makes it possible for US to » make you so attractive an offer. This Coupon Properly Filled Out 1% cfs s . Send it today and procure one of the New Improved Inkographs on a 10-Day Free Trial, with no strings tied to it. If you prefer smaller size with ring on cap to be carried on watch chain or ladies' soutoir, mark X here □ INKOGRAPH CO., Inc., 143-147 Centre St., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: You may send me your Inkograph. I will paypostman $1.50, plus postage on delivery. Name . . . Address . City State