Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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12 SCREENLAND Freckles Secretly and Quickly Removed! YOU can banish those annoying, embarrassing freckles, quickly and surely, in the privacy of your own boudoir. Your friends will wonder how you did it. Stillman's Freckle Creambleache9 them out while you sleep. Leaves the skin soft and white, the complexion fresh, clear and transparent, the face rejuvenated with new beauty of natural coloring. The first jar proves its magic worth. Results guaranteed, or money refunded. At all druggists, 50c and $1. St ill mans Freckle Cream Whitens Tl\e SKin Removes T Freckles 1 The Stillman Co., 0 Rosemary Lane, Aurora, 111. ■ Send me your FREE make-up and skia treat g ment booklet Name.. AddressCity .State Be a Camera Man Earnupto* 25QaWeeK Here's YOUR chance to get into the movies! Big pay jobs open to camera men. You can quickly qualify. Fascinating work. Also big opportunities in Portrait, Commercial and News Photography. No Experience Needed We'll start you in Professional Photography and give you a real Professional Motion Picture Camera or View Camera FREE. Famous experts teach you by mail. Or come to our great New York Studios. Earn while learning. Send for FREE BOOK No obligation. Big illustrated Booklet and JOB CHART tell you about wonderful opportunities in all branches of Photography, everywhere. Write TODAY. New York Institute of Photography Dept. 60 10 West 33rd St.. New York DARKENS and BEAUTIFIES EYELASHES and BROWS INSTANTLY, makes them appear ■naturally dark, long end luxuriant. Adds wonderful charm, beauty and expression to any face. Perfectly harmless. Used by millions of lovely women. Solid form or water-proof liquid BLACK or BROWN. 75c at yout dealer's or direct postpaid. MAYBEULINE CO.. CHICAGO Liquid For; June Mathis, the celebrated scenario writer, died suddenly of a heart attack while attending an evening performance of a play in a New York theatre. She is survived by her mother, who was with her at the end, and her husband, the director Balboni. One of the most gifted as well as best-beloved figures in the entire film world, Miss Mathis is sincerely mourned by many. She was associated with First National Pictures, and was one of the two or three most highly paid women writers in the industry. Perhaps her best-known work was the scenario of Ibanez' "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". She was also chiefly responsible for the discovery of Rudolph Valentino, who rose to fame as the young hero of the war drama. Although the star, Valentino; the production manager, Maxwell Karger, and the scenarist, June Mathis, are no longer acting on life's stage, their masterpiece, "The Four Horsemen", will continue to thrill thousands for years to come. Their fame has not died with them. * * * While in New York Colleen gave a tea party at the Plaza — the nicest party given in these parts for a long time. Music, and dancing, and distinguished guests — besides the most gracious of hostesses. Did you know that little Colleen has quite a reputation as a hostess in Hollywood? She has an inimitable way of making folks feel at home, and she always seems to be having such a good time herself. June Mathis, Daniel Frohman, Florence Straus, Richard Rowland, and Thyra Samter Winslow were among those present. Mrs. Winslow, whose latest book of short stories, "People Round the Corner", is a best-seller, got her first job as a newspaper reporter from Colleen's uncle, Walter Howie, a well-known editor, who was at the party, too. Mr. Howie helped Colleen to fame by introducing her to David Wark Griffith, who offered her a job in the movies. Colleen was as thrilled at meeting Thyra Winslow, who's one of her favorite authors, as any movie fan would be at meeting Colleen. Charles C. Burr, who is the manager of the company that produces the Johnny Hines comedies for First National, was present as a special representative from Hollywood. He was in town just long enough to line up the screen rights to some stories and plays for his star before singing again "California Here I Come!" That cute little trick, Lya de Putti, was here to help New York live up to its reputation as the greatest summer resort in the world. Lya says it is; and she should know, for she has lived in such world capitals as Paris, Vienna, Buda-Pest, and Berlin. And Manhattan, says the beautiful little continental star, beats 'em all. In fact, Miss de Putti can't stand it away from New York town for very long at a time. She likes Hollywood all right — for work. But for real living, interest, amusement, recreation— give her little old N. Y. Atta girl! She makes a picture in California, then jumps on a train for an eastern vacation of three weeks or so. She stays just as long as business will permit, and there's not much in New York that she misses. There is no other picture star we can think of right now who enjoys life as much as Lya. She has a childlike interest in everything — and by the way, we want to go on record as saying that we don't believe this European girl is a day over twenty-two. And she looks even younger in her simple sports clothes, low-heeled slippers that were made from Mary Pickford's own model, and her new coiffure. The de Putti tresses, you must know, are now drawn back over the world's tiniest ears and permitted to curl naturally around her neck. Bangs in front. It's very effective. Did you know that Lya is one of our smallest screen stars? She's not quite five feet high. She's free-lancing now, having completed two pictures for Universal: "The Midnight Rose" and "The Buc\ Private" — in the latter playing her first comedy role. She'll make at least one more picture for this firm. We can't help thinking that if Lya were to get the breaks in parts that suit her piquant personality, she will give the other foreign girls a lun for their popularity. But so far she has been miscast to the limit, playing far-fetched "vamps" as remote from her own youthful, sparkling personality as Billie Dove is different from Greta Garbo — and you'll agree that is some different! sji j£e if. Ralph Ince, his wife, Lucilla Mendez, and his sister-in-law, Jola Mendez, all came east to make exteriors for the new Ince picture. For Lucilla it was a home-coming, for she was one of Broadway's favorite dancers before she deserted the gay white way for marriage and Hollywood. She's a dazzling brunette, and little sister Jola looks like her. Coney Island was the particular scene of the Ince atmosphere shots. The company spent several days working in the seaside amusement park. What would the movies do without good old Coney, anyway? Jean Arthur, the charming little girl who G[ Frankie Darro and his pal "Beans" waiting for their turn to perform in "Moulders of Men".