Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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all Comes Out in tk tre "the Dunes" bro\e all records playing in their own act at that house for twelve consecutive wee\s. -^here are two girls in Hollywood who could tell you something about the secret of success. "Oh spare me," you may answer. "I can't save any money; my salary barely stretches round to next pay day. Neither did theirs at first, when they began their original and unique investments. They had little money and few clothes, and no way of displaying their talents but in draughty, barny old houses in small towns, but they began at once making deposits — deposits in the bank of kindness. And one day, to their amazement, they Woke up to cash in on plays, clothes, bookings, songs and fat bank rolls. Now you've perhaps guessed by this time that the two are none other than the Duncan Sisters, Rosetta and Vivian, who, by the way are as inseparable as the rose and the bud. They have saved as large an account in the Bank of Hearts as they have in the Banks of Finance — and it is a well known fact that they are rated at the million mark. But dollars are soon spent, while their deposits in C[ A charming and unusual trait in the sisters is their total lac\ of professional jealousy and this ma\es their team wor\ almost perfect. ' _^ . ..... „^ Topsy and Eva Duncan, whose hearts are as loyal as their humor is genuine. the Heart Bank will last, accumulating compound interest, piling up sky high. Here's their secret. If by a kind action you make a deposit each week in the heart of a friend, some day you'll have an income of happiness that all the currency in the world could not buy, bigger than you could ever spend. How do the little "Dunes" make their deposits? Like this! When Fred Stone's show "Tip-Top" w-as touring the country — one bitter blizzardy night the company had a sleeper jump out of Toledo. One of the little dancers in the company melted into her upper berth trying to forget a toothache. While the rest of the company went to bed and to sleep she managed to control her sobs, but as the car grew colder and the pain more intense she burst into tears. Little Rosetta and Vivian scrambled out of their berths and down the aisle trying to locate the cry of distress. After much supressed giggling and falling over each other, they found the suffering girl. Several members of the company were awakened by this time, and Rosetta, who had taken charge of the situation, had located a hot' water bottle. "Now for some boiling water — there's nothing like a hot-water bottle for the toothache — ask Jake how I fixed her up." 34