Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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WASH Say the C[ Madame Keeler so believed in and loved the Duncans that she made all their co;tumes gratis during their early struggles. C[ The Duncan Sisters at their beach home at Santa Monica are startlingly unli\e the stage girls they have shown the world. ("Jake" being Vivian's nickname — "Hyme" is Rosetta's. They are called "Jake and Hyme" by all their pals.) To get hot water at that hour when a train was plowing through a blizzard was a problem. The conductor, the (porter, even the brakeman came to Rosetta's persistent ringing of bells and calls. "All the water am frozen — ain't going to be no diner on until seven — " the sleepy porter turned away. While the rest of the group discussed the impossibility of heating some water Rosetta fled down the aisle, hotwater bottle in hand. She ducked into her berth and reappeared looking like "Puss in Boots" — wearing her Russian boots, which by the way she Wore several years before the other girls in America adapted them, her rain coat and a tam. "Where are you going, Hyme?" Vivian scrambled after her. Through seven cars of snoring weary troopers, through the smelly smoker, right on to the engine ploughed Rosetta. The train had come to a standstill; the engineer and fireman were so busy they did not see the little figure climbing into their "sanctum sanctorum". Suddenly Hyme's hoarse voice was heard above the roar of the steam. "Say, Buddy, I've got to have some hot water to fill this bottle — there's a girl back there dying of the toothache." The engineer took the hot-water bottle in his hands, put the nozzle of the steam exhaust (Com. on page 86) 3?