Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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REVIEWS el i gh t vans The Merry Wives of Whoozis, Marie Dressier, and Polly Moran, carry the picture to hilarious success. QThe Callahans and the (\Irish Stew MURPHYS nd no fooling about that stew. The Irish make the best stews; take that any way you want to. In "The Callahans and the IsAurphys" , Marie Dressier and Polly Moran play a pair of nice, respectable Irish matrons who go on a spree. They sit under the spreading maple tree and lap up beer. If there's any funnier scene in pictures, I want to see it, as soon as I've sewed the buttons back on that burst off when I was laughing at "the gurrls". "The Callahans and the phys" is a regular rough-house most of the time, and you'll enjoy every minute of it, b'gorra! And by the way, one refreshing thing about it is, there's not a single slab of Irish dialect in the sub-titles, which are the best that Ralph Spence ever wrote, faith an' be'jabers. There's a story somewhere — oh, yes; Kathleen Norris and Frances Marion wrote it. Sally O'Neil and Larry Gray are the lovable lovers; while good old Eddie G ribbon and the few dozen kids add to the general merriment. But it's the Merry Wives of Whoozis who carry the comedy to hilarious success. Marie Dressier and her pal Polly are the best comedy team on the screen — now, hold on; I'm not forgetting Dane-and Arthur and Beery-andHatton — the best team of their sex. Innings for vimmings! No — there are no Abies in this Irish paradise. Everything is corn-beef and cabbage — just a real Irish holiday. And it'll take all the sons of Erin on the police force to keep the crowds in order waiting to see the Callahans and the Murphys fight it out. C[ It certainly is. FAST and Furious Q Or, Barbara Worth Wins Again F ■^ast and Furious" certainly is. It's the best comedy Reg Denny has turned out in a long time. How that boy ever came to be named Reginald is beyond me. Perhaps it's one of those good old British customs. Anyway, he's lived it down. He's a fast and furious comedian, that's what he is. He must have been practicing home nights. In his early comedies, he merely made faces. Now he's a scream, a riot, and a howl — aD in his own nice way, of course. Every gesture he makes is good for a grin. Yes, Mr. Denny, you've arrived. Oh, that's all right. Don't mention it. Wait, wait! There's more to come. Besides all the amusement afforded by a burlesque auto race, "fast and Furious" also offers The Winning of Barbara Worth. Barbara Worth is the name of the girl who plays opposite the star. She is a winner, and she proves it here. I pick her to keep right on winning. 40