Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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C[ Virginia. Valli, always beautiful, now blossoms into a high-powered personality. to ove qc o. d. Imagine being paid to love George O'Brien! Well, it makes a good story, anyway. And a very good little picture. "Paid to Love" has an amusing idea, able direction, and the co-starring team of George O'Brien and Virginia Valli. You can't ask for much more. It's laid in those dear, quaint Balkans, with O'Brien as a bouncing boy prince. Here's something else for you to try over on your imagination — George playing a Balkan prince. Not that he doesn't look gorgeous in that uniform but the famous O'Brien biceps darn near burst the royal buttons. An Irish grin is no handicap for a prince though; you'll like your George in this, see if you don't. Virginia Valli plays a hard-working French girl who undertakes to teach the woman-shy prince the game of love — and gets G[ Miss Valli is as Irish as Mr. O'Brien but she ma\es a most alluring French vamp — and he is stunning as a Bal\an prince. paid for it. She does, and he does, in spite of all that William Powell, suave and elegant as ever, can do to stop 'em. Miss Valli is as Irish as Mr. O'Brien, but she makes a most alluring French vamp. She's always been beautiful; now she blossoms into a high-powered personality. One of the most piquant persons on the screen, Virginia has been playing nice, refined parts far too long. She's nice and refined, all right; but she's so much, much more. If the Virginia Valli of "Paid to Love" had burst upon us from foreign shores, she'd be hailed with huzsas. As it is, she was born in Chicago, and has been in our midst ever since. But what's to prevent our sending up a few skyrockets for her just the same? Ziss — boom! 4:,