Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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Q Cecil B. De Mi lie's chief cameraman wants an assistant and Mr. De Mille gives this opportunity to some Screenland young mam ARE YOU THE MAN FOR THIS WONDERFUL CHANCE? A small salary ($30 wee\ly) will be paid for a period of eight wee\s with all traveling expenses, but for the right man there is a clear road ahead to a $15,000 yearly salary. C[ Cecil B. De Mille gives his orders : It is Pev's business to "get it". Address— PEV MARLEY Screenland Contest Dept. 49 West 45th Street New York City. Contest closes October 15th, 1927. C[A typical day in Pev Marley's life. Thousands of men on horses just for a photograph, and all the responsibility of ta\ing it rests upon the cameraman's shoulders. phone, and instantly the massive set was flooded with light Marley peered through the finder of his camera at the from nearly 300 sources. Peverell Marley had worked scene spread out before him — armored soldiers of Rome, most of the night before superintending the placing of richly gowned Pharisees, ragged beggars, priests, merchants, those lights — huge "sun-arcs", tiny "baby spots", rows of and children, on a rocky hill, with the walls of old Jeru"scoops", "broads", "seventies", "eighties" and "rotaries" salem m the distance. A few minor adjustments of the — each with its "gobos" to protect the cameras from the powerful arc-lights by some of the scores of electricians gleam of direct light. in the super-structure of the big (Com. on page 101) 49