Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND Gives Your Hair Extreme Loveliness Makes Modern Styles of Hair Dress Most Attractive Brings Out All the Natural Life, Wave and Lustre. Gives that Wonderful Gloss and Silky Sheen which makes Your Hair so much admired. THE simplicity of the bob, and the modern styles of hair dress, make beautiful hair a necessity. The simple, modern styles of today are effective ONLY when the hair itself is beautiful. Luckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. Proper shampooing makes it soft and silky. It brings out all the real life and lustre, all the natural wave and color and leaves it fresh-looking, glossy and bright. Proper shampooing, however, means more than just washing your hair — it means thorough cleansing. The hair and scalp are constantly secreting oily, gummy substances, which catch the dust and dirt and cause the hair to become coated. This coating dulls the hair and therefore hides its life and lustre. It covers the natural color and beauty of the hair and pre vents it from showing. To have beautiful hair you must prevent this coating from accumulating. This cannot be done with ordinary soaps not adapted for the purpose. Besides, the hair cannot stand the harsh effect of free alkali which is common in ordinary soaps. The free alkali soon dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. That is why thousands of women, everywhere, use Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo. This clear, pure and entirely greaseless product brings out all the real beauty of the hair and cannot possibly injure. It does not dry the scalp or make the hair brittle, no matter how often you use it. A Simple, Easy Method IF you want to see how really beautiful you can make your hair look, just follow this simple method. First, wet the hair and scalp in clear, warm water. Then apply a little , Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, rubbing it in thoroughly all over the scalp, and all through the hair. Two or three teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather. This should be rubbed in thoroughly and briskly with the fingertips, so as to loosen the dandruff and small particles of dust and dirt that stick to the scalp. After rubbing in the rich, creamy Mulsified lather, give the hair a good rinsing. Then use another application of Mulsified, again working up a lather and rubbing it in briskly as before. After the final washing, rinse the hair and scalp in at least two changes of clear, fresh, warm water. This is very important. Just Notice the Difference YOU will notice the difference in your hair even before it is dry, for it will be delightfully soft and silky. If you want beautiful, well-kept hair, make it a rule to set a certain day each week for a Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo. This regular weekly shampooing will keep the scalp soft and the hair fine and silky, bright, glossy, fresh-looking and easy to manage — and it will be noticed and admired by everyone. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any drug store or toilet goods counter, anywhere in the world. A 4-ounce bottle should last for months. Mail This Coupon and Try it FREE 27-M-730 THE R. L. WATKINS COMPANY 1276 West 3rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio Please send me a generous supply of '"Mulsified" FREE, all charges Paid. Also your booklet entitled "Why Proper L'hampooing is BEAUTY INSURANCE." "I I I I Name. I ... I I Address City or Town Slate In Canada ailJ.-css. THE JR. L. WATKINS CO.. 4C2 Wel'.ineton Ct.. West. Toronto. 2-Ont. ) J MULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO