Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 79 It Was the Greatest Shock of My Life to Hear Her Play — how had she found time to practice? ^^"yr~\ yELL, Jim — I told you I had a \^\/ surprise for you!" * ™ She beamed, at her husband, delighted to see how surprised — and pleased — he was. And I was astonished, too. Quite casually she had gone to the piano, sat down — and played! Played beautifully — though I had never seen her touch a piano before. I didn't even know that she could read notes. Neither of us could conceal our curiosity. "How did you ever do it?" her husband asked. "When did you find time to practice?" "A nd who is your teacher?" I added. "Wait, wait ! " she laughed. "One question at a time. I have no teacher, that is, no private teacher, and I do my practicing between dishes." "No teacher?" "No — I learned to play the piano an entirely neiv way — without a teacher. You see, all my life I wanted to play some musical instrument, and the piano appealed to me most. I thought I'd never learn how to play it, though — for I haven't much time to spare, and I thought it would take long, long hours of hard work and study. And I thought it would be expensive, too." "Well, it is hard work, and it is expensive," I said. "Why, I have a sister . . . " "I know," she laughed, "but / learned to play the piano through the new simplified method. Some time ago I saw an announcement of the TJ. S. School of Music. It told how a young man had learned to play the piano during his spare time, without a teacher. Which Do You Want to Master in a Few Months? I found that thousands of others had learned to play their favorite musical instruments in this same delightful, easy way, and so I decided to enroll for a course in piano playing." "But you didn't tell me anything about it," Jim said. "Well, you see, that was my big surprise. Ever since I received my first lesson I've been practicing by myself — during the day while you've been away at business. I turned my spare moments between housekeeping and shopping into something pleasant and profitable." "If you planned to surprise me — you've certainly succeeded," said Jim. Piano Organ Violin Piccolo Clarinet Flute Harp 'Cello Guitar Voice and Automatic Hawaiian Guitar Drums and Traps Mandolin Harmony and Composition Sight Singing Ukulele Trombone Cornet Saxophone Speech Culture Finger Control Piano Accordion Banjo (Plectrum, 5-string or Tenor) Learn to Play at Home This story is typical. There are thousands of men and women who have turned their spare moments into valuable time. In hours that would otherwise be wasted, they have learned to play their favorite musical instruments through the TJ. S. School of Music. Are you letting priceless moments slip by when you could be learning to play some musical instrument — easily, quickly ? You simply can not go wrong. First you are told how a thing is done, then by illustration and diagram you are shown how, and when you play — you hear it. Thus you actually teach yourself to become an accomplished musician right in your own home. Without any long hours of tedious practice. Without dull or uninteresting scales you learn how to play real music from real notes. Here is your chance to become a good player — quickly — without a teacher. The TJ. S. School of Music will make you a capable and efficient player. Many of our pupils now have positions with professional bands and orchestras. Demonstratioir Lesson FREE Half a million people have already taught themselves to play their favorite instruments right in their home. To prove that you, too, can learn music this fascinating way, let us send you our free book, "Music Lessons in Your Own Home," which fully explains this remarkable method. We will include also our Free Demonstration Lesson. Mail Coupon Today Remember — it is not too late to become a capable musician. If you are in earnest about wanting to play your favorite instrument — if you really want to gain new happiness and increase your popularity — send off this coupon at once. Forget the old-fashioned idea that "talent" means everything. Read the list of instruments to the left, decide which you want to play, and the TJ. S. School of Music will do the rest. At the average cost of only a few pennies a day! Act NOW. Clip and mail this coupon today, and the fascinating free book and Demonstration Lesson will be sent to you at once. No obligation. TJ. S. School of Music, 32210 .Brunswick Bldg., New York City. U. S. School of Music, 32210 Brunswick Bldg., New York City. Please send me your free book "Music Lessons in Your Own Home" with introduction by Dr. Frank Crane. Demonstration Lesson and particulars of your offer. I am interested in the following course: Have you above instrument?.. Name Address (Please Write Plainly) City State..