Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 81 Preti DOES it need any argument to convince you that if your Will were stronger your position in life would be a great deal different from what it is today? You would have more wealth and material comfort, more recognition for the special aptitudes you undoubtedly possess; more responsibility and power among your associates; more respect from your immediate family and friends and from the world at large. Occasionally there have been times when momentous decisions had to be made — decisions that affected the entire course of your career. How often have these occasions found you vacillating and indecisive. You couldn't "make up your mind." So you wavered, helplessly, until usually some other person, or some circumstance, decided the matter for you. ' ]STo — it surely needs no argument to convince you that a strengthened will-power would completely alter the circumstances of your life — and inevitably for good! Are People Born WeakWilled? But can you strengthen your willpower. You would like to be a person of strong and decisive will-power. Who would not? But people, you have been given to understand, must be born with this rarest of all gifts. Since no fairy godmother seems to have endowed you with it at birth, you are fated (you may think) to be a wobbler all your days. This is the belief of most people, and yet nothing could be farther from the truth. Will-power is a faculty of the human mind, and it can be trained Wee any other faculty. In fact, it is very quickly susceptible to training. The truth is that indecision — weakness of will — is due to a very obvious condition. Those who suffer from it seldom use their will-power. From childhood on they have been trained, abominably, to let others do their deciding for them. This fine quality, the backbone of character has been thoughtlessly trained out of them, instead of in them. There is only one way to strengthen your will power, it is — to use it ! If your legs were kept in splints for a year, and the splints were then removed and you were placed upon your feet, you would sink to the ground under your own weight. Those particular muscles, unused for so long, would be unable to hold you erect. Exercising the Will The way to strengthen your will is through "mental exercise," just as the way to train your muscles is through physical exercise. This simple and sane point of view is the basis of the movement known as Pelmanism. It coincides with the dictates of common sense, and at the same ttute America T. P. O'CONNOR "Father of the House of Commons" KNOWN the world over as "Tay-Pay" — T. P. O'Connor is one of many world' famous figures in Europe and America who are ardent Pelmanists, who not only advise others to use this system of scientific mindtraining, but who themselves practice what they preach! Princes, generals, admirals, statesmen, captains of commerce and industry, authors and artists of world-wide renown, are numbered among the advocates of Pelmanism. "Tay-Pay" says: "Not one person in a thousand who takes this training but will find it a distinct benefit as many thousands have before him.1' time is completely in accord with the most advanced findings of Psychology. Everybody knows of the great advances that this science has made within the last fifty years. In that period we have discovered more about the way the human mind operates than was known in the preceding fifty centuries. About twenty-five years ago, in England, a movement was set on foot to utilize these discoveries of the psychological laboratories in our everyday life. This movement became known as Pelmanism, after the man who originated this simple idea, and who did more than any other to bring it to success. Scientific Mind-Training Its basic principle — as explained above : — is that of "mental exercise." It shows you, not only how to strengthen your Will by means of exercises, but also your memory, your power of concentration, your attention, your reasoning, your observation, your senses. It aims, in short, to keep you "mentally fit" ; to strengthen whatever mental faculties that have become weak within you through disuse. These "exercises," incidentally, are done under the direction of a staff of university-trained psychologists. They are prescribed in moderation, and are extremely interesting to carry out. Without doubt this is one reason for the extraordinary results that are often obtained. By means of these simple and fascinating "exercises," you soon find your senses sharpened ; you find it possible to observe more, to remember more easily, to attend more keenly, to concentrate more deeply, to reason more logically, to imagine more vividly, and, above all, to strengthen your will-power. Instead of drifting with circumstances, you begin to gain control over your life. Instead of being completely influenced by other people., you begin to do the influencing. Seeming Miracles Explained This seems to promise the miraculous. As a matter of fact, there is no so-called miracle of modern science more commonplace than the rejuvenation of individuals under this system of scientific mind training. It has made over anew the lives of unnumbered people. Over 000,000 individuals, in every walk of life, in every corner of the globe, from princes to peons, have now been benefited by this remarkable system of mind-training. There is no space here to tell of the many fascinating stories of what it has done. If, however, you are interested in this movement, send for a brochure called "Scientific Mind Training." It describes Pelmanism in detail and contains many almost unbelievable stories (all of them substantiated by records) of how its followers have benefited in the most tangible way. If you wish to have a copy, send the coupon below or write a letter. Your request will involve you in no obligation. It will be left to your considered judgment, after reading some of the revelations in this book, whether you can afford to lose the benefit of such a training for yourself. Address, The Pelman Institute of America, 71 West 45th St., Dept. 1610, New York City. (Approved as a correspondence school under the laws of the State of New York.) THE PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 71 West -loth St., Dept. 1610, New York City I want you to show me what Pelmanism has actually done for over 600,000 people. Please send me your free book, "Scientific Mind-Training." This places me under no obligation whatever.