Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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86 SCREENLAND "Les Resultats Sont Absolument Merveilleux* Wrote One Happy Woman You can preserve or regain a -youthfully slender figure easily through this really delightful and simple treatment. Removes superfluous flesh without violent excr cise, dieting or dangerous drugs. Simply a course of luxurious perfumed baths taken in your own home. Popular among French leaders of fashion. Introduced to America by a woman of social prominence. For sale by druggists, department stores, hairdressers, beauty specialists, etc. If your dealer does not carry Clarks Thinning Salt we will gladly supply you direct. THE ORIENT CO. North Wales, Penna. REDUCED nteresting Booklet "The Charming Figure" sent on request. (CLARKS THINNING SALTS) SEL AMAIGRISSANT CLARKS On sale at such stores at Altman, Stern. Gimbel, Macy, T'ark & Tilford in New York; Jordan Marsh & Co.. Boston; Marshall Field & Co., Chicago; Strawbridge & Clothier, and Evans, Philadelphia; Halle Bros. Co., The Mav Co., Cleveland; Joseph Home Co.. Pittsburgh; D. H. Holmes Co., New Orleans; S. Kann Sons CoWashington. How To Work Wonders With Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND A. Give me just 60 minutes and I'll unlock the floodgates of that vast reservoir of mental power — your Subconscious Mind. Note the immediate effect on your business, social and everyday life. By DAVID V. BUSH VAST reservoir of mental . energy! A huge storehouse of brain power! That's the subconscious mind. You've got it. Your friends have it. Everyone has it. But not one in a thousand knows how to use it. In GO minutes I can show you exactly how to awaken your subconscious mind — how to harness it — bow to make it work for you — how to make it solve problems — how to make it remember things — how to use its vast creative powers to boost your success and double your money-making ability. In my book. "Functions of the Subconscious Mind," I tell just what the Subconscious Mind is — just how to reach it — just how to control it — just how to get the most out of it. It's simple as -A. B. C. ONLY 50 CENTS Write today for this amazing book of more than 100 pages, "Functions of the Subconscious Mind." Send only 50 cents in full payment. If you are not delighted, return the book within 5 days and your money will be instantiv refunded. DAVID V. BUSH, Publisher 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Dept. T-6010, Chicago, III. OR DRUG HABIT Cured Forever or No Pay. Full treatment sent on trial. _ Can be given secretly in privacy of home. Guaranteed to banish 'forever all desire for whiskey, gin, wine, home brew, moonshine, opium, morphine, heroin, paregoric, and laudanum. Costs $2.00 if cures, nothing if fails. Save him from Poison. STANDARD LABORATORIES Sta. N -31 BALTIMORE. MD. SKIN -TROUBLES ANDRE'S ACNE CREAM is Guaranteed for all Skin Troublesnomatterhow severe or chronic. Bring-s immediate results. Quickly ends Pimples, Blackheads, Eruptions on face or body. Enlarged Pores, Oily, Shiny and Itching Skin. Eczema, Psoriasis, Scales. Crusts, Pustules. Lightens Freckles, softens and whitens the skin. Full particulars FREE. Write at once. ANDRE &C0..4029 Cottage Grove Ave., Suite 520 .Chicago Can a Picture Cure the Sick? Continued from page 39 Then to the Mother Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, I looked for an opinion. And R. F., one of the Editors of the Christian Science Monitor, wrote as follows: "The King of Kings will bring close to the people of this day and generation a clear and eloquent testimonial of the healing ministry and message of the Nazarene. The intense significance of Jesus's solitary stand for Truth comes forth; and from then on, until the final glory of Easter morn, there is only the growing wonder of His mighty work." E. H. Sothern, noted Protestant Episcopal layman and America's finest classical actor makes his contribution: "The image breakers are ever busy and it is timely for such a picture as The King of Kings'. I was very much affected by the picture . . . The whole story was treated wich dignity. It is a good thing in these busy and victoriously material times to have this story proclaimed so eloquently." Father John J. Wynne, noted theologian, Editor of the Catholic Encyclopaedia, Doctor of Sacred Theology of the Catholic University makes this important statement: "... All alike, those who conceived and wrote the play, those who acted in its production, those who provide for its performance and those who witness it, pay a tribute to Christ which must win not on]y unlimited success but untold blessings." Dr. John A. Marquis, Head of the Presbyterian National Missions, proclaims this picture "the most impressive thing I have ever seen." Robert H. Robinson, Past Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, says: "The King of Kings is wonderful, thrilling, soul-stirring and awe inspiring, and altogether a stupendous production . . . For many years I have been a student of the Life of Christ and His teachings and have often tried to visualize the very scenes which the picture portrays so graphically. But never before have I been able to grasp the vision which I received when viewing 'The King of Kings.' " Thomas Edward Potterton. D.D., President of the State Convention of Universalists feels: "The King of Kings is one of the greatest films I have seen. That it will make a profound impression throughout the land I doubt not. It induces reverence, proper self-thought, loyalty to the Christ and the enlarging sense of Christian Brotherhood "■. Mrs. Walter Willard. Chairman of the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women, says: "The good that this picture, so reverently directed and shown, will do can never be accurately calculated. As a religious theme, it is the world's most inspired sermon." When you have seen this picture you will feel the presence of something greater than you are; something that once healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, bound up the broken-hearted, and fed the hungry multitudes. It is this something that has given vitality to every art and has raised the motion picture at last to the glory of the service of God. It All Comes Out in the Wash Continued from page 33 to the neck of the bottle, and bellowed out in the most luscious of Irish brogues, "Mollie, the faithful old engine has never had a request to be a wet nurse before, but by gollies, little girl, anyone in the world would be glad to go to hell for you!" It had taken him just two minutes to fall for Rosetta's dynamic personality. Now you know as well as I do that Rosetta made a love deposit that cold winter's night in the heart of that little dancer that has born fruit and flowers of love and loyalty beyond words. Tell me, friend reader — have you ever studied some one that you really loved? Someone that the world held as a success because they had a lot of money — or because their name was always in print — or in electric lights? Have you ever tried to analyze their success? How and why they had attained that lofty goal for which men battle — yes, with as much suffering and as many scars as any war is guilty of — have you ever figured this out? Well I have. For two years, day and night, when playing with the stage production of "Topsy and Eva", I studied the "Adorable Duncans". I watched them carefully and I analyzed them. And though I give Rosetta full credit for a certain genius of catching lovely whistly melodies out of the air, and Vivian equal credit for a gift of real musicianship to play, arrange and actually orchestrate such song hits as their undying "Remembering" — and I give them praise and admiration for their beauty, and style of singing, and I believe Rosetta is on the way to being the world's greatest comedienne, still, I do not feel that is as much these natural gifts that has made for their success as it is the applying of all their talents to this greatest of all gifts, the gift of loving, that has made and will continue to make the Duncans famous. There is one friend of Hyme's and Jake's that stand at the head of a long army of "Duncan fans." Her name is Madame Katherine Keeler — the designer of every costume either of the girls has ever worn. Back in the days when the Duncans were very poor and felt swell in a ten-dollar dress, they saw a production of Henry W. Savage's. One set of costumes took Rosetta's eye — "Gee. I'd like to see the guy that designed those costumes," Rosetta sang out loudly. "Let's go and ask the manager who it was," said Vivian, always ready to help Rosetta along with her praise of someone's work. "The guy" turned out to be Madame Keeler. She has never forgotten two little girls who came down to the big sewing room and said, "Gee, we think you are wonderful — if ever we have any money you'll have to make costumes for us!" But the Duncan's didn't have to wait to have money — the very first vaudeville dates