Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SCREENLAND 91 CjrowTfes gww^Eye lashes Eyebrows like this in 30 days By Lucille Young America's most widely known Beauty Expert for fifteen years. Beauty Adviser to over a million •women. The most marvelous discovery has been made — a way to make eyelashes and eyebrows actually grow. Now if you want long, curling, silken lashes, you can have them — and beautiful, wonderful eyebrows. I know that women will be wild to put my new discovery to test. I want them to — at my risk. Doubt all you want to. It does seem impossible, I know. Everything heretofore has failed. But my search of years has at last disclosed the secret. So now I say to women that no matter how scant the eyelashes and eyebrows I will increase their length and thickness in 30 days — or not accept a single penny. There are no strings attached to my guarantee! No "ifs," "ands," or "maybes!" New growth or no pay. And you are the sole judge. Proved Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt Not just a few, but over ten thousand women have proved that my wonderful discovery works— proved it before this, my very first advertisement, appears. I have from these women some of the most startling , , , voluntary testimonials ever written, lashes and eyebrows. Now you can 5,5ShS^ Wr^^ S^teJSfe I print a few of them on this page, have this beauty-impart to your ^sponsive ?o TcenaTa Tare ing" dtnt^ loveliness this greatest of all Single found that this ingredient must be applied charms. ln an entirely new way. There is a secret -r, , ,T . . r • trr t t about my discovery — but no mystery. It ^J\eSUltS Noticeable Itl a tveekl accomplishes its remarkable results just as nature does for those women who In one week — sometimes in a dav Or Possess beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows. T 1 . +1 — t i .... — — — .i cNpw Eyelashes and Eyebrows can be made to grow. My new discovery MUST accomplish this, or its cost isoill be refunded in jull. Over 10,000 'women have made the test. I have the most marvelous testimonials. Read a few here. I have attested before a notary public, under oath, that they are genuine and voluntary. And I have sworn to their genuineness before a notary public. Please note the first testimonial — an amazing statement that my discovery actually produced hair on the fore ~— — t--~— ' — * — \~ ---- nnt-ire the effect Vmi I know that I have given to women the head, as well as growing eyelashes two— you notice tne enect. xou wbh of their hearts_made the most as_ and eyebrows Every one of the merely follow simple directions. 1 he tounding beauty discovery yet recorded, wnmen who have tried mvdisroverv eyelashes become more beautiful — And I have waited until I was sure before women wno nave tried my discovery ■> silken fringe The darlino o-^enng it to the world at large. The more did SO on my guarantee. And not a "Ke a sllw;n lrl.n&/f xn.a *?; . A;?g than ten thousand women who have tested single one has reportedfailure. On the llttle upward curl shows itself. 1 he my discovery have been my regular patrons. eyebrows become sleek and tractable— with a noticeable appearance of growth and thickness. You will have the thrill of a lifetime — know You Can Have Proof At My Sole Risk contrary all have been wildly enthusiastic. What My Discovery Means to Beauty To fringe the eyes with long, curling, natural lashes — to make the eyebrows intense, strong, silken lines! own marvelous virtue the advantage discovery is $1.95. Later the price will be Think of it. All the mysterious, al of darkeners. But it does so without regularly $5.00. luring charm of veiled eyes, the messiness and artificiality. It gives witchery and beauty only one worn the effect, but itself, cannot be detected. that nil \?mi hwe. +r> Hr> i'= ram; r.n< Remember. . .in 30 days I guarantee re that all you have to do is carry out sults that will not only deUght> but use Ot my discovery the allotted amaze. If your eyelashes and eyebrows do time. And there is instant beauty, too; not actually grow, if you are not wholly for my discovery combines with its H^^&S^X^ my an in a hundred now possesses in full. Merely darkening the eyelashes and eyebrows is a poor substitute. It helps. But what you really desire with all your heart, what every woman longs for is this marvelous beauty of naturally luxuriant eye Send No Money With Order oAn Entirely New, Scientific Principle For years, I have sought my discovery — tried thousands upon thousands of ways. But they were the ways others have tried. I, like others, failed utterly. Then I made Send no money . . . simply mail coupon. When package arrives, pay postman only $1.95 plus a few cents postage. Use my wonderful discovery for full 30 days. , Then if not delighted, return it and I will refund your money without com ^ ment. Mail coupon today to Lucille # Young, Lucille Young Building, A Chicago, 111. S Dear Miss Young: I have just used your Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier and have received good results. Furthermore, while I was applying it to my eyes, I thought I'd put it on my forehead at the side, to make a dip. I continued to do so and was astonished one day when I saw that there actually was hair on my forehead. I will have a natural dip on my forehead. Luretta Prinze, 1952 Cudaback Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dear Lucille Young: I am more than pleased with your Eyebrow and Eyelash Beautifier. My eyelashes are growing thick, long, and luxurious. Miss Flora J. Corriveau, 8 Pinette Ave., Biddeford, Me. Dear Miss Young: I certainly am delighted with the Eyebrow and Eyelash Beautifier. I notice the greatest difference and so many people I come in contact with remark how 6ilky and long my eyelashes appear to be. Mile. Hefflefinger. 240 W. "B" St., Carlisle. Pa. Lucille Young: I have been using your Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier Method. It is 6urely wonderful. Pearl Provo, 2954 Taylor St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Friend: A million or more thanks to you Mis9 Young. I am greatly pleased. My eyebrows and lashes are beautiful now. I will praise you to all my friends and I do not need to speak that praise — my appearance tells the tale. Naomi Otstot, 5437 Westminster Ave., W. Phila., Pa. My Dear Friend: Your eyelash and eyebrow beautifier is simply marvelous. The longer I continue to use it the better the results. People are asking me how I do it. All I say is, "I owe it all to 'Lucille Young."' Frances Raviart, R. D. No. 2. Box 179, Jeannette, Penn. w f Lucille Young, # 74 A Lucille Yonng Bldg., Chicago, 1U. .# Send me your new f discovery for growing eyelashes and eyebrows. On arrival I will pay postman only $1.95 plus a few cents postage. If not delighted, I will return it within 30 days, Screen Stars, Actresses, Society ♦ women and professional beau 4>*w,„ , r .11 jT Name ties please note. You are vitally interested in this discovery, f St. Address.. and you will at once refund my money without question. 2709 S. Wells Street, J Chicago, Illinois ,# City State NOTE: If price of $1.95 sent with order, postage will be prepaid.