Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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92 SCREENLAND How to Get What You Want A new and amazing force which is bringing to thousands the things they want — so quickly and easily as to be astounding! What do you want most in life — n home of your own — a college education — a brilliant and successful career — a trip to Europe — an automobile, health, happiness and love or success in any line ? David V. Bush Dr. Bush — America's most famous practical psychologist and lecturer — has helped thousands of men and women to realize just such desires as these— through VISUALIZATION. What Visualization Is Visualization is one of the most potent forces in life — yet not one person in a thousand knows how to use it I It is an amazing pow er that can he harnessed in such a way as to bring you things you never dreamed could be yours. Just as Dr. Bush has proved time and again that proper visualization will actually make desires come true — he will prove it in your own case! In his book, "Rules for Visualizing," Dr. Bush tells you exactly how to use this gigantic force — exactly how to apply it — exactly how to make it work for you. In simple language he reveals to you the secret of getting what you want. This amazing book will prove a gold mine to you — yet its cost is Only 25c Don't delay! Get what you want in life! Realize your greatest ambitions! Send for this remarkable book TODAY. Enclose 2? cents stamps or coin. Address: David V. Bush, Publisher, Dept. N-6010, 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. 'These Amazmglu Beautiful Blue While CORODITB Gems match the scintillating beauty of GENUINE DIAMONDS. They baye the same gorgeous blazing flash and dazzling play ot living rainbow lire. Standing the terrific Acid Test of direct comparison. Lifetime experts need all their experience to see any difference. PROVE THIS YOURSELF. MAKE THIS TEST Y!ear a CORODITE and a genuine iimul. lliu icon Diamond side by side on the same f inger for seven days. If you and your friends can tell tho difference send it back, you won't be out a single penny. lhatsfair enough. If you keep the ring the price printed here is all you pay. No installments. Remember CORODITES alone have the same Sacet cutting as Genuine Stones. A. Ladies lgt. Carved Basket Ring/Platinum effect $3.36 B. Ladies 1 Ct. Pierced Filigree 4 Post Ring. Plat, effect S3. 64 C. Ladies H Ct. Basket Ring, Blue Syn. Sapphire sides $3.94 p. Ladies 1 Ct. Bridal Blossom Hand Chased Solitaire $2.48 E. Mens 1 Ct. Heavy Belcher 14K Gold Shell Ring . $3.48 F. Mens 1 Ct. Massive Carved Hexagon Gypsy Ring $4.16 Corodite Gems are mounted in Hand Chased and Engraved rings reproducing in exact and ifaithful detail the most modern high priced and fashionable Platinum Diamond Creations. SEND NO MONFY KecP ?our aioney right at home. Just . iiiuiin een(j Dame a(jdress stating which ring you want and size as shown by slip of paper fitting end to end around finger joint and your ring will come by return mail. Deposit price plus a few cents postage with postman. You do not risk a penny as our guarantee to refund your money is attached to every ring we sell. SEND TODAY. Est. ISIS. E. RICHWINE CO., Dept. 16 19 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago PIMPLES Cleared up — often in 24 hours. To prove you can be rid of pimples, blackheads, acne eruptions on the face or body, barbers' itch, eczema, enlarged pores, oily or shiny skin, simply send me your name and address today — no eost ■ — no obligation. CLEAR-TONE tried and tested in over 100. 0(10 cases — used liUe toilet water — is simply macical in prompt results. You can repay the favor by tellinp your friends: if not, the loss is mine. WRITE TODAY. E.S. GIVENS, 411 Chemical Bldg., Kansas City.Mo. The Queen's English Continued from page 21 she had been telephoning to me from down stairs. "Ah," I said "There you are." "Can I dis you give?" said she graciously offering her hand. I took her hand and returned her smile with one of my own which, for beauty, considerably underated hers. "You are sitting?" said she. "I am not but will," said I suiting the action to the word and plunging at once into my duty. "What do you think of our tall build' ings?" I asked as a starter. She threw me a gypsy smile: "Ven mans and vomans are marry," she answered "De vomans are not like mans iss. He are vork in the day all She are affect somsing for beautiful making. It are so?" "Then you think, from what you've seen of life, that marriage is not so successful?" I asked her. "Ven are sitting," she answered, "Can talking." She put a long tapering finger on my arm and I didn't feel so easy in my mind. "Mans are not like the womans who are affect," said she. "De mans are vear all day de business and de vomans are for dressing von hour, two fifty. Are hotsy, totsy evrasing," she laughed a rippling laugh full of merriness. "Ven in Hollywood I are vorking. I am de automobiles learning to driving. Ven the driving are not so goot, not can driving goot. In de street von ladys are I pushing down. De vomans are vit me angry. Bot I are speaking English so I to her say 'Totsy Totsy' and are so quick away driving." "I understand," I lied. "But tell me, do you enjoy your work in pictures here better than in Europe?" "De vompire," she exclaimed quite easily. "De vompire always are get de mans. Bot he are quick avay to some telephone and are forgetting all about." "Aha," said I. "Then you like to play vampire parts better than . . . " "Oh yes," she said. "Ven I are playing in Budapest, Mister Goldwyn are to me a telegram 'Coming quic\ to Paris.' He are telegram. I are excite. Ven I are in Paris coming, Mister Goldwyn vant for I am vompire playing. Bot I are like to play nize vomans." "Nize baby," said I if a little jocularly. "No," she exclaimed. "I are re-fuse Mister Goldwyn." "Do you like Hollywood better than you do New York?" I next asked. "I are not so intelgent, bot I are not dumbull," she answered. "What I mean is," said I, "Do you like the people in Hollywood any better than . . .?" "You be not so sure," she said. "Perhaps," I answered ambiguously. "Here are sometimes yes and sometimes not so goot," she said. "I see," I said. "Six of one and sex of the other." "Bot, no," she said. "What I want to know is," said I, "Do you like European or American men better?" "It are in America vonderful big," she told me. "Taller, you mean?" "Oh my Gott," she exclaimed, "Only motch more vindow." 'Windc "It are vonderful," she agreed. "Do you mean buildings, or men?" "You are me joking," she said laughingly. "Are not so big the ice?" "No," I hastened to assure her. "My drink is cold enough." Then seeing the error of my ways and hastening to regain my lost advantage, I added: "I think your eyes are adorable . . . but your nose ..." "My noce it are for the distinction," said she and she turned on me her beautful broadside — the broadside that I would guarantee to sink a thousand battleships. "The nose have it," I said. "Oh my Got," she said laughing full heartedly, "Dis Henglish linguidge are hotsy totsy." "How many languages do you speak?" I asked remembering that most foreigners speak three or four. C[ Viola Dana in "The Winds of Chance" puts the sea in Cinema.