Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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SGREENLA N D 97 Just a little mite, Cleopatra; but oh, what big eyes she had, and what big ideas! She also had twins, but whose business is that? What I'm driving at is that styles in sirens haven't changed much. It's still the split' pint soubrette that knocks 'em cold. There are exceptions to every rule — Greta Garbo. But look at Janet Gaynor and Louise Brooks and Clara Bow and Lya de Putti and Marie Prevost and Sally O'Neil and Alberta Vaughn and Lois Moran — all little, but oh my. A little vamp is a dangerous thing. Professor Twitch, in his famous tome, "Why We Behave Like Boobs", has brought to light some other fascinating points. If we would only take a tip from the Eocan' thropus, he says, we would learn something. Maybe so; but I'm not taking any chances. I prefer to take my tips from the Homo Hollywoodis. He still observes the good old customs. He woos his fair lady by deeds, not dose. He's the quarterback on the football team who makes the touchdown that saved the day for dear old Hale. Or he's the stroke-oar on the crew; or he wins the hundred-yard-dash on the dot. He does something. He shows her. He's a caveman in modern dress, and he always gets his girl. His clubs may be night-clubs but he uses the same technique. She gets her man, does the cave-girl in modern undress, with the same simplicity that Mama Magnon used. Screen stars just have to exhibit primitive emotions to make good. Our friend, the Professor, calls upon physiology craniology, psychology, archaeology, sociology, demology. ethnology, morphology, embryology, ecology, anthropology, and somatology to prove his points; and if you want to, you can listen to him while he explains it all. But I know better. I know he is only Lon Chaney trying out a new set of whiskers. Besides, I have a date to go to the movies to' learn all about primitive emotions from them. What's Doing in Times Square (Continued from page 8) A close-up of the scene had been shot once but neither Miss Mason nor her director were satisfied with it. They talked it over again and then Shirley walked slowly to the set and stumbled to her knees before the chair over which the scarf was hung. No one seemed to be paying the slightest attention to her. The director glanced over the script, the cameraman adjusted his camera at a different angle and the electricians examined their lights. Shirley sat quietly for a few minutes, her face half buried in the scarf, the finger of one hand tracing an aimless pattern on the arm of the chair. Tears glistened in her eyes. For a minute she was perfectly still, then the hand that had been tracing the pattern made a slight gesture. Instantly the director said quietly, so as not to disturb the tempo of the scene, "All ready boys. Lights. Camera. All right Shirley." And the" scene was over before I got through being surprised over the comfortable way things could be done in the movies. Yes the movies have their own charm but I often wonder how a seasoned actor who has for one reason or another stuck to the "Legitimate", who knows every trick in the bag and still doesn't own a Rolls Royce, feels when he looks full in the glare of a Broadway sign and reads the name of a young thing not out of her teens. A child who doesn't know what acting is all about, whose triumph may be but a season unless she learns, who has only her youth and her beauty to offer; yet there she is, the darling of the people and a Star on Broadway. 1 Dare Anyone to Fail Now/* Says the Man Who Has Startled America Clearly and simply David V. Bush now shows how easy it is for the average man to get anything he wants by simply applying these amazing new principles of success H j DAEE ANYONE to fail now," says I Dr. Bush. "I dare anyone to apply * these amazing new principles without gaining quick success and lasting happiness. "I'll teach you to smash all obstacles! I'll teach you to blast your way to success! Just let me reveal to you my amazing new methods of getting what you want and I'll stake my reputation that you simply CAN'T FAIL!" These are Dr. Bush's own words — his own great message to the American people. In his famous lecture tours over the United States and Canada, Dr. Bush has met thousands of people. He has lectured to millions. He has come in direct contact with all classes of men and women from the greatest thinkers and benefactors of mankind to the lowest, even criminal types. It is for this reason that Dr. Bush knows people. He understands human nature to the core — its strength, its weaknesses. Dr. Bush's Great Teachings Revealed In a Single Book In his great book called "You Can," Dr. Bush speaks his clear, human message direct to YOU. He tells you just what you want to know. He tells you just how you can overcome timidity, fear and selfconsciousness. He tells you how to develop will power, how to grow brains, how to find yourself and your work. He tells you how to reach the subconscious mind, how to use suggestion and auto-suggestion, how to reach your goal no matter how far distant it may seem. Dr. Bush gives you secrets that will enable you to forge ahead with amazingstrides — he tells you exactly how to make the start, how to keep going, how to branch out. lie puts success right within your grasp. Achievement actually seems easy to men and women who follow his wonderful teachings. He will inspire you, uplift you, give you a great new surge of self-confidence. You will feel your powers doubled — trebled! You will feel giant forces awakening within you — new life — new hope — new strength. You will laugh at obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. You will toss aside such hindrances as worry and fear and timidity. 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Old truths will strike you with new force. You will say to yourself as thousands have said, "How simple it all is! Why didn't I see it all before?" You will say, as Dr. Bush said, "I dare anyone to fail after reading: and being inspired by these splendid principles!" Examine the Book Free No description can begin to give you even an idea of the startling truths explained and proved in this wonderful book. The very first page will be a revelation to you, just as Dr. Bush's lectures have been a revelation to keen, thinking, analytical minds in every city. Mail the coupon. This remarkable book will be sent at once. Read it for five days. Think about it. Consider the wonderful teachings. 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