Screenland (Dec 1927-Apr 1928)

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104 S GREENLAND Here is YOUR %h School Education/ I Are YOU the INTERESTING type that can dis 1 cuss almost any subject intelligently— or are you I tongue-tied, ill at ease among people? Are you I chained to a low-paid job while others step up to I big positions and handsome salaries just because I they have MORE EDUCATION? If you feel handi 1 capped because you missed the advantages of an S education, if you lack ideas or the ability to express them, then A High School Training is What You Need IT is in High School that the foundations of an education are laid. In Grammar School you merely learn to read and write. And in College you simply continue the studies you pursued in High School. It is in High School that you study Ancient and Modem Histovj— that you learn how to speak and write correct English— that you acquire an appreciation of Literature. It is in High School that you get to know the world you live in through the study of Biology and Physics and Economics and Mathematics — that you obtain the cultured advantages of Foreign Languages. It is in High School where you get the knowledge and training necessary for success in business and social life. Tou may feel, however, that it is hopeless for you to attempt to "go to school again." But through a wonderfully simplified method you can now acquire the essentials of a High School Course right in your own home — in your spare moments without missing a day's work. Your Home Is Your High School The High School Home-Study Bureau actually brings the high school into your home. It's like having a staff of teachers at your elbow. A remarkable series of questions and Answer Books now enables you to make up entirely what you lost in not attending high school. In just twelvo convenient, fascinating volumes, the Blue Books offer you the equivalent of a four-year high school education. As you look at these books you marvel how so much can be compressed into so little space. Unlike ordinary school books these texts contain no long drawn out discussions, no dry-as-dust nonessentials, .lust the most important facts presented in the most successful teaching method known. The editors have boiled down each subject and presented it as a series of fascinating Questions and Answers. Every question is right to the point — every answer is simple, direct, easily understood interesting. Onlv 15 or 20 minutes a day spent in reading these 'books will bring you the knowledge of high school subjects that you need to make yourself more valuable. Better than any get-rich scheme is a training in high school subjects. It is not too late, no matter how long you have been away from school to make up for the education you i missed. Used by 12,000 High School Teachers 1 Principals, teachers and students in High j Schools all over the country use these unique High I School Home-Study Books in their daily work. B They are praised by the highest educational authori I ties* for their simplicity, clearness and thoroughness. A High School Principal writes. "I believe your I method of instruction to be superior to any other. ■ It should be universally adopted." A letter re I ceived from one of our students reads: "I never I spent money for books that give me the real I pleasure these do." And another student writes: I "I am delighted with the books and would not I take $100.00 for them if I could not replace them." I It Costs You Nothing to Examine Them I The coupon will bring you the twelve famous I Blue Books to examine free. Keep them and enjoy I them for 5 days. Then decide. No risk; no obli I gation. Simply mail the coupon. HIGH SCHOOL HOME STUDY BUREAU, 31 Union Square, New York City. Dept. 191 Gentlemen: Send me for FREE EXAMINATION, the 12 famous High School Home-Study Books dealing with the following subjects: Ancient Historv. Economics, Biology. Physics, Literature, Algebra, French, Spanish, English Grammar. Latin. Modern History and American History. Within 5 days I will either return the books or remit $3.S5 as first payment and then $4.00 a month for three months, a total of $15. S5. (Note: If you prefer to take advantage of the 10% cash discount, remit $14.27 after examination.) Name Address Town State. was born in Philadelphia, Pa. She has hazel eyes and blonde hair, is 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 107 pounds. Friend Betty, ]ac\son. I'd do you good, if I could, but I might get caught at it. Why should I think you bold because you take Scree nland? Helene Costello is now playing in In Old Kentucky at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver Ctiy. Cal. Dolores Costello. George Jessel, Syd Chaplin and Monte Blue at Warner Bros.. 5842 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood, Cal. Douglas Fairbanks and John Barrymore. United Artists, 7200 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Lonesome, Seattle, Wash. With all those wonderful mountains and everything — you have mountains, haven't you? So you think that Vilma Banky and Ronnie Colman were just made for each other, do you? Well, you see. Rod La Rocque thought differently — and so they were married. You can reach Vilma at Samuel Goldwyn Productions, Culver City, Cal. Wanda R. Sorry I can't give you the home address of Pola Negri, but you can write to her at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, Cal. She is said to be very happily married to a real live Prince — Serge M'divani, by name. So dry your tears, child: and try to be happy with her. If your sister looks like Bebe Daniels, who does Richard Dix look like? I give it up. Tours for the Best, Sanford, Fla. And not for the worst. You are too good to me. Suppose you write to Lee Duncan, Warner Bros., 5842 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. and ask him to send you his dog — now wait a minute — to send you a picture of his dog, Rin-Tin-Tin, and see what you get. Bebe Daniels, Fred Thompson and Adolphe Menjou are at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, Cal. Billie Dove and Ken Maynard, First National Studios, Burbank, Cal. Mary Pickford, United Artists, Hollywood, Cal. William Haines, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Culver City, Cal. Ronald Colman is working for Samuel Goldwyn Productions, Culver City, Cal. Joseph of Martins Mill Road. You know your onions, don't you, Joe? I am sorry I can't send you pictures of your favorites, but I can tell you where to write, to get them — and how. Tom Mix can be reached at Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Lon Chaney at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Cal. Write to Fred Thompson at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, Cal. C. C. Miami, Fla. You have a most inquisitive nature, did you say?_ And you'd like to know every thing like anything, about Buster Collier — well, I'd call yours a very generous nature. William (Buster) Collier was born Feb. 12. 1902, in N. Y. City. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 145 pounds. Between the ages of 4 and 13 years, he was on the stage with his father, William Collier. A few of his pictures are, The Bugle Call, Soul of Youth, Pleasure Mad, The Wanderer and The Rainmakers. He is now playing in The Outpost, at Warner Bros. Studios, 5842 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. My Dutch Auntie, San Pedro. Now I ask you, as one kind relative to another, what are we going to do about the 'needles and pins' that you have been on while waiting for this issue of Screenland? Get the point, Lorame? I feel all puffed up with pride and thanks a lot for the wholesale praise of my department. I think it's pretty good, at that. See, how your flattery has gone to my head. You may recognize your favorite 'in the cast of Bro\en Hearts of Hollywood: Patsy Ruth Miller, Louise Dresser, Barbara Worth, Doug Fairbanks, Jr., Jerry Miley, Stuart Holmes, Dick Sutherland and Sam de Grasse. Mouie Struc\, TsJ. Y. So you are a good stepper and have acted in many Christmas plays? Face all made up — pardon me, I mean, 'you have your movie name all made up,' and are ready to hit the trail for good old Hollywood. That's a long, long walk, Helen. But at the age of 11 years, you have much to look forward to and I'm going to hope with you. I said hope, not hop.