Screenland (Dec 1927-Apr 1928)

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102 How to Get Rid ofC* Stomach Trouble, Constipation, Headache, Indigestion and scores of kindred ailments Don't let ill health keep you from enjoying life! Already thousands of men and women all over the country have regained new health, strength, energy, vitality and high efficiency through the help of Dr. Bush, the world DAVID V. BUSH famous authority on right living. His remarkable, scientific method goes direct to the root of the trouble and removes its cause. Wrong eating — wrong selection of food — wrong combinations which throw the meal out of balance are responsible for nine-tenths of all sickness. Such ailments as stomach acidity, torpid liver, constipation, headache, indigestion, stomach ulcer, rheumatism, are all due to wrong eating. And these ailments are merely the forerunners of more dangerous diseases and the final breakdown of the whole system. Only 25c "What To Eat." a vitally important book on this absorbing subject, has just been published by Dr. Bush, who has spent years in the study of foods. This remarkable book fully explains the principles of correct eating. It tells how to combine and balance foods so that they contain the exact proportion of the elements Which your body needs to keep it healthy and strong. Besides, a family of live can save $250 a year in the purchase of food stuffs. "What To Eat" will add golden years to your life. It will make von vigorous, vital, overflowing with health —yet its cost is only 25c! Send for it TODAY! It will prove a revelation to you. Enclose 25 cents (stamps or coin). Address David V. Bush, Publisher, Dept. W-604, 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. PERSONAL Appearance is now more than ever t he key note of success, both in social and bus'Inessllfe. Bow-Leoued and KnockKneed men and wo men. both young and Old, will be glad to hear that my new appliancewill successfully straighten, within a short time, bowleggedness and knockkneed legs, safely, (llllckly and permanently, without pain, operation or discomfort. Worn at night. My new "Lim-Straitner", Model 18. U.S. Patent, is easy to adjust; its results will soon save you from further humiliation, and improve your personal appearance Kill per cent. (Model 18 is not like old-fashioned splints or braces, with bothersome straps, hard to adjust, hut a scientific, modern device of proven merit, used and recommended for t lie last 4 years by physicians everywhere.) Write today for particulars, testimonials and my free copyrighted physiological and anatomical book which tells yon how to correct how and knock-kneed legs without, any obligation. Enclose a dime for postage. M. TRILETY, SPECIALIST 1622 L, W. U. Building, Binghamton, N. Y. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG OUR COMPOSER WROTE WE COMPOSE MUSIC MANY SONG HITS MONARCH MUSIC COMPANY 236 West 55th Street Dept. 188 NEW YORK SCREENLAND er's Boy' in What Price Glory was born in Buenos Aires about 23 years ago. His real name is Alfredo de Biraben, Jr. Dor' othy Gulliver was born in Salt Lake City Sept. 6, 1908. She is a brunette, 5 feet 2 inches tall and her friends call her Dim' pies. She is married. George Lewis can be addressed at Universal Studios, Universal City, Cal., where he is now working in We Americans. George, who is a trained ath' lete, expert swimmer, football and tennis player, was born in Mexico City, Dec. 10, 1903. James Hall played with Madge Bellamy in Sil\ Legs. He has a fine part in Grandma Bernle Learns Her Letters, both pictures from the Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Willie Mae M. of Columbus, Miss. Mary Pickford can be addressed at PickfordFairbanks Studios, Hollywood, Cal. But don't ask Mary to send you the addresses of the various screen stars, as it would take up too much of Mary's time. Better let me do that. You will find the address of Richard Dix elsewhere in this department. You can write to Jackie Coogan at 673 South Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Elinor of Stamford, Conn. So you think I'm not romantic and do not know that 'love makes the world go round' — and they say, when that fails, try home-made gin. I'm not boasting, just laughing at myself. Raymond Hatton and the late Einar Hanson played with Esther Ralston in Fashions for Women. You can address Raymond at Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood, Cal. J. A. Z. and Many Others. Please enclose stamped envelope if you want one of my grand personal letters. I have all the personal mail I can take care of but if you would really rejoice to hear from your Vee Dee personally, just enclose that teenyweeny stamplet and I'll get around to yours in time. Quite a side-step from French Dressing to The Gorilla but I can give you the principals in both films. No trouble at all. Charlie Murray, Frank Kelsey, Alice Day, Tully Marshall. Claude Gillingwater and Walter Pidgeon contributed to the success of The Gorilla. No, J. A. Z., the film French Dressing isn't something you eat — it's something you put on before you eat — the pretty frock or the new Easter what-nots. In French Dressing you saw Lois Wilson, Lilyan Tashman, H .B. Warner and Clive Brook. A Charles Delaney Fan, Calif. Your favorite laughed himself into a picture contract after several years of hard luck, trying to get a foot-hold. But aside from being able to see the funny lining to every cloud, Charlie can act, too. He was born in New York City. He enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps and at the close of the World War he went in for stunt flying and began to double for movie stars in aviation films. So after many ups and downs, Charlie has landed — with both feet on the M-G-M lot, still laughing like nobody's business. His latest films are The Lovelorn, The Main Event and The Thirteenth Hour for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Culver City, Cal. He is married. Kladine, Utica, H T. All of the William Haines fans, including Frenchy and Miss G. of A\ron, get in the circle and we'll collect clippings for our movie scrapbooks. Bill Haines was born Jan. 1, 1900, in Staunton, Va. He has black hair, brown eyes, is 6 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. He is not married and you can put it down in your memory books, that he is not en gaged yet. His latest picture is West Point and he is now making The Smart Set at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Cal. Hope you won't have to wait long for his photograph. Here, Frenchy, is your cue — 'Marie Prevost was born in Sarnia, Canada, Nov. 8, 1898. She has dark hair* blue eyes, is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 123 pounds. She is not married now. Ben Lyon was born in Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 6, 1901. He has dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, is 5 feet 1 1 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. That's what I call news in a nut-shell. Francis B. of Sjxapaw, 0\la. Allow me to hand you the bacon or I suppose you'll take the cake for 'knowing every star in the movie world on sight.' I'll say that is some flickering film knowledge. The picture you mention has never come under my observation. I'm sorry not to be able to tell you anything about Conway Tearle's movie plans. There is talk of his return to the speakies. It's been some time since he made a picture. Come on, Conway, and give your fan friends something to think about. Olive Hasbrouck played with Jack Hoxie in The Fighting Three, a Universal picture directed by Al Rogell. Golden Loc\s from Conn. I like a candid confession like yours — you say you have the good looks but are afraid that isn't all you have to have, to get in the movies. Good looks will take you far but not all the way to Hollywood and stardom. No, John Gilbert is not married to Greta Garbo — both are enjoying single blessedness, if you follow me, and I hope you do. This seems to be a Jack Gilbert month, as usual. I've told all about him, many a time and oft before, and I'm going to stick to my original story, so here goes. Jack was born in Logan, Utah. July 10, 1897. His real name is John Pringle. Both father and mother were of the stage. He has brown hair and eyes, is 5 feet 1 1 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. He is working in The Cossac\s at Metro-Goldwyn Studios, Culvsr City, Cal., and if you write him for a picture, that address will bring one, if you are lucky. Bec\y, Kalamazoo, Mich. You have a joke on me, have you? Why didn't you tell it so we all could laugh? 'As long as I seem quite bright,' can I tell you Clara Bow's real name? Funny question! I don't have to be bright long, to tell you that. And don't believe all the gossip you hear. Becky; Clara hasn't changed her name, is not married and as far as I know, she is not engaged. Colleen Moore is now filming Lilac Time for First National. You can write to Sally Blane at FBO Studios. 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Cal. She played opposite Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in Dead Man's Curve. Betty P. of Wilemette, III. What happened to Raymond Griffith, you ask? If you will kindly read the answer to Adele of St. Louis, you'll see what has happened to Raymond. Billie Dove can be reached at First National Studios, Burbank, Cal. Marie Prevost is playing in A Blonde for a Night at the Cecil B. De Mille Studios, Culver City, California. Patsy Ruth Miller is making Red Riders of Canada for FBO Studios. 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Cal. John Barrymore is filming Tempest at United Artists Studios, 7200 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Simple Sis of St. Louis. Charles Chaplin was born in Paris, France, in 1889. He has brown hair, blue eyes and is 5 feet 4