Screenland (May-Oct 1928)

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100 SCREENLAND David V. Bush How to Work Wonders With Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Give me just 60 minutes and I'll unlock the floodgates of that vast reservoir of mental power — your Subconscious Mind. Note the immediate effect on your business, social and everyday life. BY DAVID V. BUSH A vast reservoir of mental energy! A huge storehouse of brain power 1 That's the Subconscious Mind. You've got it Your friends have it. Everyone has it. But not one in a thousand knows how to use it. In CO minutes I can show you exactly how to awaken your Subconscious Hind— how to harness it — how to make it work for you — how to make it solve problems — how to make it remember things — how to use its vast creative powers to boost your success and double your money-making ability. In mv book "Functions of the Subconscious Mind." I tell just wlxat the Subconscious Mind is — just how to reach it — just how to control it — just how to get the most out of it. It's simple as A. B. C. ONLY 50 CENTS Write todav for this amazing book of more than one hundred pages, "Functions of the Subconscious Mind." Send only 50 cents in full payment. If you are not delighted, return the book within 5 days and your money will be instantly refunded. DAVID V. BUSH, Publisher 225 N. Michigan Blvd., Dept. T-0605, Chicago, III. "PERFUME CREATION OF MOVIE LAND" TRIPLE EXTRACT LOVE DROPS A new creation, an enchanting powerful aroma. Rich and poor, old and young, surrender to its charm. $2.50 size for $1.00 postpaid, or $1.27 C.O.D., with instructions for use. Secrets of Love's psychology and art of winning the one you love with the original 7 Psychological and Successful plans and stratagems for winning, inspiring, captivating and holding the love of the one you love, and exercising your Magnetic Invisible Power within you, to which you hold the key. . „ WONS CO., Dept. 5, Box 1250, Hollywood, Calif. FAT GET RID OF YOUR Free Trial Treatment sent on request. Ask for my "pay-whenreduced" offer. I have successfully reduced thousands of persons, without starvation diet or burdensome exercise, often at a rapid rate. Let me send you proof at my expense, DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physician State of N. Y. 286 Fifth Av., N'. Y. Desk M START A MOVIE ALBUM Use lifelike photos of your favorite Movie Stars, in their latest and best poses. Original pictures, size 8x10, only 50c each or 12 for $5. Send currency, money order or U. S. 2c stamps Satisfaction guaranteed. S. BRAM STUDIO 729 Seventh Ave. Studio 252 New York City Free list with each order. Dealers Invited. ORRECT your NOSE to perfect shape while you sleep. Anita Nose Adjuster guarantees SAFE, rapid, permanent results. Age no obstacle. Painless. 60,000 doctors, users praise it. Gold Medal Winner. Booklet Free Write for it TODAY 569 Anita Building, Newark, N. J. SONGWRITERS!!! SUBSTANTIAL ADVANCE ROYALTIES ARE PAID upon publishable work. ANYONE having original ideas for Songs* may submit poems for examination and advice. — WALTER NEWCOMER, 1674 B'wny, N. Y. providing you find the right mate!" He has burning brown eyes, a very small mustache, and no side-burns. Apparently he only adds them for the camera. Over six feet tall, and a perfect example of what the well-dresspd young husband should wear. When he comes back, he'll have Mrs. La Rocque with him, and then you'll hear all about her, too — except that she will probably talk about him! Patsy Ruth Miller was too excited to think of anything much except Her Trip Abroad! Not only was she looking forward to first glimpses of London, and Paris, but she was planning an extra-special, de-luxe jaunt into Egypt! The Nile should be becoming to this little, vivid, brunette — who is so much more fascinating than she is in pictures, you wouldn't believe it! They've had Patsy playing Polly-annas on the screen — downtrodden angels of the alleys, society pets, and just about everything but the sparkling, clever child she really is. She could do the sort of thing Clara Bow does, and do it well. She's one of the most ultra-modern of the Hollywood flappers — in fact, although her private life is most circumspect, her mental reactions are most amazing. She is interested in everything, from Buddhism to birth control, with decided opinions on each. Like Aileen Pringle, Patsy is a darling of the literati; and while we were lunching at the Algonquin no less than three of our leading intellectuals came up to our table to ask her to go places and meet people and do things. More than one New York young lady looked wistfully askance at the popular little movie actress from Hollywood — for once unable to utter a scathing 'Beautiful, but dumb.' Patsy is beautiful, but she's far from dumb. And she's not one of these girls who sits at someone's feet and worships — not Patsy. She's a talker, not a listener. She'll give anyone an argument, on any subject, anytime, anywhere. But you can't help liking her. She's fresh, and Irish. Incidentally — and it did seem incidental to her, too; what are these movie stars coming to? — she may do a little picture or two while in Europe. She's had offers, and if she likes it when she gets over there, she may stay a while. Her contract with Tiffany-Stahl is our idea of a swell agreement. It's for four pictures, but it doesn't say when; it doesn't say which. It's up to Patsy. If she likes a part, she'll play it. If not, better luck next time. Needless to say, she just loves working for Tiffany. Betty Bronson stepped off on her way to Europe for a vacation. She was looking forward to meeting Sir James Barrie in England and saying 'Thank you!' Betty really does owe Sir James a little courtesy for writing Peter Pan and A Kiss for Cinderella, for if it hadn't been for the Barrie masterpieces, Betty might never have had her big chance to show what she could do. And she can still do it, too; make no mistake about that. This little girl is there; and what she needs even more than a great big hand is a great, big part, worthy of her talents. Dolores Del Rio is going to play nice, ladylike parts from now on. No more undraped effects for Miss Del Rio — no more things like The Loves of Carmen which impious wits rechristened Legs of Carmen. Take it from Edwin Carewe — he's positive. Mr. Carewe, you know, deserves credit for discovering Dolores. He is her picture guide, patron, and friend. He will steer her talents into more dignified dramatic fields from now on — beginning, in fact, with Ramona. Carewe himself is an interesting figure. He is of the Chickasaw tribe of Indians. His real name is Chula, which means Fox. Carewe, however, is now his legal name. He has been directing for fifteen years, and now is a. producer-director, with such successes as Resurrection to his credit. While he was in New York, lunching at the Algonquin (honestly, we don't get free meals there; it's where everybody meets) he saw a picturesque man enter the diningroom. His gypsy-like appearance interested the director, and he asked his name. "That's Konrad Bercovici," he was told. "And it's his story, The Bear-Tamer's Daughter, that you bought for Dolores Del Rio to star in." Carewe said that if Bercovici hadn't turned out to be a well-known author he would have made him an offer to go into movies! Lucila Mendez used to be a dancer in a Broadway show. Then she married director Ralph Ince and went to California. She came back the other day, as sprightly as ever, to make a personal appearance with Coney Island, one of her husband's pictures, in which she plays an important part. Lucila does a dance warranted to be hot, and seems to have made a hit. But movies mean nothing in her life compared to Broadway. She wants to go back on the stage again, and doing her dance for a real, flesh-and-blood, over-the-footlights audience. And she has had plenty of offers. Instead of taking them, however, she turned right around and went back to sunny California. For a very good reason, too, says Lucila. Although she has been married two whole years, she's still very much in love with her husband. So as long as Ralph Ince makes pictures in California, Lucila Mendez will stifle her Broadway ambitions. We call that devotion! Ben Lyon came back. Three guesses why. In spite of all the rumors to the contrary, Ben and Marilynn Miller still seem to think a lot of each other. If Ben's work didn't keep him in California most of the time, and Miss Miller's on Broadway — well, write your own happy ending. As it is, Mr. Lyon dashes east whenever he can. He and Miss Miller were seen together at the smart supper-clubs, here and there; and they make such a handsome couple everybody beams at them, and hopes for the best! Ben Lyon is one of the nicest boys in pictures. He has lost the cupid-like contour which kept him so definitely in the juvenile class, and looks much more interesting. Incidentally, he has just about the most perfect manners of any young actor I can think of! Ben's mother certainly did a good job. * * * It's really Morrie Ryskind's business to tell you, but in case he overlooks it this month, you might like to hear about the repertoire company holding forth at the Cosmopolitan Theatre up at Columbus Circle, for the reason that it boasts an imposing list of names who once meant something — a great deal, in fact — in pictures. Robert Warwick, Frank Keenan, Vivian Martin and Charles Ray all belong. Mr. Ray played the leading male role in Within the Law, while the first three stars were in the all-star revival of Sherloc\ Holmes. * * * When Charlie Ray was on the road this season his picture fans crowded the theatre so the house did three times its normal business and the manager had to slip him out the front way into a cab after every play because of the stage door mob.