Screenland (May-Oct 1928)

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SCREENLAND 103 do but play all day and far into the night. When you have a vacancy put a sign out and if I can get away I'D join you. Just give me a whack at that drum — oh. boy! Ta-ta-ta dum-dum. You can reach Norma Shearer at Metro-Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal. Norma has returned from her honey' moon tour as Mrs. Irving Thalberg and is hard at work on The Little Angel. She was born in Montreal, Canada. August 10, 1904. She has brown hair and blue eyes and is 5 feet 3 and weighs 112 pounds. Is that all? Madge Padge. How about Hodge Podge? He's a nice kid. too. If you'll write to the Hal Roach Our Gang Comedy Com' pany. Culver City, Cal., you can obtain a picture of the famous kids. Did you know that Mary Ann Jackson is a member of the gang now? Little Wheezer is cute, isn't he? The small sister of Mary Kornman is also a member in good standing — and sitting, too. You can't tell what those boys will do next! You ask why Lon Chaney doesn't send out pictures of him' self. Maybe because he is too busy making faces for the cameras. John Gilbert is 31 years old. Write to John at Metro-Gold' wyn, Culver City, Cal. Sunshine from Brooklyn. I suppose your first name is Ray. If Jane and Katherine Lee only knew what a violent commotion they have started, they might decide to be twins. As it is. Katherine remains the older of the two but Jane is the taller. Joseph Schildkraut has been placed under a five-year contract with Universal at Universal City, Cal. His first assignment will be the juicy role of Ravenal in Show Boat. M. C. of Chicago. Everything quiet down your way? Don't take offense, a gun will be more effective. Ivan Petrovich is a Serbian. He has black hair, brown eyes, is 6 feet tall, weighs 178 pounds and is about 30 years old. He played with Alice Terry in The Garden of Allah. The film was made in Northern Africa and France. He will be seen again with Alice in a picture that Rex Ingram is to direct. You can address Ivan at Rex Ingram Studios, Nice, France. G. Kathryn. Thompsonville, Conn. From one end of the week to the other, all your dreams are of movie stars and what can you do about it? It may be a bad case of indigestion but don't worry, you can dance that off. I can't say if the stars have time to correspond with their fan friends but you can take a chance and write to them. You can address Greta Garbo at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City. Cal. Lois Moran is working at the Fox Studios, 1401 No. Western Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Joan Crawford can be reached at Metro-Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Cal. Carla C. of J\[. T. City. You have passed on your suspense to me and I'm all up in the air for I don't want to lose your support. I'm one of the clinging vine varieties; but how can I give you information about Cornelius Keefe when he doesn't pass the buck to me? He is in the cast of The Adorable Cheat with Lila Lee and Burr Mcintosh. So, Carla, suppose we make this a 'hang over' and the minute I hear anything about Cornelius, I'll let you know. Pat of Maine. Thanks a lot for your grand wishes — luck and success but what would I do with a lovely husband? I hope I'll be well preserved so I can answer your favorite questions for years and years to come, as you so neatly put it. Your favorite, Richard Dix. has been very ill and for a time his life hung on the tiniest thread but he has recovered and will be making pictures for us again, better than ever. His latest picture is Warming Up, with Jean Arthur playing opposite. You can write to Richard at Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood, Cal. Thomas Meighan is to make The Mating Call for Paramount with Renee Adoree, Evelyn Brent, Nena Quartero and Gardner James in the cast. Iberia, a Ronnie Fan of Forest, Ohio. You want Screenland to devote more space to Ronald Colman: does he need it? However, I'll take up the suggestion with the Editor and see what can be done about it. The blue-eyed French blonde. Lilli Damita, who is to be Ronald's leading lady, will make many a youthful male heart do a snappy flop. Josephine Dunn is appearing in Excess Baggage for Metro-GoldwynMayer and has been given a long-term contract. H. L. ]. of Yon\ers. Where do I get all my information? It's a gift and I can't give it away. There isn't anything I'd rather do than tell you about Gary Cooper. He was born March 7, 1901, in Helena. Mont. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 180 pounds and has reddish brown hair and dark blue eyes. His real name is Frank J. Cooper. He was a cartoonist on his home town newspaper, before joining the ranks of extras in Hollywood. But Gary has made the top of the ladder and packs a mighty wallop with his pleasing personality. In addition to the films you mention, he was in Doomsday with Florence Vidor and in The Legion of the Condemned and The First Kiss with Fay Wray; also in Lilac Time, with Colleen Moore. E. F. O B., Pauline M., ]ean and Betty and Henry D. Just a kindly word to all contented members of the discontented fan club movement. I am sorry that Screenland has discontinued its fan club department but we do not have one any more to answer your needs. But any service I can render you in the way of first hand information about your favorites, minus questions pertaining to picture contests, I'll be glad to fall down stairs for you. Andre of N.. T. C. Myrna Loy was born in Helena, Mont., but she doesn't say when. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and has green eyes and titian hair. Two of her latest films are, Pay as You Enter and> State Street Sadie. Write her at Warner Bros., 5842 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. William Boyd and Elinor Faire were married in Santa Ana, Cal., Jan. 12, 1926. O. H. D. of Williamsport. Pa. Of course you're not a dumb looking guy, I can see that. But don't you believe all the tales they wag about how easy it is to get in the movies; it's a long and rocky road and unless you have lots of courage, unusual talent, a personality that clicks and a lot of 'jack' as we say on B'way, to carry you along until you get the chance to show the directors how good you are, the rocky road will be pretty darned hard. I have never made the trip but my road map is the one used by many that have made the journey. As far as I know, Greta Garbo uses her own name in pictures. You can address her at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Cal., where she is making War in the Dar\. Go to School at Home You can secure a high school education right at home by studying the splendid new courses recently prepared by the International Correspondence Schools. These courses are equivalent to the courses given in resident high schools. 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Send check, cash, stamps or M. O. for §1.00 tor pay postman $1.15 on delivery). Educator Press, 19 Park Row. New York. Dept. C-48 A NEW POST-CARD SENSATION! IMPORTED ARTISTIC HAN DCO LO RED POSTCARDS Real life noses of beautiful Girls. Fellows and Children. Their Sparkling Beauty and artistic colors makes them look life like. They are very beautiful, attractive and astonishing to see. Made through a secret coloring process of a Famous Artist. Postcards that are adored by young and old. 12 for $1.00, two for 25c postpaid. Carrano Novelty Co., 372 Beach St.. West Haven. Conn.. Dept. 20.