Screenland (Nov 1928-Apr 1929)

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94 S GREENLAND NewWaytoGet a High School EDUCATION u s c th 1 s easy question and answer method to get the High School training you missed. No dry text-books or drudgery. A few minutes of pleasant daily reading quick ly enables you to master the 15 important High School subjects. IT'S not too late for you to get your High School education. You can now remove your handicap in the easiest, pleasantest way imaginable. You can get the equivalent of a FOUR YEARS' High School Training — simply by reading interesting questions and answers. Even the subjects that you think of as difficult to master are made so simple, so fascinating, that it becomes just fun to learn them by this method. These famous Question and Answer books are used and endorsed bv thousands of students of all ages, as well as bv over 12,000 High School teachers and principals throughout the country, because they really teach, in he most interesting way. No one realizes better than you what it has cost you to have missed high school ; and no one knows better than you what your lack of a high school education will cost you in the years to come— it you do not acquire it. Why not make up for lost time in this easy, convenient, interesting and economical way? Fascinating as a Game The fifteen Blue Books are as unlike ordinary school text books as lay is from night. No hard study, no dry-as-dust essays, no examination papers no laborious digging for facts, yet you learn thoroughly the fifteen important high school subjects of Biology, Ancient History, American History, Civics, Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Physics, Modern History, Literature, Economics, Geography, Physiography, Latin, English, Grammar, and Spelling. _ Everv question in the Blue Books is vitally ' important— and the _ answer, whirh follows immediately, is boiled down and simplified— and so interesting that gettin" a High School education is like plaving a game. The answers inspire you to THINK— and become a part "of your very being. This method of imparting knowledge has been m use for centuries— nothing better has ever been devised. Write for Free Book, "New Way To Get a High School Education at Home" Send the coupon at once for free book, "New Way to Get a High School Education at Home. Find out how the method is sent on Free Examination, and about the easy terms, the Certificate awarded, etc. Don't do without a High School Education any longer. Mail the coupon now. This simple act may change your whole life for the better, as it has done for thousands of others. High School Home Study Bureau, Inc. 31 Union Square Dept. X-I9II N. Y. He's always playing in that sort of drama, you know. Louise Fazenda came with Hal Wallis, her husband, but left shortly, as she had another party to attend. There were a number of writers present, including Rob Wagner and his wife; and Helen Ludlam, Screenland's Location Lady, not to mention scenario writers like Lenore Coffee. If you could tear yourself away from the fascinating chatter and the fascinating dance music, you could find a fortune teller and a numerologist shut up mysteriously in a couple of rooms. Marion Douglas, who used to be Ena Gregory, came forth charmed because the numerologist had told her that Marion Douglas was exactly the right name for her — that if anybody even so much as called her Ena, it was bad luck! "Lois Wilson is going to have a real house-warming, I hear," remarked Eduard Raquello, who had come to take Patsy and me to Lois' party. "And she surely has some house to warm!" retorted Patsy, as we rounded a curve in one of those charming curving streets in Beverly Hills, and caught sight of the big English mansion which Lois built recently. There was a long line of cars parked in front of the house. "An English mansion somehow suits Lois as a setting, doesn't it?" Patsy went on. Inside we found any number of notables, including Gloria Swanson, May McAvoy and Leatrice Joy, who are Lois' dearest girl friends. Bert Lytell was there, too, and Edward Everett Horton, Prince Troubetskoy — but he makes us call him 'Bill' now, because he says that his title doesn't mean a thing in Hollywood — and a score of others, including some writers. Peggy Hamilton, who runs a fashion section in the Los Angeles Times, arrived still clad in the aviation suit she had been wearing that day, out at the flying field, where the air circus was in progress. The suit was white, with trousers something like riding trousers, with edgings of black. She hadn't had time to go home and change. Gloria Swanson declared that she was going to make a habit of flying just so she could wear a costume like Peggy's. A pathetic little incident occurred, Peg said, when Wanda Hawley, who used to be a star, but of whom we haven't heard in a long time, and who was among the flyers, sent a radio message to her husband, who is in the east and who it is feared is going to lose his sight. Lois proved a radiant hostess, and the party moved along in joyous spirit. We chatted with Gloria Swanson, who said that she is looking forward to going abroad to meet her husband, the Marquise Henri de la Falaise, who has to make the trip to France every so often on account of being an alien. "But Europe is no place for hurry," declared Gloria, "and when I get there I mean to stay a little while." Leatrice Joy was making the talking sequences in "The Bellamy Trial", and made a clever little remark about the talking pictures — "You can no longer say of the pictures," she remarked, "that actions speak louder than words!" After supper, which was buffet, some of the guests played the radio or the piano, others danced; but Gloria, Leatrice and some of the rest of us became absorbed in a word game called Guggenheim, which proved so fascinating that we kept on until twelve o'clock. Gloria found the talk around us so disconcerting that she ran off with her pad and pencil and sat on the stairway, refusing to talk to anybody until she had filled out her squares. Prince Troubetskoy dashed over to kiss Patsy's hand, but she reminded him that nobody named Bill ever kissed a lady's hand. "Oh, but in Hollywood you just must be different!" he reminded her. The girls at the party were of course all hugely interested in Lois' furnishings, which include her lovely petit-point lace chairs, heirlooms in the family, and two exquisite German cabinets, in warm colors with much dull gold, which had belonged in her family on her mother's side for generations, having once embellished a German castle. "Just as you'd expect of the aristocratic Lois," remarked Patsy. Although the party had begun early, nobodv left until it was very late. Mysteries of Hollywood Continued from page 17 Who the devil was Emil Gats? And why should he be supervising the work of a 'best-selling' author and a world-famous director? Out! Out! ! Out! ! ! The big producers were puzzled. No one man could possibly look after ten or twelve companies. They simply had to have supervisors. But anarchy and rebellion were rampant. Then came the inspiration. I don't know which of the immortals had it. But it was — temporarily at least — a grand idea. The trouble was in the name. That super lative syllable super made the supervisor appear superior to the director, writer and actor, which of course was absurd. He was merely a businessman and referee. All right; they'd simply change the name. Adopt a name that didn't insinuate supervision and one that had always commanded respect. They called them Associate Producers! Yet there are many who still believe the old axiom — 'That an onion by any other name is still unsweet!' HIGH SCHOOL HOME STUDY BUREAU Inc Dept. X-I91I. 31 Union Square, New Yoik City Please send me your new free book 7,N™ Wa^'° Get a High Sihool Education at Home whic h gives full information about how I can obtain the eminent of a Four Year High School Course. " >s undei stood that this does not obligate me in any way and that no salesman will call. Name Address State.. You don't really know your Hollywood unless you read Rob Wagner. Don't miss the next instalment of his amusing exposures of the "Mysteries of Hollywood." In February Screenland.