Screenland (Nov 1928-Apr 1929)

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92 ^Height Increasing-q Is Report of Hundreds * 9 Results have been remarkable. Letters from all over tell of 3 to 5 inches gained in a few months. They tell of im>, proved health, more pep and life, greater efficiency, more joy in living because of better ' physical condition. NothJ| ing like our Course. Based on sound, proven, j scientific principles. ! No Drugs— No Dope | We have no magic medicine to sell. Only a sysI tern of simple exercises and special diet, assisted i by a simple apparatus. Takes but a few minutes H each day. The Glover I system helps overcome m the flattening of the vertebrae and the sagging of the supporting muscles. Permits cartilage cushions in spinal column to expand. Strengthens muscles. "Stimulates the nerves. Results have been permanent because based on true physiology. Unusually successful in under-developed young men and women. EASY — INEXPENSIVE — CERTAIN Write today for FREE Information GLOVER INSTITUTE — Dept. A 35 508 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois "Arlington Operated" HOTEL ANSONIA Broadway, 73rd to 74th Streets NEW YORK CITY 5 minutes to Theatres and Shopping Districts. 12 minutes from Penn. and Grand Central Stations. 1,260 ROOMS (All Outside) N«w York's most complete hotel. Everything for comfort and convenience of our guests. TWO RESTAURANTS Open from 6:30 A. M. until midnight. Music, Dancing, 2 Radio Orchestras, Ladies' Turkish Bath, Beauty Parlor, Drug Store, Ba»ber Shop, Stock Broker's Office. All in the Ansonia Hotel. TRANSIENT RATES 300 Rooms and Bath per day #4.00 Large Double Rooms, Twin Beds, Bath $6.00 per day Parlor, Bedroom and Bath (2 persons) P-00 per day Special Weekly and Monthly Rates A restful hotel — away from all noise and "dirt" of the "Roaring Forties." No coal smoke; our steam plant equipped oil fuel. Coolest Hotel in New York in Summer THE ANSONIA In conjunction with the Hotels Marseilles, Anderson, Richmond and Cosmopolitan SCREENLAND their wedding is announced for Valentine's Day," confided Patsy. That cute little Pauline Garon arrived with James Aye, with whom she seems to be going about a lot of late; Mary McAllister was with a gay young blade of a musician, Robert Smith: Harold Lloyd of course had brought Mildred, and Kathleen Williams came with her husband, Charles Eyton. She looks very charming. Virginia Valli was with Charles Farrell, just as* she always is these days, and we hear whispers of an engagement more strongly than ever; and Marion Douglas came with her husband, Albert Rogell. We dined at long tables in the Club room, and danced to the music of an exceedingly good orchestra. Wayne Baker, a Los Angeles business man who once was engaged to Marion, had brought his lovely young wife, and everything was pleasant even when Wayne danced with Marion and Albert Rogell with Mrs. Baker. When the big party was over, a lot of us went to May McAvoy's house, where Anita Stewart sang to us in that lovely voice of hers, and Price Dunlavey played the piano. The butler built a big fire in the fireplace, and we all gathered around it and chatted, except those who wished to dance to the music of the radio. "This, I think," whispered Patsy, "is the very nicest part of the whole party!" May's engagement to Maurice Cleary had already been announced at a party given by Carmel Myers, and May told us that she and Maurice meant to be married in June, and that they would eventually take a trip to Europe together. Cleared Up— often in 24 hours. Pimples, Blackheads, Acne Eruptions on the Face or Bodv, Barbers Itch. Eczema, Enlarged Pores, Oiry or Shinv Skin. "CLEAR-TONE" has been tried and tested in over 300,000 cases. Used like toilet water. Is simply magical in prompt results. At All Druyaists — with Proven Directions. You can rely on "CLEAR-TON E" for Skin and Complexion. Mfgd. by GIVENS CHEMICAL CO., Kansas City, Mo. WORK ABROAD T S§F WANT TO TRAVEL? Romantic . . . wealthy Southern countries need you. Want to go? Exceptional opportunities for young folks in Central and S. America, West Indies, Australia, etc. American, employers pay fare and expenses. Get list, and How to apply for position." Write today. TROPICAL SERVICE BUREAU 14606-Do Alma Ave., Detroit, Mich. 250 STARS' PHOTOS. Movie Book Club. Join our Movie Novel Reading Club. Information 2c. 250 MOVIE Stars' NEW Photos. CATALOG, SAMPLES 10c. BIG SURPRISE PKG. 39— $1.00. Miniatures 25c. doz. Glossy postals 50c. doz. 8x10" Scenes 25c. BELMONT SHOPPE SD-4 Downers Grove, Illinois "Mabel Normand is to be given a birthday surprise party!" exclaimed Patsy, one morning, as she had driven over to give me a glimpse of her new style of bob, and to tell me the latest news from Hollywood. "Doris Arbuckle is giving it, and Doris is such a darling of a hostess, I shall cry if she doesn't invite us." Sure enough, the invitation arrived in due course, and we went down to Beverly Hills to the big, homey house where Doris lives, accompanied by Karl Brown, the director who made "Stark Love" up in the Tennessee Mountains, and who has just arrived from a year's stay in the South Seas, where he went to make a survey for Paramount regarding the likelihood of being able to get a new idea for a story for a picture to be made down there. Doris received us with her smile and her dimples, and we found Mabel Normand looking sweet in a beautiful white-beaded evening gown. Mabel told us that she had received simply mountains of flowers that day. "So many they made me cry," she acknowledged. But we also learned that Mabel had bun' died herself and the flowers into her automobile, and had taken most of them to orphan asylums and hospitals that afternoon. We said hello to Emmett Flynn, who came over to congratulate Mabel on her birthday, and then he asked her, "Where is your menace — Lew?" meaning Mabel's husband, Lew Cody. It seems that Lew was preparing for a long trip, and had had a lot of things to do, so he hadn't come to the party. So we put up a job on him, telephoning him after he had gone to bed that Mabel was crying because he wasn't with us. Whereupon Lew put a big smoking jacket over his pajamas, hopped into his car and came over to stick his head in the door and kiss Mabel and say hello to everybody, and then dashed home again. "Oh, look who's here!" exclaimed Patsy. The new guest was none other than Roscoe Arbuckle, who used to work with Mabel in Mack Sennett pictures, you know. He had come over to wish his old working pal many happy returns of the day. "Hello, Oscar!" Mabel called out. She used always to call Fatty, Oscar, in the old days, I guess nobody knows just why. Doris and Roscoe were very nice to each other, and I believe they are good friends, even though they are separated from each other from a marital standpoint. I hear that Fatty wants very much to make up with his beautiful young wife, but she simply will not do it. Priscilla Dean came with her husband, the famous aviator, Lieut. Leslie Arnold, and Arnold and Karl Brown had a lot of fun swapping stories about how neither had been able to find a spot on the earth's surface not penetrated by the movies and electric lights and French heels. "Why, even in Iceland," said Lieut. Arnold, "they are very blase about everything up-to-date." "And as for the South Sea Isles, ' remarked Brown, "All the girls wear French dresses, and these paraus and grass dresses are entirely passe. What a world!" Billie Dove and Irvin Willat were there, and Billie told us that Irvin has taken to buying apartment houses as a side line to directing. Ona Brown, divorced wife of Clarence Brown, was there with her fiance, Harvey Barnes; and there were Mr. and Mrs. Tod Browning, Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Al Rockett, Sharon Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford, Jackie Saunders and her husband, J. Ward Cohen, Billy Joy, Leatrice's brother, and a number of others. . Dolores Del Rio came later, looking very lovely, along with Mr. and Mrs. Finis Fox, and Edwin Carewe came almost at the tail end of the party. After the buffet supper had been served, and Mabel had carved her cake, she sat down on the floor amidst her gifts to open them. _ , , That was a lot of fun. Billy Joy had put a dollar bill in a beautiful purse, and Mabel said that she was going to iron out the bill and frame it. Priscilla Dean had given her a couple of lovely lamps in the form of crystal elephants, and Mabel called out to Priscilla: "Hey, there, dearie, you're just married1 You'd better save your money! And when Roscoe Arbuckle stepped over to speak to her, Mabel admonished him "not to step on her elephants!" Later a colored entertainer sang and danced for us, and then everybody danced who wanted to. Very late arrived Mabels chauffeur And he was wearing Lew Cody's shirt and trousers! Tr _ _ "And how do you know, Karl Brown inquired, "that that was not Lew dressed in his own clothes and the driver s cap anu goggles? ' , We left ever so late— at the time, as Patsy put it. that the title-writer ^ would have described as 'Came the dawn! Read Grace Kingsley's department of Hollywood party news in Screen LAND every month and \eep up with the social life of the stars.