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by New York — its theatres and its people and its parties. She wants to go on the stage and she may do a talking picture here. Meanwhile she has skipped down to Palm Beach for some sunshine. I'll let you know her plans when she comes back.
I don't know how you feel about Harry Langdon but he will always be one of my first favorites. And when I saw him in vaudeville the other day I couldn't see why some producer didn't grab him for the noisies. Gosh, he's funny! Of course you know he is a great comedian but somehow his last pictures weren't so good. They say that Harry wanted to be the whole show — to star, to direct, to manage every department of his pictures; and of course that usually results disastrously. But when you meet Mr. Langdon you can't believe he is like that at all. He is a very quiet, rather shy man, much the most serious of all the comedians. Of course before I was to meet him I conjured up my vision of the im' mortal Harry of the movies — pained expression, funny hat, floppy pants, and all. Imagine my amazement when I saw a very well-dressed, self-possessed, dignified gentleman who greeted me gravely and made not a single wise-crack! I felt as dumb as the screen Harry looks. He is making a great hit in his return to the vaudeville stage that he left for the movies some years ago, and it is inevitable that the audience which applauds him frantically will flock to see him when he makes his bow in talkie comedy. Well, I'm for him.
Milton Sills, Doris Kenyon Sills, and Kenyon Sills stole into town and into seclusion before anyone could stop them. Of course you know who Kenyon is? Why, he's the small son of Milton and Doris; and his screen-star parents wouldn't dream of travelling without him. Mr. and Mrs. Sills were about to start a new picture, playing together for the first time since the talkies have made them both doubly famous in "The Barker" and "Interference," when Milton was taken ill and Doris decided he needed a vacation. So east they came, to stay until Mr. Sills completely recovers his health. Then you'll see them together again, and their talkie will be well worth waiting for.
Lya de Putti left for Europe, to everybody's regret. The little Hungarian has become very popular since she has been over here, and all her friends are hoping she won't stay away too long. Somehow de Putti never made the success here on the screen that she did in person, and the talkie vogue was the last straw. There seemed to be no place for little Lya, and so she accepted an offer from British International to make a picture over in London. It seems such a shame to see her go, for she never looked prettier! With her elfin little face and short hair-cut she looks about fifteen.
And now— Lupe! She has only just arrived at this writing, so New York is not yet completely demolished. They tell us that Hollywood is wondering just what the wild little Mexican will do to upset our equilibrium. So far, not a thing. Lupe arrived fresh from triumphs in Chicago. The Windy City worked itself up into quite a state over her, we hear. Perhaps New York will follow its tradition and refuse to be disturbed by anything that interests Chicago. But I hardly think so. Give Lupe a chance to catch her breath after her train ride and then — watch out! And wait until next month for real news about her.
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