Screenland (May-Oct 1929)

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For October 1929 109 worst, and loses no time in telling me. This brings up an outstanding quality in her make-up which has helped put Carlotta where she is. She always knows just what she wants, and is prepared to make her decision upon the moment. Others, like myself, may hesitate and waver between two courses. Carlotta knows she is right and goes ahead. The way has not been all smooth. Carlotta's voice had to struggle against handicaps, surmount barriers that at times seemed insurmountable. But it survived, perhaps by virtue of her faith in the cause in which she had enlisted. Her interest in the drama, which she studied after leaving high school, led her to play in Shakespearean productions, such as the all-star presentation of "Julius Caesar" in Hollywood Bowl in 1926. She also essayed the difficult emotional role of Mabel Dancy in Galsworthy's "Loyalties." The golden thread of song still illumined the pattern of her life, but her great musical opportunity, the chance to create a role of distinction, had not yet come. In the early fall of 1928 Carlotta was suddenly discovered when Warner Brothers sought a prima donna for their Vitaphone production of "The Desert Song." The screen's first operetta was ready for filming, but the young woman had not been found whose voice would record as well as her features filmed. A story gained circulation that Carlotta King was discovered on the radio. Nothing could be farther from the truth, for she is not, never has been a radio singer. Carlotta was called to the studio and her test satisfied executives that she was the girl for the part. Thus in her first picture, almost before she had adjusted herself to this new medium, she was cast in a featured role, a role that every young actress in Hollywood coveted. It was a splendid opportunity, but remember that it found her ready, and that she worked hard to make good. Thus on wings of song was Carlotta wafted into cinemaland. A few days after the premiere of her first picture she signed a long-term contract with Metro-GoldwynMayer. When she was assigned to make "Rose-Marie" for her next picture, she nearly cried. Since she had first heard that operetta sung on Broadway, it had been her dream to re-create the role. I can see Carlotta going on to bigger things, because I know her moods and reactions, and feel sure that opportunity will always find her ready. For the goddess of song is ever good to those of her worshippers who seek her with a whole heart, and unselfishly. Gloria Hallelujah! —Continued jro?n page 31 it meant. Nor care to learn. Yet the courage which pierced the mirage of despair which seemed about to crowd her to oblivion, melts to school-girl terror at a seeming trifle. She can face a lion, but not a mouse. It took all of Gloria's bravery to undergo the trial of attending "The Trespasser" premiere. Perhaps we wouldn't like it, she thought. The sound device was sure to go wrong. There'd be something the matter with the projection machine. Her songs wouldn't go over. A thousand imps devilled her with three-pronged forks. She couldn't go. She simply wouldn't go. But, of course, when the hour struck she was there, perfectly poised, smiling, triumphant. She had tamed the talkies. She had proven herself a Sultana of Sound, as of Silence. Gloria, Hallelujah! She goes right along marching on! During her brief rest, the ever-active story brigade in Hollywood kept busy evolving new glamourous entertainments for her to give us. As soon as "Queen Kelly" is restored to her rightful realm, Gloria begins another picture. And the story will fit her as perfectly as that green gown. "I plan to make three pictures a year," she explained. "Since 1927 I have had only one release besides 'The Trespasser.' I dorr't think this is enough. If the public is kind enough to support me, to buy my wares, the least I can do is to supply the demand with my work." A wise decision, surely. And a happy one for us who follow the lights that spell 'Gloria Swanson' on theater marquees. Today Gloria seems far more youthful than ever. And more attractive, too, admitting that possible. There is a warm — an understanding — a tolerance beneath the fascinating polish of sophistication. She has lost nothing of her personality. But she seems, somehow, to have added to it. She is prismatic. With the rare faculty of arousing enthusiasm in world-weary, disillusioned men through the mere strength of her presence, her conversation stimulates the veriest dolt to loquaciousness, and the sisterhood of sobbing snobbery is charmed into lingering commentary about her babies, little Gloria and littler Joseph. She's a happy combination, our Marquise of the Movies. She's democratic. With reservations. You'd scarcely slap Gloria on the back. No more than you'd address the Barrymore as 'Eth.' Yet she is a gracious hostess, superb in the small courtesies that count so greatly. She considered it a great lark to apply in disguise for work as an extra girl. But she has a certain dignity that commands respect. And she resents impertinencies, or too deep delving into the corners of life which she rightfully considers the very private domain of herself — and her loved ones. And of these there are three. Those two precious youngsters, ever so carefully shielded from the tawdriness of publicity, and the titled gentleman whom Gloria presents as 'my husband.' Preparing to depart for Paris, she had completed the task of throwing into voluminous trunks 'a few clothes for the ship." For the instant there was a lull in her busy day. For a too brief moment she was alone in the great suite that towered high in a many-storied hostelry. She parted the drapes at the wide window, and gazed with clouded eyes over the glittering city far beneath her. And beyond the city to the sea that clamored at its shore. And further yet. On and on. Deep into the eyes of the husband who awaited her halfway across the world. As she tarried there, her slender beauty silhouetted against a square of sullen, grey sky, she ceased to be La Marquise, the Glorious Gloria of the screen. She was just a girl — five feet no inches tall. A little weary. A lot lonely. Slowly she turned away, humming a tune ever so softly. It was an old song, and a sweet one: "I Love You Truly." Gloria has a world of feeling in her voice. Any PHOTO ENLARGED Size 16x20 Inches Same price for fall 4ffe length or bust form, ■ ■ EToupa, landscapes, llaf pet animals. etc.„or^WJ^ enlargements of any mmm m part of group pic ^^^^ ture. Safe return of your own original photo Guaranteed. 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