Screenland (Nov 1929-Apr 1930)

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SCREENLAND Here's BEAUTY for YOU Lovely, soulful eyes really can be yours. Katheriue Mac Donald's Lash Cosmetic >vill \ <s^^ 6I make your IWtruiwitrolfcDWwj eyestwinpools """S^™"™ of alluring beauty — and absolutely without hint of artificiality. Easy to apply — easy to remove. Katnerine Mac Donald's LashCosmetic is a waterproof liquid. It is the newest and most important aid to your beauty. At most toilet goods counters or $1 direct to Katherine Mac Donald at Hollywood. IKATIHERONE MUclDONAILD'S LASH COSMETIC IWAUftPBOOF) MARRIED WOMEN Order by Mail G7 1AGI-SLIPS make feminine hygiene ^convenient anytime — anywhere. Save yourself the embarrassment of going into a drug store, by taking advantage of my personal, confidential service rendered to married women by mail. These specially developed antiseptic cones destroy all germ-laden accumulation. Carry a box witbyou for convenience. Safer, simpler to use than carbolic acid or compounds containing bichlorideof mercury. VAGI-SLIPSare preferred by modern women everywhere. They are reliable; contain no poison; will not injure delicate membranes. Be dainty , heal thy —free from all worry. FREE INSTRUCTIONS for use of VAGI-SLIPS in feminine hygiene included with your package. Send $1.00 NOW for ^^^^^ generous trial box in plain wrapper. Money p|k Lack if not satisfied. W Violet 'Page 143 fourth Avenue (Dept. New York City 611) ASHFUU Shame on soul Are yon nervous, tmbarrassfd in company of the other sex? Stop bcinjr ehy of strangers. Conuerthe terrible /ear of yoursuperiors. ;e cheerful and confident of your 1 «rf future! Your faults easily overcome *p mf0 bo you can enjoy life to the fullest. Send 25c. for this amazing book. RICHARD BLACKS JO NE B-40II Flatiron Bldg. NewYork /Correct [^✓your NOSE Improve your appearance with Anita Nose Adjuster. Shapes flesh and cartilage — safely and painlessly, while you sleep. Age doesn't mat' ter. Results are lasting. Write for FREE BOOKLET. ANITA INSTITUTE. M-69 Anita Bldg.. Newark, N. J. The Gangs of Hollywood Continued from page 43 queue and June Collyer headed a kid coterie. Now June carries on alone with boys of the Buddy Rogers ilk to squire her and the girl friends. Sue Carol and Nicky Stuart lead another juvenile group. Clara Bow, Alice White and, in a lesser degree, Lupe Velez, play lone hands — with an assist, of course, from the boy who is the vogue of the moment. The estate of Harold Lloyd is one of the world's show-places, probably the most delightfully ostentatious in Hollywood. It has a specially constructed water-fall, a lake and a river running through it, a golf course, and, of course, it occupies acres in Beverly's most beautiful canyon. Harold, however, remains essentially small-town. He has no social aspirations, and neither has his wife, Mildred. They stick to the old friends. The boys from the studios — the girls who knew Mildred when. If there is ever a golf tournament in Southern California, all the players are Harold's guests. Why he wanted his magnificent estate, nobody knows — perhaps least of all himself. The cost of upkeep is tremendous, a whole guard of gardeners are employed steadily, and I believe the latest estimate of the servant force necessary to running the domicile numbers twenty-five. Well, anyway, it is a charming setting for Harold's romps with little Gloria Lloyd, and the kids in the neighborhood get a great kick out of the swimming pool. Ever since Jimmy Cruze sent out those Christmas cards, his house and his parties have been written to rags — or for them — yet in speaking of Hollywood's social sets, James and Betty Compson and that grand lace up in the hills of Flintridge may not e omitted. You're really supposed to have an invitation. But even since their Christmas abdication of the Open-House-Cham' pionship, one is not strictly necessary. There's the house, any Sunday, and there's the pool, and there are the ducks and the summer-houses and the pond and the flowers — including the most gorgeous camellias ever grown. There is the spacious patio, the ice, the gingerale, what-goeswith-it, the long low living room and dietwrecking buffet served at seven promptly. You may, or you may not, see Jim or Betty. If either likes you very well, you'll be admitted to the little group that slips away to privacy. If not — well, there's the Cruze hospitality, and it's your own fault if you don't enjoy it. Something of the Cruze mantle has fallen on the shoulders of Bill Howard and his wife, Nan. Theirs is one of the most taste fully appointed homes in the colony. It is between Beverly and the sea, at Brent' wood. An English house, with a great living-room lined with books. And — what wisdom! — a tiny dining room. But the crowd that descended on Bill and Nan when word of their great open fire spread didn't know that. Now, their guests are invited. Interesting people, all: Estelle Taylor. Mary Duncan, Paul Bern, the Selznicks; writers and directors. There's a great card room, if you like. Or Bill will entertain by the hour, with his eyes closed like Rudy Vallee, relating stories, which true or untrue, make time pass too quickly. Soft-footed servitors see that you don't die of drought, and Nan presides perfectly over her perfect domicile. The theatrical invasion required social leadership. This, now, is capably supplied by Jimmy Gleason and Lucille. Stage folk* report to the Gleasons immediately upon arrival. If they happen to be broke, they stop with them until they're 'set.' If not, they come around anyway to get wised up to Hollywood, and to laugh and laugh and laugh at Lucille's reminiscences and the Gleason drolleries. Here, too, is the largest swimming pool of all. A veritable daddy of a pool in which one may practice for a trans-Atlantic swim. But be careful. The Gleasons keep a bee. And if you're persona non grata (which is something or other for not-so-hot) they may put it on you. But if you make the grade, you'll enjoy the liveliest conversation, and with the possible exception of Bessie's, the best cooking on the West Coast. Bessie cooks for Nancy Smith. And there is endless rivalry between black Bess and the Gleasons" Hattie. They outdo one another in the culinary art — and the 'company' benefits by the conflict. You may see Lionel Barrymore at Lilyan Tashman's and Eddie Lowe's. He's apt to crash the party and play the piano for an hour without speaking to anyone. Or he may not play the piano and talk to everyone. The other Barrymore, the erstwhile Miss Dolores Costello, Lon Chaney, Give Brook, are among the people one seems to see nowhere. Gilbert and Garbo once enjoyed the Tashman-Lowe hospitality regularly. But that was B.C. — before Claire. Conrad Nagel. the Spirit of Rotary, heads the sweetness and light contingent. It's entertaining to go somewhere and persuade George Bancroft to do his number about some sort of a snake that is quite a horrid thing. Lois Wilson and May McAvoy, close pals, lead the serious thinkers, with Aileen Pringle bearing the torch for the sophisticates. Lois* sister, Diana Kane — now Mrs. George Fitzmaurice — is a power, too. Her soirees are always attended by the mighty. Dolores Del Rio fulfills every requirement of the charming hostess. But she entertains all too infrequently to win prominence as a social leader. Perhaps the most famous of all Hollywood's gangsters is Mrs. Ona Brown, once director Clarence's heart-interest. Ona has a positive genius for organized whoopee. Without doubt she holds the long distance entertainment record, either receiving or helping pour at luncheons, tea, dinner and after-that, a full seven days weekly. Ona was tendered nearly two-score farewell parties prior to her recent European trip. Each of them returned one of her own festivities, and each will be the excuse for another upon her return. Flanked by Loris Fox, Doris Arbuckle, Mrs. Don Alvarado, and a few more supporters, Ona holds the bridge like Horatious against any and all who challenge her supremacy in the social jousts of Hollywood. Bessie Love's sports outfit was won by Miss Esther Brenner 1719 East 11th Street, Kansas City. Missouri