Screenland (Nov 1929-Apr 1930)

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for December 19 2 9 123 as large as we had expected, due largely to the heat and the fact that many of the expected guests had gone off to the beaches or had remained in their swimming pools for a cooling off. Marshall Neilan, Ann Pennington and Pauline Garon sat in front of us, and of course the incorrigible Micky Neilan had to keep us laughing. We waited and waited for the bridal party, and Micky exclaimed: "Well, there's one thing about a hanging — it's always on time!" But when the bride and groom did arrive, they were smiling joyously, so that Micky whispered, "I'll bet if you gave the bride a hand, she'd go into her dance!" Then as she made her responses, Micky went on, "She reads lines well. I think she'll get the part of the wife." The wedding ceremony was quickly over, and then we all went over to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel for the reception and wedding breakfast. We wished the bride and groom happiness, and then helped ourselves to the breakfast, which was set out, buffet style, at one side of the Gold Room, where the reception was held. We met William Seiter, and he declared that, after all, he was getting a lot of good out of his dress suit— that he had been a wedding usher five times in three years! We met Georges Carpentier, Rob Wagner, Laura La Plante, Pauline Starke and Jack White, Tom Moore, Francis O'Brien, Bennie Zeidman, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Marin, David Butler, Johnny Darrow, Mai St. Clair, Eddie Burns, and Emilio Gonzales. Johnny Darrow is working in "Hell's Angels," which, you know, has been more than two years in the making. "It will be shown along with the rest of the revivals," remarked Johnny whimsically. Just all the younger Eatons, male and female, had been bridesmaids and ushers for Mary Eaton and Mr. Webb, and we learned that Charlie Eaton is much interested in Florence Allen. Down in a little retiring room, we found Mary Eaton, come to arrange her hair. Her little step-daughter, Millard Webb's little girl, was there. The little girl threw her arms around Mary, apparently entirely devoted to her step-mamma. "Mervyn Leroy has a way of inviting you to his house as if you were his first cousin — the sort of cousin you like, you know — I mean he does it with such friendly and informal cordiality that you feel doubly welcome. And he's asking us to come over tonight!" Patsy told me. Edna Murphy and Mervyn both received us in that charming way of theirs, after we had climbed the innumerable steps to their house. "I think Edna must attract romantic youth," confided Patsy, as we laid aside our wraps after climbing one more staircase to Edna's room. "I caught a glimpse of all the engaged and near-engaged couples in Hollywood as I came in." Sure enough, in the big living room we found Sue Carol and Nick Stuart, James Hall and Merna Kennedy, Matty Kemp and Sally Eilers, not to mention Ruth Roland and Ben Bard, who lately returned from their somewhat commercial honeymoon tour of the Orpheum circuit. Esther Ralston was there with George Webb, her husband. She told us that she was tired from sitting up late the night before, sewing for her little step-daughter. We told her she shouldn't destroy stepmother traditions that way. "Oh, well, I love my little step-daughter and I love to sew," declared Esther. The little girl's name is Blanche, she is very beautiful, and we wondered whether she was going into pictures. "Well, she has remarked nonchalantly a couple of times that she would like to," twinkled Esther, "but only, she said, as a star, of course!" We met Jose Crespo, the Spanish star, who was chatting with Jimmy Hall, telling Jimmy that he had just that day received a letter from a beautiful young Spanish girl of his acquaintance, dwelling in Madrid, beseeching him to get a picture 'of Jimmy for her, but please" not to tell her mother she was asking for it, because a Spanish girl of good family isn't supposed to do such things. Of course that aroused Jimmy s interest at once, and he promised the picture. Entertainment as Mervyn Leroy's is never compulsory nor is it made-to-order. If anybody has an impulse to clown, he clowns, that's all. And we had a lot of fun watching Billy Bakewell, Arthur Lake and Buster West, kidding around. "We want some really professional comedy," announced Billy solemnly — and next moment down on the floor went Arthur and Billy, handles of forks in their mouths, tossing an apple back and forth in an effort and a quite successful one to catch it on the forks. But right into their act burst Gus Edwards, seized with the idea of doing a Floradora Sextette burlesque, so that Billy, Arthur and Buster all had to join in with Sue Carol, Sally Eilers and Edna as the girls. Lew Silvers arrived in the midst of the fun, stopped everything, called on Arthur Lake and introduced him as one of the Great Lakes! After which Arthur performed a funny Spring Song burlesquedance. Little Armida, the Mexican beauty, sang, and there were other amusing doings, but it was all the more fun because it was all so spontaneous, and there was no important 'shushing' if you happened to turn to whisper to your neighbor. Supper was served, buffet fashion, and just as we had seated ourselves, into the room came Arthur and Buster, carrying a big plate containing a whole chicken, which they placed on the floor in perfectly matterof-fact fashion as if they didn't know anybody was watching, and then, lying down beside it, began to eat with their fingers, apparently entirely unconscious of the shocked looks turned upon them. Then Billy Bakewell found a comedy prop, a sort of synthetic flute, a toy left over from some party, which he pretended to play, laying it aside to burlesque a grand opera lady singing the flute song; to which he added the funniest burlesque of John Barrymore I have ever seen. "Some people say," remarked Patsy, as we watched Merna Kennedy and Jimmy Hall sitting on a divan with their arms around each other, "that Merna and Jimmy are already married. Merna was showing a ring at the Roosevelt Hotel where the two were at dinner the other night, a ring that looked just like a wedding ring. 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