Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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10 SCREEN LAND o/4sk Me! Your information guide to screen plays and players ~T~)UTH, Portland, Ore. You'd just pass /| out without my department to look forward to each month, would you ? That's settled, I'm a knockout. Clara Bow wears a 5-B shoe and a glove, or maybe two gloves. She is not engaged to Gary Cooper and has never been married. Joan. Glad you find me amusing — thanks for kind words ; and kind of words, but they must be kind. I try to please and tease. Joan Crawford is devoted to her husband, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., whom she married June 3, 1929. She was born March 3, 1908, in San Antonio, Texas. She has brown hair, blue eyes, is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. Her first picture was "Sally, Irene and Mary," produced in 1926. Joan was Irene, remember ? How Joan has changed ! She's swell in "Dance, Fools, Dance." Mrs. O. E. W. It's a difficult matter for the picture fans and producers to get together on just what would be a box-office success. We fans know what we want and we usually get it. Sorry I can't say why the serial, "The Million Dollar Mystery," has never been made into a feature talkie. That's an old tinier. Lylah May. I'm always glad to welcome our friends from Canada. Henry Byron Warner, otherwise known as H. B. Warner, was Sorrell in "Sorrell and Son." Nils Asther was Kit, the son grown up, and Mickey McBan was Kit as a child. Gin from Brooklyn. Thanks but I can't afford to go reeling around. The only reels I go in for are celluloid. Ann Harding's family name was Gatley. She was born in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, but she doesn't say when. Her husband is Harry Bannister from the Broadway stage. They have a young daughter, Jane Harding Bannister. A. M. P. You seem to be cuckoos-conscious. Robert Woolsey was born Aug. 14, 1889, in Oakland, Cal. He is 5 feet 5]/2 inches tall and has brown hair and eyes. His wife is Mignone Reed. Bert Wheeler was born in Paterson, N. J. Lew Ayres is not married but lives alone in Hollywood. He was born Dec. 28, 1908. His hobbies are music and astronomy — and listen, boys and girls, he doesn't smoke or drink. M. A. B. To keep a record of all the divorces wouldn't leave us any time or space for the marriages, birth-dates, etc. Constance Bennett was married when sixteen to Chester W. Morehead. The marriage was annulled ; then she married Phil Plante, and they were divorced; but I don't know what fate had stored up for Mr. Morehead I only record the stars that shine — not their ex-husbands. The Chicagoan. Constance Talmadge appeared in "East Is West" for First National in 1922. Belle Bennett was born near Dublin, Ireland. She has blonde hair, grey eyes, is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 125 pounds. Among her latest pictures are, "Their Own Desires," with Norma Shearer; By M-iss Vee Dee This department will answer your questions about your favorites and their films. You'll have to be patient if you wish to see your answer in the magazine. If you prefer a personal reply, enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Address Miss Vee Dee, Screenland, 45 West 45 th Street, New York City. Clara Bow is the Star of the Month in Miss Vee Dee's fan mail. Read the story, "Danger Ahead for Clara" in this issue — and don't miss Rex Bell's account of his romance xvith the Red-head on Page 66. You'll find the stars' addresses on Page 112; and the casts of current films on Page 97. Please consult these services before asking your questions. Thank you ! "My Lady's Past," with Joe E. Brown, and "Courage," with Marian Nixon. Blondie. So you're crazy to know my age — I'd be crazy to tell you. Marguerite Churchill was born on Christmas day about 20 years ago. Marie Dressier was on the stage 28 years, has been in pictures since "Tillie's Punctured Romance" and maybe longer, so figure out her age it you can. Are you reading her own story? It's great stuff. Jeanette McDonald is 23 and Robert Montgomery is 27. Opal. How can you secure letters from the stars? If I ever received any, I'd put them in a strong box and mark them Exhibit A. Sorry I haven't a record of Jacl Buchanan, the English musical comedy fa vorite. His appearance with Jeanette McDonald in "Monte Carlo" has made him a great favorite with the picture fans and here's hoping we will see more of his clever acting and dancing. And can he wear high-hats? Don't ask me, you've seen him. V. M. B. I don't play second fiddle to any saxophone player when it comes to settling arguments over picture stars. In Zane Grey's story, "The Water Hole," filmed by Paramount, Nancy Carroll played opposite Jack Holt. John Boles and Jack Perrin were also in the cast. Jeanne of III. Among Robert Montgomery's newest pictures are "Inspiration," with Greta Garbo, and "The Easiest Way," with Constance Bennett. He uses his own name in films. He was born May 21, 1904, in Beacon, N. Y. Bob is 6 feet tall, weighs 160 pounds and has brown hair and eyes. He was married in 1928 to Elizabeth Allen and their daughter, Martha Bryan, was born Oct. 13, 1930. 51; O. S. What's your hurry and how have you been? Norma Shearer was born in Montreal, Canada, on Aug. 10, 1904. She was attending a convent in Canada but at the age of 16 she found it necessary to help the family out of financial difficulties. She came to the U. S. in 1920, for a picture career, but met with many hardships. Her first part in pictures was a small one in "The Stealers." In 1924 she played with John Gilbert in "The Snob." She was married to Irving Thalberg in 1927. There is a young son, Irving, Jr. Norma's latest film, "Strangers May Kiss," is said to be her best. Gomborra H. What do I think of your name? It's grand, but what does it mean? Lois Moran appeared at the Plymouth Theatre in New York City in "This is New York." Her last picture before her stage appearance was "The Dancers," with Walter Byron. Mae Clarke and Phillips Holmes. Lois was born March 1, 1909, in Pittsburgh, Pa. She has ash blonde hair, dark blue eyes, is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 108 pounds. Lois is not married or engaged as far as I know. She's back in pictures now, for Fox. Marjorie O. In a recent issue of (Continued on page 123}