Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for May 19 3 1 29 An expose of the home life of the movie colony by its youngest member, the son and heir of two screen celebrities. The funniest Hollywood fiction you ever read! to the house to interview Miss Latour. Story got out that Miss Latour was going to use her own baby. Was brought down from the nursery. Reporter took pictures of Miss Latour holding me in her arms. Beginning to worry about this business. Don't want to lose Nurse because of any contract. Sunday. No cocktail party. Getting ready to go to the studio tomorrow. Mike came back this afternoon. Doesn't like the idea of Nurse going to the studio. Nurse showed me pictures and stories in all the newspapers. "Can you beat it?" she said. "A kid like you getting all that publicity. I'd have to bite a dog before they put my name in the papers. Then they'd probably spell it wrong." Monday. Went to the studio. Mike took us in the car. Didn't smile once. Nurse wore a new uniform. Was so excited she didn't pay any attention to Mike. Reported to the Millbank Company on Stage 7. Millbank's the director. Mike drove us to the door. Nurse took me inside. What a sight ! Couldn't see much at first on account of the lights. Got used to them after a while. On one side of the stage was the set. Patio of a big hacienda in Mexico. People running around like they didn't know where they were going. Two cameras. Big lights everywhere. Noise and confusion. Saw Miss Latour. Hardly recognized her. Had a lot of stuff on her face. She was wearing a blue dress with a long skirt covered with ruffles. Spanish, I guess. Del Santo wore tight pants and a short coat. Nurse told Millbank who we were. He didn't pay any attention. "Run through it again," he yelled. "Places, everybody! Quiet! All right, Miss Latour. Give it to us !" Miss Latour and Del Santo rehearsed the scene. This was the big dramatic climax of the picture. Miss Latour has been married before and has a baby. Del Santo is in love with her but doesn't know about the child. When she springs it on him, he's mad. He's not going to marry her. That's where I come in. Nurse was to give Illustrated by Raymond Thayer get a contract. Didn't like Del Santo. Didn't want to lose Nurse. What could a boy do? Miss Latour and Del Santo went through the scene again. "This is it," said the director. "Get the kid ready. Quiet, everybody. On the set." Somebody blew a whistle. "Hit the lights." It was so bright I had to shut my eyes. "Turn 'em over," said the director. "Speed," said the cameraman. "Red light." Miss Latour and Del Santo began to act. Nurse was excited. Held me too tight. Had to kick myself loose. Carried me onto the set. Couldn't see anything. Heard voices. Miss Latour took me in her arms. Now was my chance. Yelled ! "Cut !" shouted the director. A lot of excitement. Things quieted down. Heard the director tell Miss Latour we'd have to take it over. "Put a muffler on that kid," he said. "He'll break the mike." They tried it again. I yelled. Millbank said a lot of words I never heard before. Said to stuff a rag in my mouth. Miss Latour wouldn't let him. "All right," said the director. "Let him yell. We'll cut the sound track. It won't make any dif ference. T this is it. Make good ! Now, me to Miss Latour. When Del Santo sees me, he gets over being mad and decides he will marry Miss Latour anyway. Millbank said if the scene clicked it would make the picture. Started thinking things over. Suppose the picture was a hit. Del Santo would be a success. Nurse would Everything' s all right. Nurse says she's never seen Dad and Miss Latour act so affectionate. And then — they had to have a row about Del Santo! Quiet, everybody ! On the set ! Turn 'em over 1" Was worried. Yelling wasn't enough. Had to do something. Nurse whispered to me to be a good boy. "This is my big chance, Spooks. Don't spoil it," she said. Hated to disappoint her.