Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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30 SCREENL AND Lights went on. Nurse carried me across the set. Was desperate. Nurse ■ handed me to Miss Latour. Then it happened. A funny look came over Miss Latour's face. She'd been holding me on her lap. Picked me up. Grabbed her skirts. "Look at this!" she cried. "He's ruined my costume!" "Cut !" yelled the director. "This scene is out !" Tuesday. Dad came home. Heard what had happened. He laughed. Miss Latour was mad. Called him an unfeeling brute. Said I was just like him. Dad said he was glad to know he had a son who took care of the family interests. Hoped the picture was a flop. Nurse cried last night. Said I'd spoiled her screen test. Mike's the only one who's happy. Took his new camera along. Got one of the technicians to look at it. Says it's the first break he's had in years. They're going to test it at the studio. Mike says I deserve ten percent of the profits because I'm responsible for getting him his chance. Dad and Miss Latour not speaking to each other. A boy has a hard time in this world ! Sunday. Big cocktail party today. Nurse said everybody in Hollywood was there. House and grounds crowded. Nurse and I had to stay in Mike's garden. Doak and Grace came to see me. Doak looked fine. Said he hadn't had a drop in a week. United Pictures have offered him a bit in their next comedy. Del Santo arrived in new clothes made by a Hollywood tailor. Looked even worse than the pants he brought from South America. Everybody talked about Miss Latour and Del Santo and the new picture. Dad came to see me. Acted funny. Held on to my perambulator. Said I was the only friend he had left in the world. Wanted to pick me up. Nurse said not to joggle me. Might whoop up my formula. Party got loud. McGuire came in. Told Dad to pipe down his friends. Neighbors were complaining. McGuire put his arm around Dad's shoulder. Helped him into the house. Guess Dad wasn't feeling good. Monday. Wow! What a night ! After the cocktail Miss Latour and Del Santo went through the scene again. "This is set." Somebody blew a whistle. "Hit the lights." It was so bright Now was party, Dad and Miss Latour had a row. Dad said if Del Santo showed his face in the house again, he'd bust him one. Miss Latour said she could invite anyone she pleased. Said she'd had enough of Dad's rough-neck ways. Why didn't he act like a gentleman? The door was open. Nurse and I could hear everything. Nurse said it looked like the end. Said I'd be an orphan before long. Supper didn't agree with me. Been worrying too much lately. It's upset my digestion. Started to yell. The more I yelled, the more my stomach hurt. Big lump down there. Nurse gave me peppermint water. Didn't help. Took me in her arms and bounced me. Made it worse. Wanted Dad to walk me. Couldn't make anybody understand. Nurse called the family. Miss Latour's eyes were red. Dad's jaw was grim. Things looked pretty black.