Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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52 SCREENL AND Janet in her first hit, "The Johnstown Flood." In her second feature, " The Shamrock Handicap." As she looked in ''The Blue Eagle," next. Janet in "The Midnight Kiss" — remember it? Little Gay nor in "The Return of Peter Grimm." TT7TJ A does Numerology I AM going to find considerable interest in analyzing your numbers, Miss Gaynor, according to the science of Numerology. Much of this interest will come from the fact that your numbers are so entirely different from those of so many players whom I have analyzed in the course of my eighteen years' practice of this subject. When I interview men or women who tell me that they are on the stage or in the movies, I have come to expect to find a number 7 as the outstanding number in their names, for this number 7 being the symbol of the hidden, the mysterious, the subjective and creative naturally leads the individual into a phase of work where 'in character' the true identity has to be put aside. Like water, and almost everything else, humans find their own level in life sooner or later, sifting down through what is called experience to a plane of expression for which their true natures fit them. When this plane is reached it is seen to be that which the measuring of their impulses and abilities by the numbers of their names and birthdates would have suggested. After years of practice the analyst comes mentally to place individuals who arrive for an analysis into certain groupings of numbers according to their occupation ; but sometimes, as in your case, Miss Gaynor, when the chart of the name and date is completed the analyst gets a surprise. In order to succeed as you have done, you have had more influences in your own nature to overcome than most of the screen favorites that I have analyzed ; and had it not been for circumstances indicated by the numbers of your birthday which I shall explain to you, I doubt whether, in spite of your ability, you could have gained very much public attention in any artistic direction. Attaching the numerical values of the How long willjanet hold her high place on the screen? Here's an analysis of her life and career and a forecast of her future By Clifford W. Cheasley ancient Greek system of Numerology to your name of Laura Gainer, which is the form under which you were born, I am able to analyze the two most important phases of your personality : your motives and your methods. The addition of the vowels of a, u, a, in your first name Laura gives a total through the numbers 1, 3, 1, of 5. In the second name there are the vowels a, i, e, numbered 1, 9 and 5 respectively and totaling 6. In your 'Ideality' or 'Motive' you are 'a number 11.' Placing a number under each letter of your name we obtain 31391 for the first name, Laura, and 719559 for Gainer. The first group totals 17, which reduces to 8; and the second group to 36, which reduces to 9. The addition of 8 and 9 is 17, again 8. This tells your 'Expression' 'Method number,' your outer general temperament through which you would express your ideas. Practically this means that your original outlook upon life was imaginative, romantic, not really very definite; and you must have found as a child that while you were easily able to adapt yourself inwardly to the kind of surroundings you found yourself in, you could not have She gave a touching performance in "Four Devils." J a net starred alone as "Christina," seen here. She sang in her first talkie, "Sunny Side Up."